Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 407 West - Eighty -n-One Influence

Baozi Xuan is moving with the director department every day, and the Soviet attack speed is too fast. Almost the average of approximately 300 kilometers per day, this speed is driving in a place where the road is not good, it can be reached, but they are fighting. This is once again shocked the world, but also let the European and American military experts have shocked the chin.

Linnad Bach is a German veteran and participated in the Second World War. Mainly in the North African battlefield and the West Line, this is why he can obey the martial arts, you want to have a conflict in the East Line and the Soviet Union, or even the blood Hai is refused to say, and wherever you dare to come over play.

Since Germany's defeat, his troops surrendered to the Americans, making the days not so sad. After being detained for 5 months, it was put it out, it was a news professional, he became a newspaper reporter. Later, because of the troops experienced experience, it was promoted as a military special commentator, and the Soviet Union came to make him open.

In all commentary articles, he is more specific and vivid in writing commentators; at the same time, the highlights and horror of the Soviet Union are listed.

First, the Soviet Rocket Army first uses the torch nuclear missile below the 10,000-ton-level, the precise tactical nuclear strike on the NATO military base in Weste, France, and preliminaryly.

Second, after the Super Fire Covered in the Rocket Army, the Soviet Union Treated the front line defense position of the NATO army from the front of the three-generation tank clusters headed by T72 and T80, and then drove quickly.

Third, while the tank cluster is booming, the Soviets under the air-coverage of the strong Aviation Corps, and the Airborne Corps conducted airborne operations in the rear, capturing strategic places. In the direction of the Baltic Sea, the Soviet Army has a multi-wave two-in-one landing combat, dispersion NATO force, covering the front tank cluster assault!

Finally, it concluded that under the three joint operations, the Soviets were in the Western 81 exercise, and only 8 days in Dongde successfully killed the French Dunlock and the Antwerp of Belgium, if they were going on. Then the United Kingdom and Spain's fall, the entire Europe will only need to be completely incompasin by the Soviet army half a month. At that time, in the case of the quality and quantity of the tank planes were significantly weaker than the Soviet Union, in such a short period of time, it was certain that the US support was not too late, and the countries of Western European should be worth all.

Lin Nard Bach's article has caused a huge response in the world, and the fighting power of the Soviet Union is too horrible. It seems that everyone can only keep homes in the future, but also let the Soviets can't find your reason.

This makes the countries of Western Europe in the world for hundreds of years. The country is very wronged. When will they look at others's face, this is not a matter of fact before, but the form is more than people, only to endure, Western Europe The country began to release their kindness.

Different from the panic of the people of Western Europe,

At this point, the Belvede Palace in the Poland is indeed a laughter. Ushigov represents the Soviet Central Political Bureau held the Western 81-military celebration meeting, and also recognized the heroic Soviet soldiers in this exercise.

Uscanovs wearing a neat mangraic costume, stood in the middle of the hall, said to the people who came to celebrate the celebration: "Thank you for coming to participate in the Western-81 military exercise celebration. Here I represent the people of the Soviet Union The arrival of the arrival is warm and welcomed, expressed his kind condolences to the heroic Soviet soldiers. It is not that you are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of sacrifice, and have achieved a strong Soviet Union. "

"In the past 60 years, the Soviet soldiers used their heroic and tenacious combat consciousness, and dare to fight for the enemy of the victims of the motherland. I believe this quality can be continued in your body, for greatness Soviet dried cup. "

"The next thing is the moment you enjoy, please let go!"

Uscanov is also a trunk, don't like to say some long big. At this time, Baixuan looked at this tough Soviet Minister, if he can live a long time. When Yeltsin launched a coup, it could not be so smooth.

After all, Ushikov's character and the courage is much better than the successor Yaszov. From the moment, the Soviet Union is given some benefits to him later, but you can't let the Soviet Union do not disintegrate, this must be found. A balance.

