Bao Zi Xuan did not stay in Berlin, directly to Poland. In fact, it is not just that he is, all the rich is basically such a trip route, and you don't want to stay in Dongde's stay. This is the most global spy, no one wants to cause it.

The Republic of Poland, referred to as Poland, is a Democratic Republic of China, which is located in Central Europe. East is connected to Ukraine and Belarus, Northeast and Lithuania and Russia's flyland Kaliningrad, Garyingrad, bordering Germany, South and Czech Republic and Slovakia are neighboring, north is on the verge of Baltic.

Poland established Poland Kingdom at the end of the 10th century. In 1569, the Basheng, the Republic of Lithuania was combined into Poland Lithuania, and became one of European powers. The lower half of the 18th century began to decline. And in the Russian three-time melon, Poland. During the Napoleonic War, he was short-lived in France, and the Warsaw Grand Prix was established. After Napoleon Bo Pab, it was divided by Opio. After a war, restore independence and set up the bourgeois. But soon, in World War I was divided by the Soviet Union and German. Words established the People's Republic of Poland. In 1980, the united work will strike, in 1989, the president and parliamentary system were implemented, and the same year was renamed Republic of Poland. Join NATO in 1999, Join the EU in 2003.

In recent years, Poland is increasing in either in the EU or the status of the international stage. Especially in the early 21st century, Poland has become an indispensable part of the Western camp.

Speaking of Poland makes people sympathy and make people feel ridiculous. In the first battle in World War II, the Soviet territory is not returned, the final result is that Poland ran to occupy a Territory of Germany, which is the Destination of Baozi Xuan.

The car is driving on the streets of Warsaw, and Bunzi Xuan looked at the street in the street. Also, no matter which person is pinned in God and other countries, it will not feel safe. The Soviet Union has come over the 500,000 army, this is not a joke. If it is really use Poland to enter the European, then Poland is destined to be dominated once. This is the sorrow of the survival between the big country, no matter who is going to start, you must pack you first.

In fact, the Soviet Union organizes military exercises in Poland, it is to give a look at the leadership of the strike, the Soviet Union, how strong the Soviet Union, wants to pack you at any time, give me the old man.

People have always thought that in 1989, the collective change of Eastern Europe is the prelude of the collapse of the Soviet Empire. In fact, the seeds of the crisis have been buried as early as ten years ago.

At that time, the Minister of Defense Minister, the Ministry of National Defense, requested that the soldiers were involved, and considered to ensure that Poland was an important bond between the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union. Under the general commander of Huadi Joint Armed Forces, the next Umbino's subordinate, several times, I proposed that I have to "save" Poland: Lost Poland, Huayuan is meaningless.

However, this proposal has been opposed by the highest leader Britinger.

At the same time Andropoff is firmly supported by the General Secretary. Both of them are seven, eighty-year-old, especially the decisions and courageies of Breach, so that the Soviet Union has killed the control of Poland in the future.

After seeing the veto of the soldiers, Uscanovs who lost the Poland of Poland submitted a military exercise report to the Soviet Central Committee, and put the exercise place in Poland, which is to be able to be able to be able to clasp the Poland. Anti-Susk.

The exercise effect is indeed a good role. It is not just that Poland is that the whole world is scared by the Soviet Union's military strength; the exercise is at least a long time. Then, the Soviet Union has invested more than $ 4 billion in economic assistance in Poland, and it wanted to be bilayer, but it did not succeed. Until the Soviet Union, Poland implemented presidential system; at the Soviet Union, there were thousands of holes in China, and it did not expect other countries.

At present, the domestic economy has continued to decline, and the anti-Sudan mood of Poles is continuous. Now that the Soviets will also engage in such a large-scale military exercise in their homes, and the mood of Polish at this time is imagined.

In fact, it is also not difficult to understand the mood of the Polish at this time. They are yearning to democracy, freedom, but must agree to the Soviet Union. Just a little bit of the Soviet Union came in 500,000 big troops, it is estimated that it is estimated that it is more destructive than the Germans of the German.

Baozi Xuan has passed the car to their residence, Belvede Palace. This palace was in 1945-1952 as a handsome residence of Joseph Bishiski. But now the mission is the director of the Western-81 military exercise. It can be seen that the Soviets' overbearing, and the official residence of the father-in-one person is used up.

The Soviewer is still more meaningful, and they use this palace to use it. Not only is the director of the exercise, it also used it as a living place where heaven is rich. Baozi Xuan led his residence from a Soviet officer. It can be said that this time to treat Bunxuan is unprecedented and left the second good room to him.

After several aspects, the Soviet Union consisters, the first is that Bunzi Xuan is the first non-military personnel who want to come to obey the military, and the idea of ​​buying tickets is also from him, and it is a new idea to the Soviet Union.

The second is because he has made the Soviet Union at the Xunjiang Airport, and Baozi Xuan has a huge impact on the world. His words changed some people to the Soviet Union.

The third is because in all entrepreneurs with the Soviet Union, Bunzi Xuan and his black cloud group trade have the greatest trade volume, and it is not intentionally compatible, and is the most reliable partner in the Soviet foreign trade.

In summary, the Soviets gave him the second good room to him. It is best to be the place where the Minister of Defense Uszanov is going to stay. No one dares with him.

After coming to the room, I saw two small rooms in the outside of a master bedroom; it is estimated that the bodyguards and servants live. It seems that the Soviets thought about it, and the people who know that they have not expensive; they must have maids and bodyguards.

In fact, Bunxuan did not know, he is the only one who can bring two bodyguards. As for others, they can only follow one, it can be seen that the Soviets are really meaningful to him.

At this time, I saw a maid model, I walked over and said in Russian: "Hello! Mr.! I am a servant in these days Anda Lina Robel, what need you need to tell me."

I saw the girl talking to him along the sound Bun Xuan, which is a typical Eastern European beauty. Looking at the appearance should be a Poan, but it is possible to say that a fluent Russian certificate should not be poor. However, Bao Zi Xuan also worried that the other's identity, in case something, what happened, it will be difficult to get off.

But seeing the other party's expression in a strong laugh, it is estimated that it is a swallow. Otherwise, language and action cannot be so hard, more like being forced.

It is actually very accurate, but they are not forced. Most of them are forced to live. After knowing that many rich people will buy a ticket to watch the military exercise, they will temporarily recruit a group of beautiful women training.

When you are using military exercises, no one will bring your girlfriend or my wife. Don't say danger, everyone will feel weird.

Although it is a military exercise, it is not a soldier. They came over to enjoy, no matter whether it is visual or physical and mental, they are the most perfect. This has a lot of quality girls who are temporarily recruited, except for daily salary. They value more tips and what happen, it is best to find a person to take them away. At this point, the entire Poland is covered everywhere, and no one wants to stay here.

At this time, Poland is a calm, but everyone knows is a country that may explode at any time. Everyone is watching, as if the world's eyes are focused here, but this is not a good thing for Poles.

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