Suddenly I heard the Bunxuan said to her 200,000 US dollars, let Andalina Robel are expected. These money are enough for him to study in the United States. It seems that this man is really not a person who has been rewinding.

Baozi Xuan did not care about it, after all, I promised her to give her a professor 10,000 US dollars. Now, you don't have to do anything, and the main thing is that Ogra Nasar is not like her. It seems that women are born actors, and they are really different from this way. The right is to spend money to buy some lessons, but more for your heart!

Ogra Nasar began to work in school after Baozi Xuan left. He must do this well, only in this way can we get a bigger, this Xiangjiang boss is not a person who will leave money, just leave a lot of people.

On September 4, 1981, the days expected, finally arrived. It may also be a kind of relief for the NATO countries, and it is a war.

With the general directors of the Executive Director, the Ministry of Defense of Ushino, the exercise is officially started.

The Soviet Union's 10,000 people have started to act, all of the Baltic coasts, and the Army has nearly 10,000 armored units to collectively collectively collectively, but I see it, but the scene is more imagined. It is spectacular. In addition to strong infantry and armored soldiers, there are empty soldiers, strategic rockets and army rocket artillery and naval 1 fleet to participate in the exercise, the lineup is not strong.

Like all exercises, "Western-81" exercises are divided into red and blue, and the red party is an offensive party. The blue is the defense party. The exercise troops include mechanized infantry, armored soldiers, artillery, boat bridge, anti-chemical troops, local short-range tactical missile troops, medium remote strategic missile troops, airborne soldiers, marine wars, naval ship troops, Air Force Front Aviation Forces ... almost all The military species participated in the unprecedented exercises in this scale.

Su Jun mainly drifted the missile remotely accurate hit, armored cluster assault, airborne soldiers' umbrella and airborne, the number of personnel / heavy equipment of the Marine Corps assault the upper land. In the exercise, only tanks were used to use tens of thousands, and more than the number of all tanks in China at the time. Moreover, the Soviet military demand "to be close to the actual combat", which is not only used by the true knife, the director and even even the results of the exercise are also omitted, but the order between the two parties is temporarily judging according to the battlefield situation. Hit it to share the winning and negative. For a time, the scene is magnificent and amazing.

This military exercise is very clear, and the target is also clear. After all, the name is called "Western-81 military exercise", and the Soviet Union is also intended to cover it, and from the initiative to invite military observer in NATO to see their strong military power. Let them look, the Soviet steel flood swings in Western Europe is a scene.

At this time, everyone saw that such a scene was blood boiling, but the face of the Western European National observation group was very embarrassed. Although I know that the Soviet military strength is strong.

But no one wants to be so strong. The armor forced the armor in this military action may be stronger than the entire Western Europe. If the Soviet Union really wants to attack Western Europe, it is estimated that existing power resistance will not exceed one week.

Previously, the Soviet Union was in the military exercise, and the outside world did not know. This exercise is different, no matter who can be seen. In fact, the reasons why Soviet Union did is also very simple, just to prove that our ability to regulate your ability. It has also been proved that it has also achieved the effect, and NATO is also seen. This exercise is the best state in the peak of their own army. Such a powerful military strength, only the United States can compete with it.

Bremenny has its own consideration, and the Soviet Union is not enough to support large-scale wars. Then I can only show my enemy to see that our strength has more powerful, please don't act rashly. Otherwise, the Soviet steel flood will not promise, and the provocant will be destroyed.

Ushikov came to Bunzi Xuan, saying: "How, the small bag. The Soviet army strength."

I heard Ustanov talks with myself, not only Bao Zi Xuan, I can say that everyone is stunned. What is the relationship between two people, I heard that the first day of the first day is drinking in the room. It seems that the relationship between Baozi Xuan and the Soviet high-level rises is not usually, everyone is small.

Ask yourself, then you must answer, or it is very impolite. Bao Zixuan said: "Very powerful, really invincible. But I am not a military expert, saying that there is no authority."

Uscanov smiled and said: "Your kid is always there, and the business has been contaminated with the wind in too many society. I can tell you responsibility, this Soviet army can defeat any enemy, as long as They think. "

Americans in the observation group are also thinking about the problem, if the Soviet Union is now attacked Western Europe. It is estimated that they have not waited for them to support, and the war is over. Then both sides can only be PK in the Atlantic Ocean. This kind of thing is too dangerous. You must try to weaken the strength of the Soviet Union. Otherwise, Western Europe has always hanging a sharp sword on the heads, and it is still able to fall down to the kind.

With the continuous returns of the participating troops, the whole director begins to be lively. Let everyone not think that the armor is faster than what they imagine, that is, the German armored divisor in the first World War is not so speedy.

The front line screen is continuously transmitted, and the members of the observation group can see more information. Bao Zixuan is not a military expert, and he comes to watch the military exercise is just an excuse, and the real purpose is after the military. However, this opportunity for other obeys group members can be very valuable. After all, they go back, but to make a comprehensive assessment of Western -81 military exercises, if there is no real data, it does not have representative.

When the NATO Warako group saw the new T80 and T72 of the Soviet Trust, the new T80 and T72 components of the Soviet army were put into the armored shock, G clusters and other Soviet new campaigns, and the Baltic Sea Fleet also dispatched the Kida number heavy carrier cruiser cover the Navy The infantry reloads the upper land. Suddenly I feel the pressure of the mountain, which makes them understand a truth, don't provoke the old man, or if you don't really go to the Western Europe, everyone is not good.

On the battlefield, the shocking picture made Bunzi Xuan also a feeling, and it is also a life if you can lead a armor armor. It seems that there will be a chance to create some advanced weapons and vehicles in the future; it is not bad to buy it and do technical reserves.

It can be said that the exercise has entered a climax at the beginning of the exercise. It is not a low tide portion. Tactical nuclear strikes, airplane bombing, armor torrent collective charge, every item is very exciting, and people have been blushing.

The first day of the exercise was quickly ended, and the members of the NATO countries returned to their respective room finishing materials. This is a rare opportunity, and there is no such effect before, this Sovietor does not have any counseling, let you see where you are.

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