Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 405 is not a successful digging wall foot

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The Polish will join NATO in 1999 and joined the EU in 2003. Then it is impossible to become a friend, the most hostile priority is somewhat, after all, the country's comprehensive national strength is not so powerful. But how can I say that the future has become a enemy, so that the wall is not need to have so much attention.

Only always maintain the enemy, and the powerful person can live to moisturize, long. The kindness to the enemy is the cruel for yourself. At this time, Bao Zixuan is already reviewing yourself. How do you think so much, how to have a good temperament, it seems that many things need to be worn.

There is a lot of Baoxuan ideas in the final decision. At this time, we must wonder the professor of Warsaw University as much as possible. They may take care of their feelings, but everyone has their own family, relatives, friends, in short, and take advantage of all the means to bring these people to Xiangjiang.

Anda Lina Robell has a buns to go to the entire campus and have her consideration. She is not a news in Warsaw University as the service personnel in this army. Although there are many people who have nose to this matter, but more envy. Not everyone can be selected, and it is the most beautiful person in the Belvede Palace.

After all, the object of the service is super rich, no one is free to spend more than 10 million US dollars to travel. These people do not come over to seek stimuli, or if they come over and find relationships.

Now I saw Anda Lina Robel, and a group of people in the campus is definitely the rich. This woman is really good, actually let him meet such a young rich.

This is also the purpose of Andalina Robel. She believes that this thing will pass to her so-called . When I came to find her so-called , I was thinking that she was coming from Bao Zi Xuan, identity and status would be very different.

It can be said that this Poland girl uses the fox fake, and it is like a fire, which makes people look like.

Fortunately, the University of Warsaw is not too big. The most important thing they have only wandered several important places and did not delay too much time.

Ogra Nasar has been very depressed in a few days. It is the resource that can be mobilized in his hands in Warsaw University General. The government once again cut Warsaw University funds, in fact, he can also understand that after all, at this time, the Life of the Polish people has become a problem. Who will care about the education, first is a material culture, and then enjoy the spiritual culture. This is the same since ancient times, and it is the same in any country. Everyone else is not enough, how can I think other.

However, when he thinks about how to allocate limited funds and resources, the teacher said that his homewhered girl actually took a group of people in the campus.

For Andalina Robel, Agra-Nasar has a deep impression. Especially the girl mother is very enthusiastic to people, and gave a girl care when school. But how familiar to say, I can't say it. After all, it is just the same relationship.

However, today I heard Robell actually took a group of people to school, then the identity of these people is certainly not simple. As a school leader, he knows that it is clear that Warsaw University has exhausted 200 students to the waiter. I know that the past is not a good thing, but when this time I dare to get the Soviet army.

Didn't let Ogra-Nasar waiting for too long, Anda Lina Robel has come to his office. Seeing this young man in front of you let Ogra-Nasar can't believe your eyes. Although I saw this person from the newspaper, I would like to think that he will come to Warsaw University, and it appears in front of you.

As a teacher in Poland, it is not a lot of communication with American famous schools. However, it also knows that MIT has such a figure, which is the legendary figure that can be obtained during school reading. And it is also super rich, I heard that I have set up a university in Xiangjiang. At this time, I came to Warsaw University's purpose.

Ogra-Nasar quickly stood up: "Hello, Mr. Bao! I am Ogra, General Director of Washa University, Ogra Nazar. For a long time, I just have not met, welcome to go to Warsaw University!"

At this time, Baixuan did not pay attention, see Ogra-Assar, I met Bun Zixuan to make Anda Lina Robel, if two people can talk to things, then her position is very embarrassing, you can It can be said that there is no change. At this time, I can only worry, I can't change anything, this is the most worry about this Eastern European beauty.

However, Baozi Xuan did not pay attention to his status and character, it is not worth a little money. It can only be said that the beauty do you think, or work well!

Baozi Xuan looked at this general meeting, about 45 years old. Too big, typical Eastern European descent. It is more like a athlete, the body is very good, and the expectation of the general general does not match; more like sports teachers.

