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Bao Zi Xuan's news in Switzerland spread throughout Europe because of the purchase watch, at this time, Pierre in France, this may be a chance. Baozi Xuan is in the French border; it is also a powerful manifestation that can be invited. The most important to communicate with such people, no one can refuse, and there is still a human condition.

According to the survey, Bun Zixuan this person really likes to drink. Not much in France, in the field of wine, whether it is yield or quality in the field of production.

I didn't hesitate to dialed Bunxuan's phone, Pierre-wave, smiled and said: "Bag, we haven't contacted it for a long time. I heard that you are sitting in Geneva, come over, I can sit here, we can work together. French wine. "

Originally prepared from Switzerland to Hui Xuan, Bao Zi Xuan, heard the wine, and suddenly I felt that this may be a chance. Near year, 82 years, you should buy wine in advance should not be suspicious, and this investment profit will never be low.

Bao Zixuan: "I have already contacted the plane. Since you invite me. It is also unbelievable, then we will meet in the Bordeaux area, the way can you buy a winery, free time has a holiday."

Pierre-Po Cut listened very excited, it seems that his condition attracted this super rich. So say: "No problem, I am waiting for you in Bordeaux, just I haven't went to my own winery for a long time."

However, before going to France, we must first consider how large industrial computer software is safely delivered. The Black Cloud Group brings the software to the charter of the river. There are more than 100 engineers who have passed with the software, they will stay in Xiangjiang work.

Software staying in Switzerland is just a test version. After all, according to the patent rights of the contract software, it belongs to the black cloud. The European Nuclear Research Center has the right to use, and they are not allowed to sell outside, which is about huge commercial interests.

After the departure of the workman, Bunzi Xuan drove to the French Bordeaux direction. The distance between the two places is about 600 kilometers, driving a night can arrive one night, and you can enjoy the surrounding scenery along the way.

Bordeaux, southwestern city, the capital of the new Aquitan region, and the provincial capital of Glente. Bordeaux is an important industrial and commercial city in Southwest France and is also the political, economic, cultural, transportation and education centers in this region.

Bordeau was the capital of Jiesuna, France, and has historically located Gasconi. Bordeaux is the military, aviation research and manufacturing center of Europe, or the core of France's strategic nuclear bomb research and physical experiment, with a number of high-end technical institutions such as Atomic Research Center and Zhaofu Laser Program. Bordeaux area has a rich tourist resources, there are many scenic, well-preserved medieval castles.

Bordeaux is also known as the World Vintage Center, every two years, Bordeaux wine industry association holds a grand international wine show.

Before the Bai Bao Xuan came here, after all, Luo Luo has several customers headquarters here. However, it is mainly for work, and there is no special wine here. This time is completely in order to buy 82 years of wine, you can only say that the world is impermanent.

After coming to Pierre-wave, I will make Bun Zixuan disappointed. It's really too small here. I can't produce a few boxes in the head. However, in Europe, there are many aristocratic classs in Europe, and their grape estate is more family and friends, and the wine produced will not sell outside. I am not fully understood now.

After the two hugged, Pierre - Parche said: "Bao, your European action is still not small. First, go to the Polish Military, and then buy a watch in Switzerland. In addition to you, this world can be able to get it. "

Bunzi Xuan: "My team has just developed a successful project, I can't say it! And I can't compare these hundred years of family, but I have a good thing, I have to buy a look."

Pierre - Waves: "This time, there is a friend who wants to know you, I owe him a human condition, now I can only use your name, I hope you don't mind, if you bring you no Good impression hopes that you can understand. In fact, I don't want to do this, but I really don't have a way. "

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "Can you make you so difficult, prove that this person's family strength is not small. Since you have promised people, I am not good to refuse! After all, I will take you as a friend, what is it in the future? It is best to say. "

Pierre - Wavest knows that Bunzi Xuan is unhappy, it will not be happy to use anyone who is used by people. But if you can refuse, it is not so difficult.

Pierre - Pot: "In fact, I don't understand what you come over is to say that you are who, what you are waiting for you."

Bao Zixuan: "I actually made so mystery. If I have a danger, I have to pull you back."

Pierre - Parchers quickly replied: "If there is danger, it is impossible to sell friends. Otherwise, your own conscience is very difficult, and the family's reputation will also ruin in my hand."

Baozi Xuan is certainly impossible to believe his ghost, or you don't know how you die. It seems to have to strengthen your own security, and send a text message to the security personnel in the name of the toilet. All security personnel who have not evacuated in Germany are all in France, and their own destiny is still in their hands.

I tasted the red wine of the Coat family at night, and I feel so much. Compared to the red wine, Bunzi Xuan is more in white wine, and it has a feeling.

Among a winery where the Bunzi Xuan lives, a pair of father is discussing this topic about him.

The young man said: "Father, Bao Zixuan has reached the Er - Pot Cherry, where to rest this evening, we are about noon tomorrow."

The elderly man said: "How do you feel this person."

Young man: "I can't say it for a while, but I have no second person in this world. The main assets are all playing, and the business is very healthy. Although he is a genius The international situation is very accurate, but it is far away for capital operation. The whole black cloud group does not have a penny, that is, he does not use banks, such a large volume of companies can't imagine. "

The elderly man smiled and said: "Is the capital operation is our strength! If we can cooperate with Bunxuan, we will have a lot of work, after all, his relationship with the Soviet relationship is Mo."

Young man: "You said why the Soviewer is so optimistic and believes in him, now I haven't figured it. According to reason, we have more in the Soviet Union, and time is too early."

Elderly man: "Sincere, do business, this integrity; only earn my own thinking reasonable profits. If you make money, I would rather not do, but I will never deliberately reduce the price of suppliers to promote business. These we can do Not, after all, Black Cloud as long as he agrees, and many of us also need a family discussion, and sometimes there is no good way to discuss! "

Young man: "But the marriage with an Asian man is not too risky. After all, this has never been in the history of the family. The most important thing is what the sister is idea, we are not clear."

Elderly man: "This moment, at this time. If the family can't learn to work in the morning and evening, it is just a plan. It is just a plan. Bun Zi Xuan can not agree with the two, this kid eye is very high, even Morgan's daughter of the Morgan did not look. "

Bun Zixuan didn't know, he was still counting when he was sleeping. Just these didn't know, it seems that tomorrow will not be a good day.

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