When he thought about him, Ushindo came to him: "Comrade Xiaojiao, this is a wine. Don't drink alcohol is not your character, let's take a cup first; I will introduce you to a few friends. a bit."

The people who come over from the Soviet army military uniforms, but they are not very big. This is awarded such a military rank, or it is very powerful; either a background; either two have, and the last probability is higher.

Uszanov said with a smile: "This is the Bunzi Xuan, Xiangjiang; bipard comrades, this is the Director of the Director of the General Equipment Department, Wa Lianko-Ustanov. You are young, what is it? Things can exchange more exchanges, and what you want to buy, you can find her. "

"General Secretary has had indication of this matter; there is no need to have any counseling," this sentence seems to be said to Wallands, and said Ustanov left.

Bao Zixuan heard the name of Waldenk - Uscanov this name will think that this person is his son, the worst should be a nephew. However, these words can't be said, and many things will be very embarrassed.

Bao Zi Xuan reached out: "Hello! General Ustanov."

At this time, Wa Lianko-Ushino does not dare to get rid of it, and quickly reach out and buns. He said: "Hello! Mr. Bao! I have heard of your name, just have not been able to see it. You must not call me general, call me Wallado. And I will call you in the future, this seems to be a bit. "

Everyone is not a fool, Bun Zixuan has a huge person in the whole world to know you kindly or recognize you. The most important thing is that people are very rich, and the enemy is not described.

That is, the age of about 30 years old, actually serving as such a job. Capacity, background, luck is not, such people are not worthy of interaction!

Find a remote corner, the two began to talk. Bao Zixuan mainly wants to buy some old tanks and armored vehicles, and still the kind of demolition of weapons, or if the British can't agree with Xiangjiang.

This business can be said to be a shot, Wa Lianko - Uscanov is also worried about the old tanks and armored vehicles in the warehouse. Especially many old model products produced and seized during World War II, this time I have an idea of ​​a golden master, what is waiting for.

Baozi Xuan's almost use of scrap iron prices to buy nearly 100 phases in the Hundreds of pictures of relatively good tanks and armored vehicles in the Soviet, and Wallands Susanov got a total of 30,000 black cloud electronics in the Soviet sales quota. . This is a win-win sale, everyone will not suffer.

However, the topic about the Soviet Western-81 military exercise is far from the end. At this time, everyone is watching Lin Nard-Bach.

President Reagan said to the people below: "This article has seen it! You have any feelings, if the Soviewers attacked Western Europe, how can we deal with the military, how long will the military can combine the strength, how to fight with the enemy."

Casper-Winberg is the same as the rule of the Secretary for Defense for less than a year. At this time, everyone is watching him, knowing that hiding is hiding, after all, this is his responsibility.

Casper Winberg said: "If the Soviets really attacked Western Europe, we can only release one or several tactical nuclear weapons in the West Germany, thereby temporarily resisting the steel torrent of the Soviet Union. Then in China, the war mobilization Exproprate all ships such as vessels, cars, aircraft; It is expected to assemble the 300,000 military commandes to the front line. However, when the Soviewers may attack to France, they can drag the Soviets how long. "

"If the war is deadlocked in France, we can go to Normandy to land. If France can't resist, we can only fight in the UK, find a good opportunity to land in Europe."

Most of the US ruling classes come from Germany and the UK immigrants, and heard actually to release tactical nuclear weapons in West Germany. Let the senior officials with German lineage are very uncomfortable, thinking about how not to release the original bullet in your home. But knowing this is also a way to have no way, or no one wants to use it yourself. It can be seen that the Soviet Union is strong, and the Americans are forced to such a step, and it is estimated that it is nothing.

Western-81 military exercises is not only in Europe and the United States, and it is true in the world. All countries think about how to cope with the Soviet 3D integrated nuclear blow, and finally did not think of a good way. But now the only thing to do is to strengthen your own army and defense construction. Only by yourself, the enemy does not dare to act rashly.

Bedding house

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