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When Baozi Xuan turned, Anda Lina Robel finally saw a long time for those who had to serve these days. And her imagination is completely different, before several classmates say that they are waiting for people over 40 years old. But in front of this person's best room does not say, how is it so young.

What kind of person is this in this way, it looks like this. As a third student of Warsaw University, she feels that this person will have seen this person, but some people can't think of it.

Baozi Xuan is also thinking about the problem, and he is going to prevent the Soviet arrangement. If you can't help yourself, you may say anything mob!

I saw that the boss fell into a contemplation, is it attracted by a beautiful woman. But it is not more amazing that this girl is in front of you! At least he saw a few girls swaying around the boss than this beautiful. But I don't know what the boss is thinking, or reminds one! Zhang Wan wants to say: "The boss, how to arrange it next."

I heard the voice of Zhang Wan, Baozi Xuan slowed over God, put a hand and sighed and others can rest first. He said in the Eastern European beauty: "Miss Robel, hello! I am Bao Zixuan, you can call my boss like them, I will pay for the salary these days, please rest assured."

I heard the other party said that I was Bao Zixuan, Anda Lina Robel finally knew who this man is, this is his own mentor, and the classmates are very highly respected super genius is also super rich Xiangjiang Baozi Xuan. It seems that God is really caring for her. Such a good opportunity actually made him dare, be sure to grasp this opportunity. At this time, the Poland girl has a lot of ideas.

Anda Lina Robier: "Hello! Mr. Bao! You can call me Anna, you can call me in the next few days. I am now a third-grade student at the Financial Department of Warsaw University, which is very dare to business. Interest, I hope to have a chance to learn more in these days. "

I didn't expect this girl in front of Warsaw University, this is the best university in Poland is also a school in the world. Bun Zi Xuan is still a little about Warsaw University. What does the Soviets mean, how to arrange students from Poland Warsaw University to do a waiter, it seems that many things are not so simple.

Anda Lina Robel reported that his identity and school is that this man wants him in front of him. As long as the other party is willing, you want to leave Poland is very simple, and even the whole family is not difficult.

Bunzi Xuan: "I didn't expect Robel, but I didn't understand the high school students of Warsaw University, but I didn't understand it. How did you have time to explain? If I won't give you this copy. Work, after all, students still have to focus on academics. "

I heard that Bunxuan said that if it is unclear, he can't take him.

Anda Lina Robell has been cold in the heart. If you don't get this job, you want to leave Poland through your own capabilities.

But now the environment in Poland is not suitable for life and living. The economy here is very bad, rising prices, inflation, etc. There are no good solutions; it can be said that the Life of the Polish people is in full swing.

Even if the Soviet Union has to hold a largest military exercise in history here, it is possible to become a battlefield at any time. Let Poland's original fragile economic snow, people are even more bitter.

Anda Lina Robel said in the eyes: "Don't, if you don't agree with me, you will be punished, you want me to do anything, don't rush me "

Looking at the girl Chu Chu, knowing the other party may play. However, Bunzi Xuan has been soft again, but it also gives yourself a bottom line. It must not have any relationship with the girl in front of him. After the exercise, give him a little money to leave.

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is said that someone is forced to come over, I don't like to force people to do what I don't like."

I heard the tone of Baozi Xuan, Anda Lina Robel finally worked. It seems that your first step is progressing well, and you will see other performances.

Anda Lina Robier: "No one can force me, it is our voluntary. In fact, more is the helplessness of life, you are a super rich may not feel the life of our underlying social people."

Bao Zixuan: "Are you not a student at Washa University! Just just a job, it's better to be a servant. It is very simple to find a part-time job with your conditions."

Anda Lina Robier: "The whole Poland unemployment rate is very high, it is a full-time job can't find it. You can find part-time work."

I heard this Eastern European beauty finished, Bunzi Xuan also understood what happened. Poland has just been strike through the joint trade union. At this time, the Government of the Polish government has reached $ 21 billion, and the debt of all major banks owe the United States has reached 2.3 billion US dollars. And in order to buy domestic people's necessities, it has just borrowed $ 670 million to the US bankers.

