Baozi Xuan started to check the situation in the second box in order to organize the technical information, so that the Germans are more conscience. Only one weapon technical information is installed in a box, that is, there is no place to stuff into other drawings; and arranged very neat.

If you don't make trouble, you will not make mistakes at all; this yet another time to admire the rigorous Germans, this is about to defeat the buried items; can also be in danger, see the work attitude of the engineers at the time, Style of doing things.

What is the strange thing to make Bunzi Xuan? The next two boxes are the same number. It's just a quota of the suffix, one is a big written arabic number one, one is two. It seems that two big boxes are a weapon drawing. But what kind of weapon can have these more drawings, that is, the atomic bomb is not so complicated, after all, the German box volume is not small!

When the oil paper packaging, then finally know why there will be so many technical drawings, after all, this weapon is too complicated. It is complex to produce one of Germany, but now this technology is completely outdated, but there is no use at all, but since it is found to keep down a commemoration.

The giant gun refers to the Gustaf's gun. During World War II, Heitler, Heitler, issued a command to German engineers, requiring them to design a kind of "more than one meter-thick steel, 7-meter-thick concrete, super shelling of deep mud", Germany Friedrich Ruupjun's weapons experts will post to Hitler.

"Gustaf Mun" This is the largest cannon that has been manufactured in history, including transport vehicles, which weighs 1344 tons, the whole cannon has a high, 20 feet wide, 140 feet long. Operating the "Gustava" is simply a nightmare of the logistics department, because 3,000 soldiers will work together, plus the dedicated rails to carry and move this "super monster", and fire the enemy to the enemy.

"The Gustavian" diameter of nearly 1 m wide can accommodate two artilleryballs, a 10584 pound high-performance explosive bomb and a 16540 pound of concrete puncture bomb. "The Gustaviani" can hit 29 miles away, it is called "super weapon" at the time. However, it has a fatal disadvantage that the gun tube will be completely damaged after 48 shells.

In the actual combat, the "Gustaviani" has launched 300 artilleryballs in Sevastopol, in 1944, which launched another 30 artillery in Wandama, Poland, which will therefore have not been used. Since it is too cumbersome, it is quite troublesome, and it is easy to become the target of the enemy air force. This "super monster" finally did not let the enemy's imperial empire returned to life. On the contrary, he became a US military. The US soldiers then knocked this "super big cannon" into scrap iron

Now the rapid development of missile technology has made this ancient beast have basically no use. It is also useless to make it, it seems that you can only appreciate it, or can only be used as a technical reserve in the artillery field.

After all, this is also the largest artillery created since human history, and there is no one. It is definitely the winner of the Guinness record, and it is estimated that someone will be able to break after this record. It is the defeated house, and it will not defeat the family to this aspect. It is mainly to be able to pick up this order.

Put the cannon's drawings, if you have time to take pictures, there is no time to make it, after all, this thing is quite chicken ribs, and even chicken ribs is better.

Baozi Xuan took the box, at this time, there is a feeling of the future. I know what the inside is might is, but it is very excited and excited.

When the oil paper is stripped once, the drawing is revealed. Baozi Xuanxin is another happy. This time it is a bit used. Although the technology has been backward, it is not that the technical reserve black cloud group in this area is not, it is impossible to fill a blank in this field.

The V2 Rocket is a new remote weapon. It is the first large rocket missile, which is the first large rocket missile. It is the first large-scale rocket missile in Germany. The first ballistic missile in the world.

The V-2 Rocket is the ballistic missile in Germany when the Second World War. It is the first ultrasound rocket for the pioneer of modern space launch rockets and remote missiles. In 1936, it began development. In 1944, the day was first launched to Paris. Two days ago started attacking the UK, a total of more than 300 pieces were launched. Belgium is almost suffering from the same heavy blow.

V2 is a single-stage liquid rocket, a total length of 14 meters, weighing 13 tons, 1.65 meters diameter, 320 kilometers of a maximum range, 96 kilometers high, and a warhead is 1 ton. V2 uses more advanced procedures and gyro dual control systems, and the thrust direction is operated by high temperature graphite rudder tabs. V2 realizes the technical idea of ​​the aerospace pioneer in engineering technology, and has a role in the development of modern large rockets. Become an important milestone in the history of aerospace development.

This Rocket Bunxuan, which has a modern rocket and ballistic missile, but I have to have any obvious differences, missiles and rockets in technology, just one is right, one is to space, as long as Adjusting the directional gyroscope can be controlled.

On March 29, 1945, the BromSkil Route Route in Hesen, the Americans received 10 complete V2 rockets and mobile launch platforms, propellants and operations. These V2 rockets were transported to the port of Antwerp after 3 days, and then transported to the United States and became the foundation of American Rocket Technology.

In 1946, the US Navy laboratory fired a V-2 rocket, shot to a high altitude of hundreds of kilometers, used to observe the ultraviolet rays from the sun, this is also the first application of V-2 rockets in space research, and opened space Scientific new page. In addition, the V-2 rocket is also used as a man's flight test carrier and is equipped with a small animal of a monkey.

At the same time, the Soviet Union also arrested a large number of German scientists in Soviet, in 1946, transporting them and their family members and the remaining projects and manufacturing facilities to the Soviet industry in order to develop rockets. The R-1 missile of the Soviet Union is a replication of direct V2 rockets in 1947 launched in the Capskyo Olit. V2 Rockets have also become the cornerstone of Soviet aerospace technology and missile weapons.

For human space, V2 is a topic that cannot be opened, why can the United States and Soviet Universities can lead to the world in the space field, not a German top scientist, a technology that has received Germany V2 Information and part of the finished product.

Baozi Xuan believes that he will not do more than them in the aerospace field, the only regret is that this place cannot be easily created, or it is still not waiting for launch, it is estimated that he must be emitted first.

However, it is not possible to organize the information. It is not a technical reserve. After all, the Yulin Institute of Technology has related professional courses; this is not ready-made teaching materials, you can use it back to organize it, just find someone else, you need to take care of it.

Waitung Mask and Besos do not have their own space exploration companies! It is also the way to let go of the aerospace sector, and they are chances to make rockets.

Get the V2 rocket technical information, make Bun Zixuan more powerful, after all, Germany's good things too much. It is estimated that the technology after the box is opened, and it may be necessary for him to be digested in the next decade.

This is the scientific and technological crystallization developed by Germany, and the World Technology Center at the time is in Germany. Half of the Nobel Physics Award before World War II is a German, it can be seen that Germany is powerful in industrial, science and technology, and military fields.

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