Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 418, the meeting of the Lafite Manor

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Early the next morning, I felt a lot after Bao Zi Xuan got up, but she did not completely slow. After all, I was not easy to sit on the day before yesterday, and I also drank a lot of wine last night.

After a while, the bodyguard told him to have breakfast in the past. Come to the restaurant to see Pierre - Poor mental state is not very good, it may be no restented last night.

Pierre - Pot: "I have heard that your alcohol is very good. I still pay special. The result is too much, it seems that the amount of alcohol is very far more than you."

In fact, yesterday is not very good, but the thin and dead camel is big, the wine is generally Pierre - the wave is of course not an opponent.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Everyone is almost, I also have some dizziness; sleeping in the morning, I will be better."

Pierre - Pot: "You can also get yourself, I was called. It seems that it is old, I can't get it," "

Baozi Xuan also didn't want to talk to him too many cars, so he rushed to the theme: "Where is the people who come over, when will I start?"

Pierre - Waves: "If you leave, you can get it in ten minutes."

Two people have finished breakfast, Pierre-wave hose takes a buns to the agreed place. At the same time, the peripheral black cloud security personnel in the winery also followed, after all, the enemy, I have to prevent it.

Just as Pierre-Po Cut said that the car opened about ten minutes, Bao Zixuan has come to another winery. After seeing the name of the winery, probably guess who wants him to meet him. Is it so big that my famous arrogance is so big, and it is possible to surprise this legendary family. It seems that I don't know my true strength.

If you talk about unpleasant each other will sell it to him; if you don't sell it next year, you may not be satisfied with the price and quantity on the market. It can be said that Bunxuan still has a child-like idea, and he has not realized what this family represents.

In all parts of the world, the most famous wine king should be considered by the French Bordeaux Village, France. Located on a gravel hill in the north of Bodhisa Village, Bordeaux, France, the climate soil conditions are unique. It covers an area of ​​178 hectares, the area of ​​the large number of five first-class winery, and is also larger than the large number of second and third-class wine gardens.

The Lafite Vegetarian is a surrounded by Lafite's aristocratic garden in 1354, which is quite famous in the fourteenth century.

In 1675, she was purchased by the Duke of the Wine, the world of wine. Xi Gang is in the wine world, he also has the top historical famous tributto, Wudang Wang and Kaililli family. The Fawang Louis 14 once said that the Higang family may be the richest family of France. In the seventeenth century, France is basically the world of Burgen.

At that time, the famous "Communicative Flower" of the upper class "Communication Flower" Fawang Louis fifteenth mistress Bombardier had a unique clock. Let Lafite often becomes a cup of the Versailles. After the death of the third generation of the SHG family in 1755, Lafite property has entered a more confusing history. But the quality of Lafite is still not disappointed. Up to 1868 Jazz Jazz in the public auction was purchased with 4,400,000 francs in the high price.

The family has a Liffeng Villa, and it has always been able to maintain the quality of Rafa and the world's top wines. The head of the head of Zhuang, Eric Rosen, on 1974, its kind innovation and hardship operation made Lafite Wine got rid of the ordinary in the 60-270 and reached the peak.

Since talking about things in this winery, then inviting him to France must be the World Financial Overlord Roselide family. In the past, the family Bao Xuan learned that only the word slogan in the book, exactly, in addition to the core members of their family itself, I am afraid that other people in the world can't know how much the Rosenie family is in the end.

This family is the most mysterious family in the world, mysterious to marital issues are resolved in the family. It can be seen that this family is in order to keep a miracle, until the later generation is due to too much marriage, leading to many problems in the family population. I married the granddaughter of the Hilton family, but they also said that the prince married the Cinderella.

Come to the door of the winery villa, see where a young man is already waiting for them. After seeing Bunzu Xuan and Pierre, I extended my hand: "Hello, Bao Zi Xuan! I am Eric Rosen, welcome to Lafite Manor."

The so-called reach out does not smash, since people have already lowered their postures. He also said something, reach out and Eric Rosierde said: "Hello, Mr. Rosen, I have long heard the name of the Rosenie family and Lafite. The next time there is something mysterious, I think anyone in the world will not refuse the invitation of the Rosenian family. "

After you want to understand the meaning of Bao Zi Xuan, Eric Rosierd smiled and said: "It is too complicated to the problem, apologetic, apologize for what you cause. But this time I want to see you. , And don't want to be big, the more you know, the less you know. "

Although the Lafite Manor is not an important industry in the Rosenian family, so young is the Zhuang owner here. Then his father is self-evident in the family, but Lao Roschone is going to meet himself, and I have to observe it.

Eric Rozterer took buns Xuan to the vineyard direction, and the location of this time chose to be outdoors.

Eric Rosieldo took Bun Zixuan to the old Rosieride, leaving Pierre-wave. At this time, there are three people in the Laffi Vineyard, which are Bunzi Xuan, Lao Ruis Trus, and a very beautiful girl, at least Bao Zixuan has not seen the girl is beautiful than the girl.

Just a sense of God, Bao Zixuan reacted. You still have to be careful, don't never have the other party's beauty.

Lao Roschild saw that this young man is so happy, his daughter is what he has to have a desire to have. It is not a lot of unusual to use the DPRK to describe it.

Lao Roschild said with a smile: "Hello! Mr. Xiao Bao, I can call you like this! I heard that I am calling you in Xiangjiang."

Bun Zixuan: "Hello, Mr. Rothschild, of course, no problem."

Lao Roschild said: "You should be very curious, I call you the reason! In fact, there are several projects to work with you, I don't know if you are interested."

Bao Zi Xuan: "I am afraid that there should be few people in this world to reject you, but what is the business. I will certainly refuse to reject my mutually beneficial business."

Lao Roschild: "Of course, it is mutual benefit to sacrifice partners' interests, which is to earn more money. It will not have a long time. The Rosierde family still dismissed."

Bao Zi Xuan thought that it was also, although their family often controls the world economy. I really don't have that partner to say that they are not good, pit people. Maybe it is either, or it is died directly, no matter how it is still a careful.

Bunzi Xuan: "Then there is no problem with me, after all, more friends."

Lao Roschier said with a smile: "It seems that people are not all right, many people say that you like a wholly-owned business. It seems that there is only a partner who can match you, I want Ross. The Due family should have something you need. "

Baozi Xuan: "Partners need, after all, a good man will have three helps. Just, my many projects are invested, long, slow; fear partners can't afford, and I don't like to handle more complicated Contract terms and administrative affairs. "

I heard Bunzu Xuan said that his investment is large, long, and it is slow, so that Lao Roschier is not light, this kid means. In less than 5 years, I have earned tens of billions of dollars, and there is still what is a quick business. Unless you go directly to the Fed or the World Bank's robbery may be better than this.

It seems that he doesn't want Rosierd to refer to the Black Cloud Group, but it is not that idea. It can be said that both sides are trying to speak with each other, they don't want to say their own purpose.

Lao Roschild is to be a young man, Bunzi Xuan is not to know what to say, after all, he has not considered which projects can work with the Rosenie family.

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