For Poland, only 30 million Poland, equivalent to $ 700 for everyone, including the newborn baby and the old man over 70 years old, but now the current Polish national liabilities.

The US bankers come here not to be charity, the purpose of them is hope that Poland is pulling the NATO camp. Further, the connection between the Soviet Union and the Soviet Soviet army will now have significant results in this method.

The Soviet Union is not a fool, and it is impossible to watch Poland to go to the United States. The highest leaders did not agree to send troops. In fact, it was also because of the tightness. After all, the Soviet Union was also hit in the Afghan battlefield and enemies. It can only be returned to the second, with a military exercise to prove that he can occupy here, to Poland with great pressure; in turn to the soldiers who do not fight!

Survive in both largest countries, and the debt is high. It is no wonder that the Polish economy is a mess, people live in fear, and there is no happiness at all.

Bunzi Xuan: "Since you are the students of Warsaw University, then you should be familiar with well-known professors in your school!"

I heard Bunxuan took the initiative to ask her question, Anda Lina Robel know the opportunity final. She is not afraid that the other party makes it do, I am afraid that I don't ask, not let her do anything; then her person does not value.

Although I haven't seen Bunxuan, it is very clear about his deeds. I know this person is the boss of the world's top technology company, and it is also created a university. Now I will ask myself to be familiar with well-known professors, and the answer is self-evident.

Anda Lina Robier: "Of course, I am familiar, I am working in school. I can find any professor in the school! But I have a condition, as long as you can do it, I must work with you. Although this requirement is very Take the liberty, but it is very simple for you. It is mainly what I want to leave Poland as soon as possible. I really don't want to stay here. "

Although Bao Zi Xuan did not want to be subject to people, he didn't care about the girl's poor look. He now wanted to bring European well-known scholars and professors to Xiangjiang, there is no chance, and now the Soviets have created this opportunity, and they still don't harvest the leeks together.

Bao Zixuan: "So you want to leave Poland, and your strength is not enough. I hope that I will take you away, is this."

Anda Lina Robell: "Not only me, I still want to take my family to leave together. My parents, there is a brother and sister."

Bao Zi Xuan thought that Poland is more likely to be bad than imagination, and his residents want to leave. The main thing is still an ordinary family, and there is still something hoped in such a country. Can't see it.

Bao Zixuan: "This seems to be a fair transaction; my things, just find someone who has the relationship with Warsaw University to do. And I want to take your own expenses that you need to don't have small. relationship."

Anda Lina Robel listened to the bag, and somewhat was blind. Yes! She did not have a chance to bargain with people, they think about things too simple.

Just between the one, her eyes suddenly changed. Double clothes, side: "I know this is not a fair transaction, but I really have no money, and as one of the most rich people in the world, you can't see this money."

"I only have myself now, I have never gone to my boyfriend. I am a Catholic believer, you should know."

Seeing the girl directly took off the clothes, Bao Zixuan said: "Hurry up, I promise you to reward you $ 10,000 every recruit, as for others, you don't have to manage. I believe that the money earned after the end is enough for you to study abroad , You can go out first, stabilize the family is not a way, and the risk of being relocated is too big. "

Bao Zixuan also didn't want to manage these idle, but the Eastern European beauty took off his clothes. If you don't say something, it's really bad.

Bun Zixuan: "You go out first! I want to take a break first."

Anda Lina Robel turned around, the smile on his face was overflowing, it seems that he is really gambling. This super rich really doesn't take yourself, but also some lost, if you really put yourself is not better.

I saw the girl leaving, Bao Zixuan felt like a counterpart plan. But if you can help a girl, this is not bad, this money can be made without him, and each of them is a kind of fate, and it is also to give yourself good.

However, when I think, Poland is really a future. When a country can't stay in the national, it also proves that the country has turbulent or began to decline. Is Poland not exactly!

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