Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 409 Mayor's Ambition

Torgadovsky is satisfied with the buns, and he is now going to hold the municipal meeting. How to discuss how to make this Xiangjiang's investment intent into reality, only project landing can make people peace.

Bao Zixuan is listening to the people's report, Martin-Bowman's scientific and technological information is in San Andrews. If you want to get it, you must take the observatory, the observatory is a hundred years of architecture. Now I can only hope that Olshin citizens will not be opposed. If it is not only able to take things to take things in the way.

Back to the City Hall, Torgardski, called all Members to hold the municipal conference, so that the whole city is not very large, there is no traffic jam, less than half an hour, the other 28 other members of the city come to the municipal government. hall.

Torgadoski said in the following members: "Just conducted a kind talks in Baozi Xuan, just me and Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group, he was prepared to purchase a batch of agricultural machinery in our city, put in the farm in Asia I work. "

I heard a lot of business people who have been engaged in agricultural machinery, they are very happy, and their machinery can finally get international orders, which can be a major breakthrough.

I heard the following people began to discuss, Torgadovski coughed and continued: "Don't be excited first, there is a bigger surprise waiting for us."

"Mr. Baozi Xuan is also preparing to build a black cloud branch and establish a material transfer station in Olshing, as a headquarters base in Eastern Europe. The first investment amount is $ 100 million, and the latter is mainly mainly related to market sales. I want This thing doesn't have to say more about our local economic development! Everyone has ideas, you can say it, we discuss together. "

At this time, a big man said: "Will not be a liar, after all, many business people do not strength. Or leave after we get good policies and resources, leave the rotten stalls, we must pack up "

Torgadovski heard that this old guy was opposed, this person always does not want him to work well. It is usually looking for yourself in your work, but what is the situation now. It is a major event for the development of the whole city, and what kind of people in Bao Zixuan, this is the super rich in Poland. People will still fool you because of a little money, it is really like you.

Not waiting for the mayor to answer, a member of the production of agricultural machinery said: "You will not read the newspapers and news! Bao Zixuan can be super rich, the Black Cloud Group is a big company ranking in front of the world. His worth Conservative estimates can reach more than $ 30 billion, so we now think about how to get his investment and purchase agricultural machinery contracts. "

I heard this Member finished, everyone also felt that it was such a thing. Bunzi Xuan This price of more than 10 billion dollars is still thinking about you. You are not all of the guests, enjoy VIP treatment.

At this time, I have just held the opposition, "Since he has so powerful, why do you choose to come to us here, don't say other countries in Europe, there is no color in Olshin, Poland. local."

His words make everyone fall into meditation, Baozi Xuan as one of the most rich people in Xiangjiang and the world, how do you suddenly come to Olshin to invest in, is it a secret that does not have any prisectors?

Torgaduski said with a smile: "I just thought about this problem, but later in the conversation, Bao Xuan Xuan Xuan Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xiu Xuan."

"The price of agricultural machinery produced in Olshin City is only one-half of the German brand, but it is completely not lost to them. Just because there is no good promotion, we are doing too bad in marketing; It causing Mingzhu Miginal dust, not to get the market to maximize. If Bao Zixuan sees our machinery in Warsaw, and it is also the study of science and engineering, it is also found that our Olshin machinery is good. "

Members who have heard a few producers of agricultural machinery think it is very reasonable, yes! This piece of our market is too much relative to the Germans. This is a big relationship with the system. Now the customer takes the initiative to find the door, but also doubt this, doubtful! Is this old guy stupid, still don't want to see us.

Torgadovsky continued: "As for you, why is you doubtful to form a branch here and the transfer of materials and transfer."

"If you hear Mr. Bunxuan today, I really didn't find that there are so many advantages in our city. This is my long-distance duty, for this, I will review the people of the city next to the city."

"Olsh Communication is as Poland, Soviet, Germany, if you can vigorously develop border trade, then future prospects can be imagined. Previously our courage is not big enough, don't worry so much now, only people Life is the best thing that I should do this may, I am ready to use this opportunity to build here into the largest border market in Eastern Europe. "

"Heavy machines, agricultural machinery, tires, furniture and leather produced by Olshin can sell our mechanical rebate to Germany in the market."

"Plus black clouds in this market, electronic products, toys, cars, etc. will also appear in this market."

"Then you can also import clothes, shoes and hats, etc. in some developing countries."

"Finally, you can also build large shopping malls, introduced Western Europe's luxury goods, in short, I have to build Olshin to become the border city in front of the world."

I heard the mayor finished, many people were boiling. If you really can achieve this effect, even if you only have half; then, then the products they produce really don't sell. This time, even the old guy has no opposition. After all, he is also attracted to the grand blueprint. At this time, it is the same as the people of the whole city.

Torgoufski perfect helper god Xuan explained why he came here, but also buried a mine. If Bunzi is disagree, it will not support such a huge plan with a city's existing strength.

However, in his heart, there is a bottom gas. Since Bunxuan will agree to invest $ 100 million, if the program is suitable for more, it doesn't matter. It is not important for these super as long as the project is suitable. With the investment of Bao Zixuan, the bank loans will be much convenient whether there is an investment promotion, which is also in his plan.

It can be said that Torgadovski's ability is a mayor, and this program can be implemented to actively promote the development of political development in the future.

Previously, many people in the city took a bloodline problem, and if they can lead the people of Olshin to prosperity. Then this is not important. It can be said that Turgadovsky is very big, and he wants to use this opportunity to complete your ambition and ideals.

After the Member left, he began to form a text in his plan. Only in this way is more convincing, and cut Bunxuan see your sincerity, in short, you have to pay the target service.

Torgadovski is a big chess, if things can reach Ol Shin, which can definitely become Poland, even the most strong city in Europe, and the citizens of this city are absolutely harmful.

Commercial circulation will also drive the development of other industries, and the current capacity of the city can not digest. The most basic police force is not enough, so in order to hit the bunxuan, he wrote a lot of breeding industries, or even criminal problems.

For a city plan, there is already blueprints and ideas in his stage of college, and now you have to turn them a reality step by step. After several decades, I hope people call him "The Father of Olsh", this is the most desired result of Torgardsky.

Bedding house

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