Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 399 Analysis of Brick Home

After the Soviet Union released a news, they directly let the super rich are actively active. Just as the Minister of Shell - Bridai said, there is no chance to see if there is a chance to see. This time it may be the only thing that can see such shocking pictures in the year.

However, they just want to actively register, but they have been sphed with cold water, and each country has a so-called expert. Since the world thinks is that experts from the Soviet Union are more, now in the cold war period, Westerners want to know what the Polar bear wants to do, this is a big event that is related to their lives. Regardless of the right and wrong, you can attract some eye.

It is also the first to stand out of the British, and the BBC TV station organized a huge expert to analyze the team. Everyone consistently believes that the Soviewers may control the rich people through this opportunity, and only those talents paying ransom may come back. Otherwise going to Siberian logging head is God's gift to you, it is likely that this life will come back.

In addition, experts analyze the Soviet Union may take the opportunity to capture the entire Europe, which is also their own plan. I hope that European countries should always be vigilant and can't drop it lightly to the Soviet chance.

At this point, the British and Soviet relationships are very poor, it seems that there is no better after the second stop. Since Churchill issued the iron screen speech, the two sides began to move the sword, and hate can't directly nuclear. The Soviet terrorism and threat theory are the first priority of the British Empire, making most countries around the world began to isolate the Soviet Union. That is, this time I opened the prelude to the Cold War; I can give you a good face in the consistent character of the Soviet Union. Comprehensive analysis of the first standing of the British.

France has been relatively independent of military since withdrawn from NATO, but it is not emotional on this bones. I also started to attack the Soviewers' behavior, and call on the country's rich people don't want to give the Soviet people. Otherwise, if you don't go back, you can still say it.

French expert analysis believes that the Soviet Union may take this opportunity to see his power. Especially if they have cooperated with the Soviet Union, they don't know how to deceive them, or the powerful Soviet army can not get.

The French evaluated the objective, but they also said some political strategies in France. Once the Soviet people dare to take the world, then France will definitely fight against strong enemies as European countries.

As for the analysis of other countries, it is very similar, basically all about these topics. However, this time the Japanese did not care so much, after all, the military exercise was in Poland. And it is to mobilize the army from the East Line, and the Soviet Union weakens to a certain extent. This proves that the next goal of the Soviet Union is not Huaxia and Japan, so they are relieved.

As for what to go to Europe to watch the lively, I am still like the Soviet plan. The Japanese support and investment on this piece is still very powerful, as long as it is an invited, it will purchase tickets to send people.

Japan analysts believe that the Soviet Union just wants to show a powerful military strength to the world, as for other trends is not very realistic. The theme of the world is peace. If the Soviets really have to attack Europe, the third world war will definitely break out. It is a common destruction, but they have a nuclear weapon attack, know that nuclear weapons are destroyed and the pain after explosion.

Many experts look at it is another kind of voice representing the country. Some can even become a governor of government, at least as a test of the government to go to a direction node.

In fact, these experts analyzes more is the trial of the Governments for the Soviet Union. After all, no one knows what the polar bear is thinking. You can only pass one analysis, guess, test to get the answer you want. Some analyzes look ridiculous, but this can also start from the other hand to continue.

The analysis of experts from European countries did not respond to anything, which makes Americans who can't sit. The so-called American experts began to analyze what the Soviets want to do on TV, what should the United States should respond to a series of issues. I hope to stimulate the Soviet nerve, and it will conclude.

But before, this Soviec did not argue and rocked. It seems that everything has nothing to do with you, so unusual move is the most worried about the United States.

At this time, the White House, the Secretary of the United States, William Cas, reported to the President of Reagan, as a US president who has just swornually sworn, he first resolves the various problems left.

Compared to the relatively moderate character of Carter, Ren is an iron-handed figure. The president of this Hollywood seems to be more like a soldier, but it has not been reflected yet.

Reagan: "The Soviewer is what the purpose is not clear!"

Like the Ran, William-Casi is also just served as the Secretary for the CIA. Due to the relatively weak trend of Carter's period, the evidence of the Central Introduction has also been cut differently, and it can be said that it is the most intimate period of history.

However, the President's question, he has to answer, although the information obtained at the Soviet Union is limited, but the thin camel is bigger than the horse, how much is a useful intelligence.

William - Casy: "Although the intelligence is limited, it can also be analyzed from it. The purpose of this military exercise is the first to show the muscles, let the world see his power; the second is to shock the reform in Poland This is also the reason for the exercise in Poland. "

"In addition, the Soviets should be invited to invite Wara Yiguan to buy tickets. It should be Bao Zixuan, but this is a coincidence."

In fact, Raggang knows this genius from Xiangjiang. When he is a president, Bao Zixuan is also a money to pay, and people will come out. Just, this is John Chaborz in specific operations, Bun Zixuan as a foreigner in order to avoid it.

But now I am actually involved in Bunzi, but I am very curious.

Ragan: "I have seen Bao Zixuan. He is indeed that the Soviet Union is doing business, and what is going on the Soviets."

William - Casy: "This can be said to be a coincidence. At least the current intelligence is like this. Bun Zixuan returned to Xiangjiang from Massachi, in this period, the Soviet Union announced to the world to carry out Western in Poland. 81 military exercise, and reaching 50,000 people's unprecedented scale. "

"Bun Zixuan is also a young man's mentality, so it is called the Black Yun Soviet branch to submit an application to the Soviet Commerce Department. I hope to experience such a large-scale military exercise. At the same time, I can't say money to buy tickets. "

"At first, the Sovieman felt that the goodness and funny. In this world, some people still want to buy tickets when military exercises. But after this matter is reported to the Soviet Union, this has turned. Bremen, Bremen believes to operate It is very strong, and it can also deepen the recognition of everyone's Soviet Union. This has had this military exercise to invite 100 rich and pride. The Soviet Union guarantees both force to shock, and he can receive a sum of money. Not awkward! "

The Rago listens to the tears, this kid is really stupid or loading. It's really a young attitude, actually spend money to see military exercises, I didn't expect the Soviet Union to really agreed, this is poor.

I am late now. If you know that there is something like this, you must prevent Bao Zixuan's application, but now the old man has a heart, it is impossible to change.

Ragan: "Close attention, what is the situation reports to me."

He has no good idea now, can only take a step. At this time, his ruling experience is still not rich, and there is some idea to face a tricky problem.

Seeing the Soviet Union did not do any response, letting experts from experts said more vigorously. If the Soviewer's statement, who will look at them, listen to where they say. Now this time is just, you can make the story, at least the Soviet Union did not respond before their days were still very good.

Where is the world who wants to be of course, sometimes it is impossible to give you any chance. As another message, let experts do not know how to continue. Experts have a laughter, and they also began to remember people who grab their heads.

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