Just when Bao Zi Xuan is working to Poland, a statement published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Soviet Union makes the entire world fall into crazy.

Not only can't be caught, but also make people around the world can't understand. In fact, it is not only known to people in other countries in the world, and many of the Soviet countries have not understood.

When the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, I feel that it is not that people 's drama, but after seeing the documents issued by Shergeniv and Andropoff, immediately pays it. After all, this shows that the highest level has no difference in this matter. They still don't have to implement it. Is it a suspect.

The Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce jointly organized the news conference, and the positive response of the media was obtained. After all, there is no several times in the history of the Soviet Union, but it is still before the most common military exercises in history.

Not only is a media reporter, even the leaders of various countries are also concerned with the dynamics of the Soviet Union. This is a sensitive period, the most intense moment in the cold war. Every resolution in the two countries of Meisu, each directive can bring a huge impact on the world.

Everyone is paying attention to the development of the situation, from now on. The Soviet Union is likely to use this opportunity to talk to European occupation, after all, where is the strength of people. This is something that everyone is worried, and the words will lead to the threat of the third world war, which can bring to the threat of destruction, everyone has to pay attention.

Moscow time, the Press Conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The journalists in the Soviet Union are basically coming, and everyone wants to know the idea and trend of the Soviets for the first time.

The newspapers will be particularly high, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is attended by the first deputy director Sosdorf, and the Ministry of Commerce is personally coming from the Minister Sergei-Buliko. The Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been tough, and it is also the case in China. Relatively speaking, the Ministry of Commerce is a lot of low-key in China and international, after all, the economic development is not very perfect, and the military strength is far away.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson served as the host of this meeting and said: "Everyone is good! I am very happy to attend the press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Commerce."

"The great Soviet Union decided to hold the Western-81 military exercise on September 4, and the content of this press conference is a supplement and improvement to the Western-81 military exercise."

"In order to let the world know more about the Soviet military strength, we decided to invite the martial arts to watch military exercises. There are additional more than 100 places of viewing, which can be registered, not restricted The premise is that each person should prepare the cost of 1 million rubles, used to obey the traffic, accommodation and other expenses. "

I heard the Soviet Union actually sells the ticket in the military exercise.

Let the following reporters have opened the pot. When old, the old man will do business, and it is still so embarrassed.

At this time, the exchange rate of the rubles and dollars is $ 0.9 ruble, although it is an official price. There are many dollars in the black market than rubles, and it is more sought after by the market. However, this time I have to pay the money directly to the Soviet business department. No one dares to buy it on the black market, that is not to find things, find yourself!

That person wants to participate in the need to prepare 1111 million US dollars, which means that this Soviet purchase ticket has exceeded 100 million US dollars, although there is too much to spend more than the military exercise, but there are so many no tickets. Money is not. It is important to prove that yourself in front of the world, this is definitely a genius idea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs then said: "Next is the reporter questioning, what is the problem, you can ask my two ministers."

At this time, the reporter of the Associated Press stood up and said: "Hello, Mr. Sossorf, can you be open this 100 places this time is it."

The Journalists of the Associated Press are more familiar with the first deputy director of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the other party is not the first time, which will make this come, visible to the Soviet official.

Sorsdorf: "This time is mainly an entrepreneur who has cooperated with the Soviet Union, through the observation of the relationship between us. However, each place has 1 million rubles, it is very high, mainly for the richest As for the specific person to determine the Minister of Shell, I want to buy tickets must be recognized by the business department. Only this will have the opportunity to go to the exercise.

I heard the entrepreneur for cooperation with the Soviet Union, which makes many reporters feel that the Soviets do. Kill younger monkey! Let you see the power of my military strength, pay attention to me when I work together. Don't always think about the country's cheap, let those business people are so good.

But it is not like! After all, this is an incident published at the global press conference. If there is a threat, who will dare to cooperate with you, this is not a grave tomb!

"Shergie - Brida Minister", "I want to ask if the Soviet business department is based on what they can participate, which people are not qualified to participate, what is measured."

Sherk-Bunk said: "This major invitation is an entrepreneur of Changong Soviet Union, which may feel that 1 million rubles are very high. But in my opinion, some things are unable to measure, There are not a few opportunities to see hundreds of thousands of people together, think about this is a shocking scene. "

And this is a picture that the movie will never take, no movie company dare to shoot such a film, the most important they have this ability. Everyone can imagine that the scene of the million guns will bring how big visual impact will give the viewer; the gods are still a thrilling scene; the armored cluster sweep the battlefield's picture is another experience.

This is not enough to see it, and I missed the next time I wanted to see when it was. After all, the exercise cost is not low, that is, the greatness of the Soviet Union is not possible to regularly organize such a large-scale military exercise.

At this time, the reporter of the AFP asked: "Sergey-Bunke minister, our boss let me ask you. Can he come over?"

After the reporter of the AFP received a text message from the boss, he was repeatedly confirmed. I feel that the boss really wants to come over the scene to experience it, after all, this is a chance to be a thousand. The AFP is not just watching, but it is also an important news material. Come over the world, the world's most money, and everyone can communicate with each other, and maybe there will be opportunities to cooperate.

Sherk-Bunke: "Of course, we don't exclude any guests who want to come to observe. As long as he can abide by the exercise rules, we welcome the Soviet military secrets, the premise is to prepare 1 million rubles."

Sherget - Bunke's words spread throughout the world through TV, which means it is clear. This time I want to watch the military exercise, there is no problem, as long as you are ready for money, you have the opportunity.

When the Soviet Union will do business, this is the idea of ​​many people. However, this operation is in line with the values ​​of Western business society, appreciates performances, spending money to buy tickets, and there is no exclusion. Even everyone is a welcome attitude, if you know that you can see military performances, you will say it early! If you have a lot of money, you will always have a nuclear bomb to attack you!

Journal of the newspaper: "Shergie - Bunke Minister, Hello! I want to ask, can our Japanese entrepreneurs can participate! Is the Soviet Business Department ready to invite them!"

Sherk Bunk: "Of course, the Soviet Commerce Department has cooperatives with many companies in Japan. For Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sumitomi, Sony, Panasonic, etc. We will invite them, and the invitation function issued to Japanese entrepreneurs The most quantity, the number of people who plan to obey the observation is the most; the premise is that they are interested in obeying. "

I heard these Japanese reporters present very excited. At this time, the whole Japanese domestic expansion, thinking that the world's largest trading is Japan. This time I heard the Japanese Japanese in the invitation of the Soviet military exercise, is this not a powerful manifestation!

Next, the reporter asked several details, mainly who wanted to sign up. After all, the Soviewers can't think of such ideas without no reason. Either someone makes it, or some people have mentioned the idea that I want to come over.

In short, the world does not believe that the Soviet thinkor will so exceed all, after all, this thing is too commercial. It is better to design the old man's consistent character, if it makes them manufacturing some black technology and weapons, thinking from business perspectives, thinking of them is not a star half.

The reporters are thinking about how to report, after all, they are waiting for their news. Press conference may not ask how useful information, must be looking for a relationship after going back, ask the idea to give them an idea.

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