Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 411 Once Black Technology

Baozi Xuan quickly arranged people to prepare the contract and exploration of the land, so that he had a big life to find scientific data. It is also possible to be suspected that Tortorovski is afraid that Bao Zi Xuan runs away, and good plans have no funds.

At the city's famous people witnessed, the two sides signed their own names. Black cloud design personnel, land exploration personnel finally have reasonable reasons to explore and excavate near Observatory, after all, to build malls; geological structures need to do detailed analysis, Ol Shin people did not find it wrong.

Before the departure of Europe, Bunxuan is already ready to arrange professional architectural designers in Germany. After the two parties signed a contract, the black cloud designers can conduct measurements and field investigations immediately.

Of course they are only in a state, and the team is still involving security personnel is the main force of this mining technical data.

Bao Zixuan also caught the locals suspicion, Torgadovski said with a smile: "Mr. Bao is ready, with the design team and exploration personnel."

This is a trial, after all, he also feels a little incredible. Where is there a problem, you can't find it.

Baozi Xuan took it out of the Eastern European map, and seeing many places have a key mark, especially Alstodin, deliberately has a circle.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have an efficiency of this person, and Olsh is my first choice. If we don't talk, then you will choose to build branches and build in other places."

"It's better to be more fortunate, you can say that everyone is doing things. Does nothing to drag the legs, at least now appreciate each other, and a relatively good cooperation."

After hearing Bunxuan, Torgadovsky is also scared in a lifetime cold sweat. If you don't touch the other party because you have a business plan, it seems that you can't stay this god.

The Ol Shin who dispels is unbelieving to cooperate with the black cloud staff, and the logistics guarantee is very in place. Baozi Xuan has started to discuss contract with agricultural machinery in several days. It is just a symbolic purchase, but this is the largest order in the history of Alder's agricultural machinery.

In the first moment of paying the goods, no one doubts his purpose. It seems that this Xiangjiang Rich is really coming over investment and purchasing agricultural machinery. If you suspect that people 's motivation should be too, and it is easy to leave a bad impression of the other party.

At this time, Bun Zixuan is the entire Olshin's wealthy God, who is doubting and guilty, he is the enemy of the whole city. Under the role of money, the image of Bunxuan suddenly has a lot, and the Olchin people even look at all the black clouds coming over.

Just starting to watch land measurement and exploration in the past,

Especially when I saw the black cloud employee is also very strange. Later, I realized that this is the work attitude of people. It seems that the high salary of the black cloud staff is reasonable.

When Bao Zi Xuan came to the fifth day of this small city, it feels almost. Zhang War has already found the secret hole in the observatory, after all, there is a specific address and detailed description.

Bao Zi Xuan couldn't help but come to the Observatory. At this time, the Observatory has become a temporary base of Black Cloud employees, and the Ol Shin will not doubt.

Zhang Bat said: "The boss, I have called people to see, there is no danger of big boxes."

I heard a lot here, after all, this is just a place to save technical information. It will not pay attention to the gold and silver treasure, it seems that Kevin Bowman has not lie to himself.

Bao Zixuan: "Ready to take the equipment, let's take a look."

Zhang War with Bao Zixuan and others came to the basement, and the whole underground space is not very big. Looking at this ancient basement, we should be built together with the astronomy. However, there is no problem in the overall structure and ventilation system, and the Germans are indeed in place in protecting technology drawings.

The inside is a sealed iron box, so that Bunzi Xuan is delighted is that there is a rubber ring in the box sealing. Don't say something in the past 40 years, it will be too big for 400 years, making people more curious in the end of it.

The man started to open the box, but this process is very careful. After all, the bosses of these objects pay special, and in this city, they also invest hundreds of millions of dollars in this city, they can't fall lightly.

When Baozi Xuan saw the information inside the first box, it was surprised, and it was actually the technical information of the Tiger King Tank Technology. Even in detail to the machining dimensions and metals of each component.

This is the most advanced tank in the late Second World War II, which is now in addition to electronic communication equipment and fire control systems, many places will not be outdated.

The Heavy Tank of the Tiger King is a heavy tank developed by Germany in the 1940s. During the Second World War, Germany has developed the heavy tank according to the combat needs after developing the tiger heavy tank. Tiger King's heavy tank combat is 69.8 tons, 5 passengers, is designed with inclined armor, equipped with a 88 mm caliber tank gun, driven by a total power of 690 horsepower diesel engine, prototypeful fire, but the mobile is slightly.

In 1937, the German Heavy Tank Development Plan began to start, raised by the German Weapon Arms Development Bureau, and issued the four companies in Germany, and the Dai Merz Benz Company, He Henschel, BMW company and Porsche.

On May 26, 1941, Hitler held a military meeting, and the new heavy-duty tank development plan was officially proposed. The German military's design requirements for the new heavy tanks are: the firepower with bigger breakdown of enemy tanks, the enemy tanks cannot break through the thick protective armor, the maximum speed is not less than 60 km / h. The meeting decided to develop two heavy-duty tanks in the development, namely the code tiger heavy tank and the tiger king heavy tank.

In 1942, the Tiger Tank of Germany was successfully obtained on the battlefield, leading to the slowing progress of the R & D of the Tiger King Heavy Tank. However, in 1943, the Confund in the Sude Battlefield made the Germans saw the power of the Soviet IS-2 heavy tank. In order to fight the heavy tank of the Soviet army, prepare for the spring attack in 1944, the German military accelerate the development of new heavy tanks.

The Tiger King Heavy Tank has been developed since 1943, mass production in December 1943, from 1945 to produce 489 units.

It can be said that this is the most advanced tank in Germany, and there is no one. He has developed based on the famous tiger tank, and its performance is the most advanced tank at the time. Just because the war has entered the late period, Germany has been unable to return to the day; in addition, it has led to the same name without tiger tanks.

However, this is a super-weapon that Germany Daimler-Mercedes-Benz Company, Henschel, BMW, and Porsche, who has been developed, and there is no opponent at all.

Baozi Xuan carefully opened the drawings packaged in oil paper, repeatedly checked it again; let people take pictures. This time, I have brought five new digital cameras, which is to get more insurance after drawing.

The 8 security officers of the Black Cloud Group have been specially trained for photography technology, which is to save the drawings to the computer. Then Bunxuan will also make a compressed folder, others get a computer and not find any useful information.

Security staff began to build a site to prepare to shoot, Bao Zi Xuan's task is to organize information. At this time, he regretted that he didn't have to have such a hard work, but the black cloud engineer was mostly German and Japanese. It is unaware that it will not be discussed, and it is still very worrying about it.

Soon a simple photographic shed, Baozi Xuan is based on the drawing order, allowing security personnel to shoot. Zhang Wars continued to bring people all other boxes, the drawings filled with photos will be sealed from the new packaging.

Fortunately, there are many devices that have been brought, and some empty boxes are prepared. It is to prepare from the new seal drawing paper. If you really take out the box with the German logo, the Polish is stupid and knows what happened.

Never let you leave Poland, or even be detained as a war. Baozi Xuan can not give others a wedding dress. After all, it has spent these technical information, and it has not made him disappointment in the first box.

Bedding house

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