Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 420, the meeting of the Lafite Manor

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Bunzi Xuan can not want to continue to discuss topics about him to Poland, or maybe the underwear that may be analyzed. In front of the girl, the girl is smart, and the general people are really dusty, and even the psychology of fear.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Miss Rosielide should be working in writers or screenwriters! After all, sometimes novels or movies don't dare to write to write. Now you think he actually happened to me. I have not found it. Waiting for you to write memoirs or shoot the movie. "

I don't have any good ways to see Bunzi Xuan death. Moreover, Zhang Wan has returned to Xiangjiang, Rosierd's forces can be said to be quite weak in the Far East, where there is absolutely not the opponent of this man in front of him.

And their purpose is just a warning to Bunxuan, let you understand our strength. If there is no powerful intelligence support, it is not the same in the smart brain, as if it is seen.

Lao Roschild: "Mr. Xiaoko is not too popular, Angera is very curious from a small thing. I like to study psychology, just should be a professional disease."

Still returning to my topic, Rosierd Bank can provide you with the necessary support, and the conditions are to enter the Asian market.

Bao Zi Xuan thought that this may be a chance, the Ma Ying war, Huaying negotiations, and the square agreement require a lot of funds. If the Roselide Bank is able to give certain financial support, the plan will be a lot. But once they let them stand in the Xiangjiang Financial Market, it may bring an impact on the entire Chinese and even Asia. People come over and not to make charity, but to earn profits.

Baozi Xuan worried that it would not wolf into the room, after all, how large, the Rose, the Rose, who has accumulated, is not known.

After thinking about a while, Bun Zixuan said: "I can introduce you to a few friends to know, and Black Cloud will give a part of the settlement business to the bank of the Rosierde family. The premise is that I will give me a $ 15 billion next year. If you can discuss anything else. After all, the reputation is just a reputation, I still have to look at the real power of your family. "

Lao Roschild didn't expect this young man in front of him to try to have so much money. It seems that people have this bottom. At the same time, it is also testing the strength of the Rosenian family. Since you want to see, I will let you understand the benefits of working with us.

Lao Roschild: "$ 15 billion, as long as you are willing to pay the corresponding interest, you can get it at any time."

"Since this matter has been talked,

We are talking about other projects. "

Bao Zixuan: "If other projects are not talking, it means that the previous negotiations are not happened."

Lao Roschier smiled and said: "Before it was previous, there is no relationship we have to say now. Even if there is no consensus, it will not affect the previous cooperation project."

Bao Zixuan: "I am relieved, or it is not consistent with my idea in my heart, I really don't know how to refuse."

Lao Roschild: "This kind of thing will not happen, I heard that you recruited a Israeli student at the university of Xiangjiang, only one of him in the morning, is it too lonely."

Bun Zixuan did not expect that even such a small house, he knew that there is something that is something that people don't know. It seems that the intelligence work is not a hierarchy.

Bunzi Xuan: "Yulin Institute of Technology has no nationality restrictions, as long as it is enough, no one can go in and read."

Lao Roschild: "That's good, is the Black Cloud Group is ready to build a factory in Israel; where the conditions may not be very good, but there is also his advantage."

After listening to Lao Rose, Bunxuan found that this is his true purpose. I remember that the past World Coca-Cola has established the world's largest glass bottle production base in Israel, where there is no decent resource outside of the sand.

Moreover, the Middle East is not an important area of ​​cola sales, where to establish such a large factory single logistics cost is an astronomical figure. It seems that this thing should be that the Jewish consortium will be built behind him. Otherwise, no one has not happily established the factory.

Baozi Xuan: "Israel is not suitable for building a factory, after all, the surrounding environment is not very good. And there is no resource, but the condition is not considered."

At this point, he is more worried about the reaction of the Middle East, after all, where to build a factory can directly stimulate the nerves of the Middle East. But you can't tell the words, after all, there will be a lot when you deal with the Jews.

Lao Roschone thought that if there is any resource, you will use you in the past. Really when our Jews have no money, we just have no investment so many industrial production.

Several countries in this world have transnational investment buildings, and Germany's relationship with Israel is imagined. Japanese generally choose to establish a factory next to the market, and the American industrial production has been anti-them. After all, Jews have controlled financial fields and Hollywood. No one is worried that the end is big, after all, the United States is not entirely the Jews of the United States.

The heroic army of the Black Cloud Group suddenly made the Jews to see the opportunity. Baozi Xuan urged a large number of factory production products, and itself has a core technology and is very competitive in the market.

Lao Roschild: "These are not a problem, at least Jewish consolidated companies prefer the products produced by Israel."

Baozi Xuan: "The sales of products are just one aspect. After all, the products produced by the black cloud have been recognized by the market. But the Middle Eastern countries are the big customers of the black cloud, I think you should understand what I mean."

Other companies in Germany, Japan, and other companies are also considered, and the relationship between Israel is good. But it is impossible to lose the Middle East market because of helping Israel development, and no one dares to take such a big risk.

Lao Roschild: "I also thought about this, we can invest in the factory, premise that the black cloud products can be authorized to authorize this factory, so the benefits of both parties can be guaranteed."

At this time, Bao Zixuan suddenly thought that there was a product relatively suitable for Israel. The technique of the past is very good in Israel, and it has occupied some markets with cost performance. And the people in the Middle East can not use it, they will not be used.

There is also this factory currently has no way to implement in China, and Batches will definitely investigate your life. However, there is no such problem in Israel, and the product can also get a full range of promotion.

Bao Zixuan said: "There is a product that is very suitable for Israel. It is not to know what conditions in Israel. I don't understand the domestic education of Israel. If this factory wants to play a large number of technical workers."

"Black Cloud can only provide core engineers and technology licenses, others need to recruit in local area. After all, ordinary workers need to recruit from Xiangjiang or foreign countries will be too high, and there is no meaning for Israel."

I have heard the real way to solve the factory problem, let Rosierd father are very excited. This is more happy than what you earn. From this point of view of the Jews or very worried, after all, they won't be a thousand years, and they hope to have a stable home. Therefore, what is the relationship between individuals and family sacrifices some interests, the Jews are the least out of money.

Lao Rose is excited: "Our Jews have no need to worry about it. If you really need a special mechanic; Jewish workers in any country in the world are willing to return to Israel, this can be fully assured. Just The products produced can win the market, then others are not a problem. "

"After all, the factory we need to build roots in Israel land, and thrive. It is not to put it. If we can build more than 100 plants in Israel for face projects, what is meaningful."

Bao Zixuan did not expect this old man to consider the more realistic and long, yeah! The Jews don't have money, but they have never been missing. They want to be able to continue to develop in Israel. If the factory can't win the market by itself, earn profits, then one day will be eliminated in the morning and evening.

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