Bun Zixuan: "Hello, Mr. Nasar! You know me."

Ogra Nasar: "Of course, I want to be in the world, there are not a few people who don't know this world! You can be the Tuling Award, how can I don't know you as a teacher at Washa University."

"But according to what I know, you should come over to watch military exercises, how to come over Warsaw University."

Bao Zixuan did not expect his name to be true, in fact, it is not to know. As the most successful youth entrepreneur in the world, it is defined as a superpologically talent. The popularity in all major universities in the world is very high, you can say that as long as you know his deeds.

Bun Zixuan: "You should have a solution to me. I have set up a UNESCHY in Xiangjiang. I just started, very lack of teacher resources, especially for excellent professors, I was thirsty. This time I came over Warsaw University. It is seen that there is a professor or a lecturer to go to Xiangjiang development. Where can they get the best research resources, salary is also more than 5 times. "

As an educator, some or top scientists. They all want to work for the motherland, then what is impacting them, it must be a platform and money. Otherwise, people have followed the development of the Xiangjiang, after all, who is not willing to leave their hometown.

I heard that Agra-Nasar, I know that Warsaw University may lose some professors, which is also something wrong. At this point, the Poland is not possible to keep talents with this matter, and it is not a way to go to Xiangjiang. After all, there is relative freedom, and it is not the potential area of ​​Mei Su, where to wait until the time is still relatively easy to return to Poland.

In fact, the most important thing is that the school leadership will discuss this topic. It is the teacher and the students to go to the future, and many people don't want to stay in Poland. They have lost their ancestors and weak, and they did not set up the courage and service of Warsaw Secretary.

Now I saw Bun Zixuan came to find themselves, maybe it is a chance. And you can use this opportunity to let your family enjoy a better life.

Ogra - Nasar: "I can help you reach things that want to reach, but I have a few conditions I hope you can meet."

Bao Zixuan: "You please say!"

Ogra Nasar: "In fact, it is also more to persuade some people to go to Xiangjiang to teach buy a insurance."

"First; all professors who leave Warsaw University You can't stop when you want to come back, and you can't add additional conditions."

"Second; you need to provide a batch of funds for Warsaw University, just exchange for our teacher resource."

"Third; Excellent students of Warsaw University want to pay the scholarships in Xiangjiang to continue the study."

I looked at the Anda Lina Robel said: "Fourth; it is my personal and the management of the whole school needs some fees."

In fact, these conditions listen to some excessive, and it is still very much. However, Bao Zi Xuan knows that it is earned. After they come to Xiangjiang, I can have the opportunity to return to Poland, and it is estimated that it can only be ashes.

Bunzi Xuan: "These are no problems, I will submit cooperation applications to Warsaw University with the name of the Black Cloud Group. Relief 10 million US dollars, but after the results, the patents must be black cloud."

"All professors and lecturers signed a contract every four years, because students have to graduate from the beginning of the first four years; if the way is left in the middle of them is irresponsible."

"As long as students can complete their tests, they can be transferred to the Yulin Institute of Technology to continue to study, tuition fees and living expenses are taken by me. Just after graduation, they will work in the Black Cloud Group for three years, then choose to continue or leave. Salary It will never deliberately martyrdom. "

"As for the management of Warsaw University, I will hire members as consultants who serve as the Office in Poland. You can receive a separate subsidy every month. You will receive $ 100,000 as the funds of this event."

It can be said that both sides are all happy, Bao Zi Xuan also digs a pit to the other side. Four years later was 1985, in 1989, they may also sign for four years. When it was, it was estimated that the plane was not happy, and it would be difficult to have any research results.

However, this also left a tail, which is the time of the Polish truly rising. When you need to teach to return to China, Bao Zixuan has no reason to block.

This does not count as a successful digging wall, but it can only be like this. When I came back, I saw Anda Lina Robell's heart, and Baozi Xuan suddenly understood, smiled and said: "After the exercise, you will get $ 200,000, as your hardship in these days."

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