Everyone is discussing the Western-81 military exercise, Bunzi Xuan can not be idle. He is taking people with the wall of Poland and even the whole Europe. I still see the professors, engineers and technology talents who have watched and see, I don't dare to stay in the European continent. At this time, I want to go to the United States and Asia, where is relatively safe.

It is in this big background, many technological talents left Europe to go to the United States, Xiangjiang, Japan. In this, the conditions and treatment of Bao Zi Xuan are the best, directly across part of a strong talent. Governments don't want to let so many technological talents outside, but now the Soviets' knives are on the neck. They all want to leave. Under the black cloud huge public relations costs and the United States, there is no so much. .

European countries have left more than 100,000 senior intellectuals in 1981 to 1996; the remaining engineers, the mechanics are more countless, and the last five years is mainly due to the loss of Soviet people. This also makes the technology, culture, technology, level of European countries, in the United States, Xiangjiang, Japan, and the Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan played a key role. This time period is also known as "the fifteen of Luoba. year."

It is more serious to some countries even more than World War II, but these are not related to Baozi Xuan. It has been all handed over to the people to follow, and Xiangjiang is ready to receive their place.

Baozi Xuan came to the East Pusu area according to the address information of Professor Kevin - Bowman, which is now not Germany's German.

Dongpus, the Tuton Knights period was Prussia, and later was a province of the Prussian Kingdom, and was incorporated into the Emperor Empire in 1871. Today, the northern part of the East Pusher, which belongs to the Mameore region of Lithuania and Russia Garri Ningrad. The southern part is Poland's Valmia - Matau. East Pushers contains the godrus in the Baltic Sea. East Plar is located in the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea, the capital is Gobinburg.

At the beginning of 1945, some Germans attempted to return to Dongpus, but all were expelled by the Soviet army, and many people were sent to the Soviet Union. All local German local names are changed to Russian or Polish.

In April 1946, the northern part of East Pusu was incorporated into the Soviet Union. In July, the original capital Konisburg was renamed Kaliningrad. In 1947, the Soviet army expressed all Germans, let Russians, Belarusians and Ukraine moved to this place.

Poland was forced to cut the Eastern Territory to the Soviet Union, the Poles of the ground were expelled to the southern part of the East Poland, which is also Warmia.

In 1947, Pusher was completely abolished regardless of the territory or the state.

Oll, Poland North City, Orshine Province. On the shore of the Weina River in the Mazuli Lake District. Population is 147,000. Transportation hub, the largest city and business center in the lake area.

There are mechanical manufacturing (heavy machines and agricultural machinery, etc.), tires, furniture and leather and other industries; city is located in the transition area of ​​temperate marine climate and continental climate.

To investigate the name of heavy industrial machinery, come to the city. Seeing the obvious German architectural style on the streets, the road to see is indeed Eastern Europe, Bao Zi Xuan is also emotional. This is the defeat of the defeat, not only to lose life, but also to lose homes.

Baozi Xuan has already opened it in Poland, and the things he wants to buy will have a return. At this time, the Polish economy was a mess, and it was so much to see if there is money.

When leaving Warsaw, Anda Lina Robel is happy and shocked. The joy is because Bunzi Xuan retrieved, she got 200,000 US dollars. Shocked is because it is only 10 days or so, Baozi Xuan has been able to master Polish, what is the learning speed. I am afraid that Einstein is not necessarily better than this, and this world is really super genius. It has been serving it these days.

Feeling emotion, things will continue. The arrival of Bao Zixuan has been warmly welcomed. After all, this is the world-level super rich, and other places that have never been to it still spend money to purchase materials. Since it comes to this, it is certainly impossible to let go, be sure to invest locally, this is the idea of ​​the local officials of Olstine.

This is a city with only more than ten thousand people, can't be counted as a city in China. It is more appropriate to say that the town is more suitable, but in Poland is the capital of Valmia - Mazuya Province. It can be seen that there is no many people in the local area, and things may be better.

The Mayor of Olsh is called Torgadovski, less than 40 this year, is a Poland and Soviet. It was a warm welcome to Bunzi Xuan to come over Ol Shin, but he always doubtful for this super rich. After all, people can't ran into the city, in addition to agricultural machinery and large equipment manufacturing, there is nothing to take out the project. However, the two industries have been going in Poland, there is basically no advantage in the international, and the German brand is basically hit.

Torgaduski said with a smile: "Mr. Welcome to Olsh Ding, I represent the city's 150,000 people to express warm welcome, I hope you can have a pleasant. Do you have any requirements? It can be mentioned that our Olshin people must be satisfied. "

I haven't waited for translator to translate, Bao Zi Xuan also replied with the skilled Polish: "Thank you for your enthusiasm, you can come here."

Baozi Xuan opened a thrill with the Mayor of Poland, not saying that he won't Polish! In fact, Torgadoski will speak Russian, but this is a formal occasion, but it is still in Poland, it must be polish. His identity is not easy, he doesn't want to be caught by people. If it is private in private, it can be, but he didn't expect that Bunzi Xuan actually said Polish, which is too uncompristeous.

Torgadovski: "When Mr. Bao learns the Polish, and can also say such skilled."

Bao Zi Xuan: "It is this time to watch the military exercise. When Warsaw, the same Pole is said. Can not be fluent, but also to exercise."

This sentence is really hurting, and I learned a language in 10 days. Also let other people live, this ability is too terrible.

Torgadovski: "Both Mr. is a world-recognized genius, there is still something. Today is really believed that your memory is really a dust. This time, Ol Shin is there, what needs us With the cooperation, you will be mentioned. "

Bao Zixuan: "This time I wanted to buy some agricultural machinery. I have several farms in the subscrew area that need agricultural machinery. In my opinion, the product price excellent in Poland production is very high. Performance is completely similar products, prices Only one-half of them. Therefore, you want to purchase a group of back to the test. If you can meet the requirements, all similar products will be purchased in your market. "

"There is also a little ready to set up a branch in your city. Here is the junction of Soviet, Germany, Poland Three Kingdoms. There are many border trade in the future to carry out, and I will send the Eastern Europe's transit warehouse. After all, here is convenient, The people are simple, not so complicated. "

I heard Bunzi Xuan said that it is already happy to buy machinery in Olshin, and now I have said that I have to build a branch here. It is a long-lasting business. It is a guarantee that can be pulled by the local economic development. After all, the product of the Black Cloud Group is well sold in several countries.

Torgadovski: "Thank you for your trust in Ordin, we must not let you down. As you said, our Poland is completely not afraid of any competitor at all, but not get Very good. "

"For the formation branch and the establishment of the branch, we must have the biggest sincerity to meet your requirements. You are ready to invest here, how much amount is invested here, and we will meet with you in the evening."

Bao Zixuan: "The first phase of investment of $ 100 million, just to build a branch office site and the transfer warehouse room. As for the next market sales, you can do decision."

It is $ 100 million to make Torgadovsky surprised, and there is no more than 20 million US dollars in this small town. Baozi Xuan suddenly was 100 million, and it didn't have to take him with a super rich identity. 100 million US dollars may be an astronomical figure in this super rich eye.

The hand has already stepped on it, and I don't know if the cost of this $ 100 million is worthless. It is still not sure, I can only hope that Martin Bowman will not let himself disappointed, and believe in the imagination of German scientists.

Bedding house

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