Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 419, the meeting of the Lafite Manor

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The test of both parties has been basically ended, and it is exactly the old Rosierde. Bunzi Xuan is more a sparring. It should be to enter the theme. Otherwise, everyone is still stupid, after all, Bao Zi Xuan is not anxious.

Bao Zi Xuan knows his weaknesses and negotiations are not his strength. However, sometimes there is no way, in addition to anyone who own the company and Lao Roschone, it is his words, if it is not a matter of doing something, it is not very right, at least is still like this.

Lao Roschild: "I heard that Black Cloud has changed many diamonds in Africa, but there is no good sales. Before, Zhou Dafu cooperated with you, the price of the supply is a bit low, so I want to invite you to join Dai Bils. Alliance. Or sell the original stone directly to us, the price will never let you suffer, you don't think more, I just don't want the price of diamond prices. "

Dai Biel, a legal monopoly industry was founded in 1934. Almost the world's diamonds are transactions through it. Dai Bies maintains global prices at the same time by the central sales organization, whether it is in the economic depression or inflation, Dai Biel has successfully determined their stability of diamond prices. Statistics show that after 1934, the value added of diamonds exceeded inflation rate, and the investment diamond can protect investors' capital is not inflated erosion.

In fact, the Rosenie family has established a related company in 1888, but has not yet formed a complete monopoly status. It can be said that the brilliance of the Rosenie family is also built on the bloody hurricane, and the diamonds in Africa need to fill in life.

I heard the old guy finished, Bunzi Xuan thought. Rosiend can be the largest diamond mining business in the world, with a pricing power of diamonds. However, there are many unstable factors in Africa in 80 years, which is a ridicone family that cannot be fully controlled. In addition to the Soviet Union, I can't pricing my own minerals, so this time period is the weakest price of diamond prices for 100 years.

Bunzi Xuan and many businessmen in Africa have done a business, and the black cloud sells all of them is the relatively high profit of profit; therefore, the profit is very considerable after changing the diamond.

It has always been Zhou Dafu directly to find black cloud ordered, and recently the media covered reports have made Zhou Da Fu did not undergo diamond orders under the black cloud. Now, since Lao Roschild comes out, it is not acceptable.

Bunzi Xuan: "These are small things, but the black cloud sells diamonds to you, and the Soviet Union will not let you get absolute pricing."

Lao Roschild: "Then you need a small bag to cooperate. According to my knowledge, several important leaders of the Central Central Committee have had sex. The relationship between the Soviet business department is even more. I want to ask you to coordinate a bit,

Let everyone get profits, why not! "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Those who are talking, but I think the strength of the Rosierd family should be able to get it, you still say other items!"

Baozi Xuan can not want to be the Soviet Union, after all, the United States has begun to plan a star market. According to the consistent personality of the Soviet Union, it must be followed up, but it is necessary to support a massive fund support. Diamond exports There is a short dwell problem that the nerves of the two sides may not be involved, and it is not necessary. After all, the people involved is very large.

Lao Roschier saw that Bun Zixuan did not pick him this, knowing that he had just recognized certain mustard. However, he is not in a hurry, and many things need to be established on the basis of trusting between the two sides, and can only step by step, step by step.

Old Russe True: "Rosierd's bank is preparing to return to the Asian market from the new return, hoping to get the support of the Black Cloud Group in Xiangjiang, we can provide the necessary help to the black cloud."

Bun Zixuan: "I have any benefits, don't tell me to get the friendship of the Rosenie family. This may be very precious, but it is not attractive."

Lao Luoschild heard the friendship of the family, and what happened in the past few years. Actually, the name of the family is so declined, it seems that the family is not angry.

Lao Roschild: "Fund, talent, full-scale support, only you can't think of it, no we can't do it."

Bunzi Xuan: "This seems to have I don't have any of my Rosenie family to do anything. I don't know why you have to find me, I think I haven't reached the love, the flower blossoms. "

Lao Roschild: "Time, we are now lacking is time. And you are definitely the world's top existence in time efficiency. We need a small bag to win the time for us. And Mr. Packet can get what you want. What should be harvested in Ol Shin in Poland! "

I heard the old guy actually said that the brain of Bao Zixuan was rotated quickly. In the end, there is a problem with that link, how did he know.

There is a traitor in the hand, but it is the old man who has just been working with his own business. The sound of this action is also very strict; is it that the Rosenie family is the information that Bowman leaked by Powman. The purpose is to let himself report to the greedy side, and then capture the handle by the other party. But the other party is a Jew, knowing that Bowman's identity does not kill him.

When I saw Bunzi Xuan's expression, Lao Luoschild said with a smile: "It seems that my daughter's analysis is true, you go to Poland to go."

At this time, Bao Zixuan looked at the girl who had been serving next to two people. Everything is what she analyzed. Self-think of camouflage is not bad, it seems that he is too thinking about it.

At this time, I haven't spoken: "Hello! Bun Zixuan Mr. I am Angela Rosierd, I am really curious to make you so much week. In order to be able to come to Poland Want to pass the way of watching the military, let people think that you are a young man who wants to come and watch the fun. "

"Then buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, and get around the land development of San Andrew through the name of investment. Let people think that you are really going to invest in Poland, everything is coincident."

"But you are too anxious, before you departure, the black cloud security department has first arrived in Germany. At this time, there are also many black cloud security people nearby, and ask if a person is afraid of death, worrying that his safety is also used. So many security power. "

"And after signing the contract with the POAS, they immediately appeared in Poland. And began to block the area near the observatory, where you should have something you want."

"And the security supervisor of the Black Cloud Group actually returned to Xiangjiang from Poland. Mr. Zhang War is your private bodyguard. It can be said to be one of your heart, so you go out to go back."

After an Analysis of Angela Ros, Bunxuan found himself innocent. I thought I didn't know that I didn't know that things were made, I didn't expect to be self-deceived.

Bunzi Xuan: "Prostitute, these are your analysis. The purpose of I came over Poland was for the sight of the military, so that others were guess."

Angela-Rosierd: "Before Oll, it belongs to the east of Germany. Uu reads is the birthplace of German aristocrats. It can be said that it is a symbol of Germany, and it is talented after the war. World War II. When is the core of the Third Empire, it is very likely that there is a lot of things in the third empire.

"As a super rich, you will not be guilty because of a little gold and silver treasure. The world thinks that the most valuable thing is like you can't put it at all, because as long as you want to get it easily."

"Before the World War II, Germany as a world science and technology center for many years. At that time, the number of scientists owned by Germany was the most in this world. Just because the defeat was divided by the two super powers of Mei Su, but the German scientist R & D and expectations were still very Academic value. Many products research results are to fall down to the category of black research, it is estimated that only these things can touch you to travel to Poland. "

Just come in, I feel that this girl is very beautiful, I didn't expect to analyze the ability. It seems that this world still has wisdom and beautiful women, but also let him firmly firmly determine the tradition of the Rosielda family has a close relative, and people who have born people are genius.

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