After security and Siece Youth, everyone's training attitude is much more. However, Baozi Xuan had to leave Xiangjiang at this time. He asked a place to plan a long plan, but the previous time is not very mature.

In fact, when Bao Zi Xuan has just returned to Xiangjiang, an application will be issued to the Soviet business sector through the Black Cloud Group. The Soviet Union Department of Soviet Union received this application can not be unauthorized, only the first level of the first level, until the report gave the first secretary Britinger.

The person reported to the highest leaders is the chairman of KG B, and I feel that Bunzi Xuan's demand is fun and funny. This is what the great Soviet Union is doing. I actually say that I want to buy tickets.

Baozi Xuan also has no experience, I want to come out. He just knew that this exercise was held in Poland, and Kevin Bumman gave his technical information last buried in the East Polarus area in Poland, where is the inherent territory of Germany, and even said it is German. The origin is not over.

However, Poland is in the most edge of the cold war, and the identity of Baozi Xuan is not easy to pass. The people who sent people in their hands have been difficult to put things out. The attention point of this military exercise must not be in other aspects, and it is best to carry back the technical information. After this village, I didn't have this store. When I said, when is it?

Yes, Bao Zixuan is to take the scene to watch the name of the Soviet Western 81 military exercise, there is a reasonable name to Poland, and a super rich to a country to buy something, must be a sympathy, buy it, more popular.

Western-81 is the largest military exercise in the Human Human Soviet Union, and the Treatment of the Atlantic Treatment is an imaginary enemy. On September 4, 1981, in the Baltic Coast, this unprecedented big exercise was officially opened.

The Soviet Army dispatched more than ten soldiers of the Synthesis Group Army and the Navitary Tank Army. At the accompanying airborne airborne aviation and the land air Defold Army, the drills of the large-draft deep armor were combined. The Soviets were first dispatched by the new T80 and T72, the tank army shocks to the immersive enemy, supplemented to the group military affairs rocket camp to conduct precision tactical strikes, and the successful motorized infantry continued to advance, and there is a large number of airborne strikers in the exercise, OMG The construction of a new Soviet army is under construction, and the Baltic shipping ship has also dispatched the Kiejia Cruise Cruise Cruiser cover naval infantry reloaded the attack. The Soviet army has a large number of large-scale soldiers under the exercise, and the total force has more than 500,000.

The purpose of this exercise is to show off the powerful force of the Soviet Union. NATO countries believe that the Soviet Union has been showing off the force and detercesses the reformists in Poland. The Socialist Reform of the Poland fails in the 1970s, so that the country enters the state of civil chaos. The Soviets conducted amphibious landing exercises near Gdansk, in order to warn Polish people to use force to use force to safeguard socialist regimes at the necessary moments. However, the actual purpose is to shock the West!

However, it is a martial arts that can come to watch the military exercise.

Baozi Xuan as a super rich to come over to watch, let many people don't understand.

Not only ordinary people don't understand, and the two people who have the most powerful people in the Soviet Union are also discussing this topic.

Andropoff said with a smile: "Our Xiangjiang children have returned to Xiangjiang from the United States. His academic studies in the United States have been completed. But when I heard the first time after we prepare the Western 81 military exercise, I wanted to watch the scene. , More fun is that actually said that you can buy tickets. "

At this time, Britthev has been a bit old, and it is no longer as far as the Political Committee during World War II. However, the momentum sitting in the previous position is still, the low voice seems to bring a strong majesty: "This is a good thing, there is a survey showing that he is the spy of that country! Or tend to that country, after all, if it is too tall to US, then us Can't prevent it. "

Andropoff: "This boy does not have a clear political tendency, the spy identity is able to exclude, there is no country in the world to hire him. Then what you mean!"

Sherrynev: "You can agree with him to see, I think it is just a young rich, and you can easily get it easily, and such a large military exercise is not a chance to see. May be curiosity, otherwise It is impossible to say the words of the ticket. "

Andropoff: "Comrades in the business department also said that Baozi Xuan wants to buy some souvenirs left, I hope we can give it convenient, and you can sell him according to the price of new goods."

Bremenv's eyes immediately opened: "What soups can be done, this young man wants to do."

Andropoff: "I heard that his steel mill has been built, lacking a lot of copper and titanium and other raw materials. But only the speech on the surface, after all, he will get new goods, buy rubbish, from new refining, no loss "

"I think more is to be able to protect themselves. His assets in Xiangjiang will definitely red. Huaxia's weapons are not mentioned, the weapons and equipment produced by the great Soviet Union is definitely the world's top existence."

Bremeni is very happy, laughing and saying: "Since our children are only in young people want to come and see if he can meet his curiosity! This also gives us a thinking, except for special invitation Observing, you can also add 100 rich pride groups. As for how much money, a ticket can be added to make the business department to calculate it. After all, you can watch hundreds of thousands of troops to fight, no one has this opportunity, now it is not a World War II. "

"As for this child, you can send him a special pass to him in your name. What he wants to buy is estimated that you don't want others to know, with him, in order to make interests, it is better to sell directly. After all, This young man is still very good at business, and there is no intentional compaction every time. "

I heard the highest leaders say this, let Andropov don't know how to say it. Let the great Soviet soldiers perform in front of the audience, but also to buy tickets. The most important thing is also to send a special pass, and the amount of the money is too high. After all, the pass-by-person issuance of the Chairman of the KG B will dare to question and inspect all the Soviet Union.

But in turn, I think it is also right, since I have cooperated with Bao Zixuan. The economy of the Soviet Union has been greatly improved, no longer just relying on weapons and oil in earning foreign exchange, and now many products in China can sell very well. In particular, titanium alloy products, the higher the proportion of the Soviet, which is a gratifying thing.

After receiving the report of the Soviet branch, Bun Zixuan feels that this is too crazy. Andropoff actually issued a special pass to him, this is the existence of horing in the Chinese country, and there is something that wants to be able to ship, will let him this time the Poland A lot of smooth.

Since you want to go to Poland, you must prepare in advance. Moreover, the Soviet Union has clearly stated that only the Soviet bonus and Huaxia bodyguards are allowed in the past, and other countries have not visited the visa.

This is very obvious, that is, I don't want Bun Zixuan to bring Americans to the past. Not a spy, everyone is still saying, one but everything is not good. It is also possible to have no problems, it can be understood.

Since the Soviet Union already has a statement, he can't be indifferent. So I called the security minister Zhang called, Bao Zixuan said: "The recently arranged work on hand, and I went to Poland."

I have been very happy to hear Bunzi Xuan, after all, since I became a group security minister, I haven't worked out for a job with the boss. This time I went to Poland definitely something important, it seems that the most trusted person of the boss is still him.

Zhang War: "The boss, what should be prepared."

Baozi Xuan:; "First arrange 100 Chinese security personnel to West Germany, now start. Then they are waiting for them, you have four striking follow me to Poland, people who want to always be prepared, can be ready Provide support. "

I will prepare for Zhang Wan. He knows that this is absolutely a big action, or it is impossible to let him prepare so many people. In fact, Bunzi Xuan has a greater expectation, everything is a panic from the Soviet Western 81 military exercise to the entire European panic.

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