The excavation capabilities of Chinese intelligence organizations and media are really not giving, through intelligence summary and comprehensive analysis of all aspects. Everyone concluded that the first person who wanted to come to watch the military exercise is actually Xiangjiang Bao Zi Xuan, and let everyone cry, it is just because of curiosity, did not see the scene of the real gun so shocking, want to personally Experience it.

This makes many people want to cut him after hear it, you are curious, shocking everyone is scared. I thought that the Soviets had to have a big move, now just upgraded with your thoughts.

The military training is still going on, and it is ready to engage in a ceremony. There is no time arrangement now, if the principal and the founder can't participate in the opening ceremony, there is still what is going on. Inviting friends and politics, are not too late, and a university is to see if there is a good talent, and others are secondary.

On August 30, 1981, Baozi Xuan was ready to fly to Berlin by special plane. Although this exercise is held in Poland, it is especially troublesome between Xiangjiang and Poland, and can only choose to Germany and then go to Poland by car.

In a week ago, the Black Cloud Security Department has arranged 100 security guards to reach Germany and settled in the cooperation of the branch officers. Baozi Xuan wants to participate in the Western-81 military exercise. Things have spread throughout the river, and in the Xiangjiang only one of him, this is also a power show.

Since Bao Xuan returned to Xiangjiang, the media found that this is really a rich man who can't find a topic. There is no news after the Board of Hong Kong, the Board of Hong Kong, and heard that he has been developing in the Yulin Institute of Technology. There is no such thing as other people or the rich family, as if he is coming back, there is no difference between him.

However, as the only one who has the opportunity to watch the West-81 military exercise in Xiangjiang, the reporter wants to interview him. At present, the Military Exercise of the Soviet Union is the biggest news in the world. After all, this is about war and peace. Everyone is very concerned that the Third World War will not break out, and Europe will not fall, there are too many things that require everyone to analyze and pay attention.

When Bao Zixuan arrives at the airport, all media reporters are waiting for him, but they can't blame the media. These days they all squatted at the airport, Bun Zixuan could only go to the exercise through the plane. The boat is definitely coming, so many people stay in the airport in the past few days, and I am afraid to miss this news.

Just arrived at the airport, I was surrounded by so many reporters, everyone is asking a variety of questions. Bao Zi Xuan wants, this may also be a chance, so stop saying: "Time has now, I only answer three questions; I will do three."

The reporter being brought is very happy, this time it is finally able to cross. It seems that there is no mistake before, this doesn't come.

The three people totaled, so that three are men, don't have to divide anything, it can be in order.

At this time, everyone is crowded, and women do not account for the advantage.

The first reporter asked: "Birth, Hello! The external rumor is that you recommend that the Soviet Union uses the ticketing method to invite the rich class to Western-81 military exercises, do not know if the rumors is true."

Bao Zixuan: "You said it is a rumor, it is certainly not true. But I want to see it. I have to put a new application to the Soviet Commercial Ministry of Commerce. It means that I am a little curious about military exercises. I want to see it. It doesn't matter if I don't do it. I didn't expect that the Soviet Union saw this is also a good opportunity to promote, and they can also earn foreign exchange. This has the news conference, in the global invitation 100 Observer. "

I heard it really what he wants to watch and then let the company apply. It has caused the Soviet Union to see business opportunities. The reporter didn't know what to say, after all, this is the freedom of people.

Next, a reporter continued to ask: "Bon birth, hello! I want to ask you, the Soviets will take the opportunity to attack the whole Europe, the exercise is just an excuse."

This is the topic that everyone cares about, after all, this is related to their lives. Everyone is full of breathing waiting for the answer of Bao Zixuan.

Bunzi Xuan: "I am not a member of the Sovier Central Committee, where do they know what they think. However, I should not, the main melody of the world is peace. If the launch of the war will bring destruction to the whole humanity. United Nations five permanent director The country has a nuclear weapon. No one dares to start with the other side, that is, there is a wife and children in the mad people, and the parents brothers; how can they think about it. "

"I have played many times with the Soviets, and they are very friendly to friends, and they are also a famous manner. If they must use the truth, they will not refuse you. If you have a chance to go to the Soviet Union Where there is still a lot of historical and cultural monuments, and Guangxiberia is also an excellent expedition. "

Baozi Xuan's words made the reporter in pensive, but his speech can bring a very important impact on the world. The most direct consequence is that after the exercise, the number of people in the world applied to the Soviet tourism will have a lot, they all want to go see. Bao Zi Xuan can say no, it should be worse. After the Soviet Tourism, the Soviet Tourism, known to the truth, deliberately gave him a thank you letter. If there is power, it may give him a wish.

In fact, Bunxuan is now that since it is right away to see the Soviet performance, how can you give people a good impression. It is also possible to say something, after all, there are many things to be troublesome, and it is unable to first.

It is indeed the purpose of his purpose, and the Soviets in the Xiangjiang Airport will soon know. Baozi Xuan is really a friend who is a friend. The Poland Soviet man is really looking at him, giving him convenient.

However, things are not so comfortable in the Americans, this is a completely opposite country. You help the enemy talk, then what I have, for later, I have buried a film for the black cloud.

Seeing the reporters did not continue to ask questions, everyone is thinking. Bao Zi Xuan asked the second reporter asked him: "Which newspaper is the newspaper or a TV station."

The reporter replied: "I am from the BBC Broadcasting Company."

In fact, these days have been squatting at the airport, and his supervisor is really unable to stand. When I saw this big waist, I made him stay in the airport, and it was also completed the difference between the headquarters. It is exactly that this reporter is not entirely BBC, and is just an internship, and it is still an internship reporter issued by employee clothing.

Bun Zixuan: "If I am you, I will recommend it immediately to the Soviet Union. How can I get TV to transfer rights, then the ratings in the world will never be low."

The internship reporter seems to understand what, said: "Thank you," I started to go out.

The last reporter asked: "Banheng, hello! What is your goal of the exercise this time?"

Bunzi Xuan: "It's been curious, I want to see the picture of hundreds of thousands of people, the movie can be dared to shoot so. If there is something like it can buy some back, I heard that Poland has a lot of objects worth buying, since graduation I haven't had a good rest after it. This is also a chance to relax, and the right to do a holiday. "

The reporter also wants to continue to ask questions, but Baozi Xuan has arranged the dart to serve him. I don't dare to go forward, after all, this is a rich man who called the reporter. Moreover, people have answered three questions, regardless of their face.

After returning to the company, BBC reporter immediately reported the situation, and also explained the proposal of Baozi Xuan to the supervisor. Although the two countries in the UK and the Soviet Union are not very friendly, it is the most important thing as a news report. I immediately picked up the situation in Xiangjiang and Bao Zi Xuan said in detailed reporting, this is a chance to get exclusive news, BBC should not miss.

If Bao Zixuan's words are not only bbc, it is not a fool. In recent days, if there is no news that Mars hits the earth, all focus must be focused in Poland, in the Western-81 military exercise. If you can get the first-hand news, there is absolutely ratio, and the world's TV stations have issued a broadcast application to the Soviet Union, and they want to track the exercises, and there is a lot of money every house.

The largest military exercise in history, after Bao Zi Xuan is so troublesome, sometimes it has become a movie that has been watching together in the world, and it has changed the nature; nor does the Soviewer understand what the reaction will be.

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