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The last two people don't know how much wine has been drank, but it is still an advantage of Baozi Xuan. Uszanov is a warning of the guardian, this is the first time, in the Soviet Union, after all, the Marshal has never been lost in the wine field, all of him drink others.

Now that the same bunxuan is drinking, and the famous gas of the Xiangjiang bag quickly spreads. However, through this matter, Bunzi Xuan and Ustanov have a lot, you can say that both people are in temperament, very temper.

Early the next morning, all Soviet officers saw Bunzi Xuan as seen in the god of God, full of worship. This is a man who drinks the first wine of the Soviet Union, and it is not so strong that he is doing it. Everyone has this question!

The people encountered on the road enthusiastically hit him, and Bao Zixuan did not think that drinking a wine actually had such an effect. It seems that such activities will be more than a few times.

The Soviewers believe that the wine is very good, you can say who you are in the wine field. Ushikov marshal is the invincible, and the vertical and horizontal wine is not alive in 40 years, but whoever can't think of a young man coming from a Xiangjiang. When the world is destroyed, it can be said that it is not in the evening.

One day from the exercise, today is the free time of observation group members. I will be arranged to be arranged tomorrow. At that time, all actions can only obey the Soviet military. The exercise is not a joke. Once the gun is hung by fire, it is not a trouble, but it is going to live.

Anda Lina Robell came to Warsaw University with Baozi Xuan, and today I have to take a test of the professor here. Exactly, it is ready to dig the corner, different from Western European countries, where the intellectuals are relatively free. Poland is in the world's most sensitive zone, and many things are inconsistent. Although the Black Cloud Group also has offices here, it is very difficult to carry out angle in Poland.

Warsaw University, located in the capital of the Republic of Poland and the largest city, Warsaw, is a well-known research university, Poland's largest higher education, Thames Higher Education World University ranked Warsaw University as "Europe's best 100 universities" in.

Founded in 1816, Wandama is an important academic member of the 4Eu + Alliance, the European University Foundation, the European University Association, the European Capital University Alliance, a total of 7 Nobel Prize winners and 5 Poland Prime Minister, were awarded by the European Commission Human Resources Research Achievement Award.

Warsaw University was named "Huasha Royal University" at the beginning of its establishment, and then named "Warsaw Imperial University". After the school was officially named "Warsaw University", the University of Science and Technology is distributed in all corners of Warsaw city, and there are 126 teaching buildings and 18 schools.

Warsaw University ranked 130th in the 2020 Moscow International University; ranking 321 in the 2021QS World University.

Bao Zi Xuan walked into the best university in Poland, but there is no in the past. Seeing all students and teachers are very dignified; this makes him very confident in the wall of the University of Warsaw University.

The front Bag Xuan did not have a university, but he felt strange. As a hundred years, the architecture is so chaos, it should not be!

The main body is a Charlock style, but some buildings have a significant German architectural character; there are still more buildings. It is a big chowder here, and the building is like a hard to fight. It is not aesthetic. Polish is also a national nation, and there should be such a large contrast.

Bao Zixuan is very curious about this, asked: "Anna, how do you have a school building, and it is a few designers planned."

Anda Lina Robier: "This is a weak manifestation, our school's body is a Charlock style building. The big feelings, magnificent and magnificent is one of the most beautiful universities in the world."

"But after the 1939 Polish National Defense War, the German government authorities closed all higher education institutions in Poland. Equipment and most laboratories were brought to Germany and distributed between Germany's universities, and the main campus of Warsaw University became Military camp. "

"You look at the characteristics of German architectural style is that the Germans are built here, and the subject is serious."

"After Germany surrendered, the Soviewer took over again. Seeing the German building wants to destroy him. However, although the exquisite appearance of the Germans, the quality is absolutely not to say. The Soviewer did not use explosives The architecture left by the German is destroyed. After calculation, you want to leave the Germans all destroyed, and the TNT equivalent will make the entire campus to flat. "

"Finally, the proposal to blow up the building is veto, but the Soviet Union thinks that the German leaves something here. They don't want to show weakness. These Russian buildings are here."

I heard Anda La-Robel said, couldn't help but think. If you can't have peace, how can you put a smooth desk.

See Warsaw University, let Bunzi Xuan have thought of China Southwest Union. They are all kinds of destiny, breathing, but it is so like this, can train talents for the country. University is still looking at teachers and students, and architecture is just an auxiliary.

After going back, it is necessary to reflect on it, can't do the surface Kung Fu in the university operation. The main purpose of teaching and educating can not have any changes, and the business enterprises must be completely separated.

Bao Zixuan: "That said, Poland did not have higher education in five or six years, even no education."

Anda La Rodel: "Of course, this is not allowed to suppress the enthusiasm of Poland and students. My tutor has said that if there is no education in this country, there is no education, then this The nation is coming soon. "

"Although Germany's racial theory believes that there is no need for Poles, the entire country will become unresolved from German race. Poland's education is prohibited and is suspended. However, Many Poland Professor organized the so-called Warsaw Secretary University. The lecture is held in a group form in a private apartment. The participants are constantly risking. However, the network of the underground college spread rapidly. By 1944, more than 300 landschers and 3,500 students have participated in various kinds. course."

I heard that the Bao Zixuan really feels that there are many similar supports in Warsaw University and Southwest Union, which may be threatened at any time. One is under the enemy's eyelids, maybe it is to be caught; a place in southwest, but there is no email, often facing aircraft bombing.

The confidence of excavation of the wall is no longer as strong as just entering the campus, and the professor here may be mostly the Warsaw Secretary University. They have firm beliefs, not so easy to shake. The Germans can't make them yet, and now the Soviet Union is not necessarily used. It seems that what is still too optimistic, a university has its own teaching character, it is impossible to change it easily, and the excavation is a long discussion.

In fact, it is not just that it is insufficient for excavation, but more Bunzi Xuan does not bear to do this. According to the past development trajectory, the level of living standards of Washing University may also be good, the most is a bit of hardships these years. Waiting to the Soviet Union, after joining NATO, the entire Polish economy does not imagine that it is as bad, and in Europe can also take the top ten; it is medium level.

If these professors and scholars leave, the Poland wants to achieve more efforts than before Europe. After all, the leaving of elite classes is absolutely not conducive to national development, and once again, he is in contradictory.

However, I think that Poland is also a NATO country, then noble. After the Anda Lina Robel saw Bunzixuan for a while, his eyes suddenly changed, and became firm. It seems that a thing is finally determined, and it is even more resolutely executed, and no one can change the attitude.

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