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If you can meet some professors of Warsaw University through Anda Lina Robel, it is not a loss of money. After all, one of his purposes this time is to take some well-known professors as much as possible, and everyone will start with the Soviet Western-81 military exercise, and there is no such thing in this village. The first stop started from Poland, and this country has also been 10 Nobel Prize winners.

In fact, Bun Zixuan didn't know that Anda Lina Robell did not completely tell him, she didn't have anything in Warsaw University. Which of the University of Warsaw is just a place in their place, from a small and their family relationships well.

However, this is also the smart place of this girl. Bunxuan wants to make things all over the world. This is where her is in the air, as long as it is a name of Bao Zi Xuan, it will definitely do a lot. Her so-called must actively help, but these buns don't know.

Just another hour, I heard someone came over and visited him. I don't know anyone here, but since some people come over, I have to maintain the most basic politeness.

However, it is not that the buns Xuan will not think that the identity of the people coming over is too prominent. It is the people who are ranked before, and this person will take the initiative to see him, which makes Bunxuan do not understand.

The people who come over are very high and take a pair of glasses. The body is always straight; it may be high in long-term, itself has a strong majesty, the most important thing to wear a Soviet mandarous costume, so that the whole person's gas field is different.

The old man said with a smile: "Hello! A small bag, I think you should know who I am!"

Dmitry Ferdovich Uscanov (1908.10.17 1 1984.12.20), Soviet Party and State Activities, Soviet Marshal (1976.30), Soviet Hero (1978.10.27), two society The Labor Hero (1942, 1961), won 11 Lenin Medal, is one of the two people in Lenin Medal in the history of Soviet Union.

Ren Soviet, the Soviet National Defense Minister, 1976-1984. After all of this, go all out to work, to further strengthen the Soviet Union's Navy, improve the Soviet armed forces and the fighting power of the Soviet Union, and strengthen the political, moral psychological exercise and improvement of the war preparations, and make Significant contribution.

On December 20, 1984, Ushikov died, enjoy 76 years old, buried under the Kremlin wall.

For this Soviet history, it is best to drink, and it is also the largest defense minister. Bao Zi Xuan really didn't know what to say, that is, he always advocated using nuclear weapons to attack other countries.

And in the term of office, the Soviet Union has always been a strong existence, and it is also the founder of the Soviet Union's final highlight.

It is interest in that this tough defense minister is actually from the technical personnel. It is definitely an alternative existence in the Soviet army known as the war.

It is not difficult to see from his resume, this is a person who has worked for a lot of people in technical posts. It is said that it is a national defense minister, and historical experts believe that this is a strategy of Britinger. It is better to control the army with such a technical post. Just did not think that this guy did so badly.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Hello! Comrade the Minister of Defense."

Since people have already told him to make comrades, Bao Zi Xuan can only use comrades. But in front, I used the Minister of Defense. After all, the Marshal in the people who participated in the military exercise this time were several.

Uscanov: "It should be very curious, why will I come here!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Indeed, you should be very busy with you."

As the general directors of the Director Department, Uscanov can be the head of the Western-81 military exercise. It is only two days from the exercise to be a busy time.

Uscanov: "The exercise is not a fight. Nothing means, this time, I have some curios, see what you are long."

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Do you disappoint you."

Uszanov: "Fortunately, you should know that I also engage in technology. The biggest dream is to develop the most advanced weapons for the Soviet army, but now there is no time to complete this dream."

"I heard that you can often develop product research and development in the laboratory, compare you, this time, I want to satisfy the curiosity."

Bunzi Xuan: "You are now high, you can guide young people to complete your dreams. The Soviet Union is not lacking scientists, the lack of people who can lead their scientists, I think you should be such a person."

Uscanov: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to have a lot of age. I didn't say it. I am a commissioned by Comrade Andro, he asked me to come over. Poland Observer Military Exercises is not only to see so simple! "

I know that I can't help the Sovier, in fact, this is a thing. As a super rich, it is impossible to do not misuse. Fortunately, I wanted to have a number word early, and I won't be so passive.

Bao Zixuan: Soviet Union has learned about my situation and know more about the current situation in Xiangjiang. This time, I want to buy some weapons, but please feel relieved, I don't want the most advanced weapon of Sujun. Just want to seize the weapons of Germany that year, there is also the remaining tanks in the Soviet Union.

Which old antiques I have to hear, Uscanovs expressed their understanding. After all, these weapons have been completely backward, and they will not have too much access.

Uscanov: You are also from learning technology, which old-fashioned weapons can also play a lot of roles. Even if you are not a military personnel, you should also understand the speed of the weapon update, and they don't have any combat effectiveness.

Bao Zi Xuan; I certainly know that these things don't have much use, but if I buy T-72 tanks, even if I will sell it, I will not be able to get the Xiangjiang. The Hong Kong and British government will not agree to the T-72 tank into Xiangjiang. .

If you choose these old antiques, there is no problem, and I will say that I want to collect it. In a military museum, no one is saying.

One, the situation has changed, how is the old antique to say that it can resist a while, definitely a long-term anti-drug resistance. This will leave calmly, not to be exhausted by the person.

Ushikov is still very happy after hearing, after all, the situation in Xiangjiang is not stable. So smiled and said: "Your kid is really awkward, but it is very temper."

"These are all scrap copper rotten iron, you can directly call the warehouse to find. I will explain the following people to be convenient."

Bao Zi Xuan wants to be his sentence, so you can go to the East Plaus area. As the German army soul, there are many good things, and after Uszanov's guarantee, there is more convenient to bring things out.

At this time, Bao Zixuan remembered his wine, this time in order to be able to do a good relationship with the Soviet military. He brought a lot of wine over Poland, and the baggage that had just taken the battle, the proportion of alcohol is the largest.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since you have no things, we have a little bit of drinking. I have brought a lot of wine from Huaxia, and taste it together."

I heard someone dared to drink alcohol, so that Ustanov is very happy. It is also the first time for those who have their own rules. After all, the top of the top of the Umbsanov law is about drinking, first defeating the opponent on the wine table is the first step in achieving absolute psychological advantages.

It can be seen that this old man is strong, and the market has said that he has a great relationship with the same drink.

Uscanov said with a smile: "You don't regret it."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Then let's drink, do you want to get some paintings."

Although Uscanov thinks that he is soothing, but some principles can not be guilty, so say: "What colorful head, you are super rich, will not look at my salary!"

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, we have a cup once. Until someone drunk. If I won, you send me a few pistols, if you win, I will send you 10 TV, how."

Uscanov: "Of course, no problem."

It can be said that Bunxuan this bet is just right, and everyone can bear, the second thing is going to get.

The hand can not be used, the Black Cloud TV is absolutely luxury in the Soviet Union. Although Uscanov has someone else, but there are so many people, not to some relatives.

It is 40 years old like this, and two people in different nationalities have begun to spell. No one is not letting who, you can say that Bunxuan is reproduced, and then a single drink has encountered the first true opponent.

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