Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 421 of the meeting of the Lafite Manor

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The factory prepared to build in Israel is to produce CNC machine tools. At present, although the high-precision CNC machine TRC has a complete technical reserve, it can also be produced, but most of them are self-produced.

The Black Cloud CNC machine is not well promoted in the market if it is built in Israel. Then the Jews see that the products produced by the motherland will definitely buy, and they will not sell the road at all. The main black cloud machine itself is still very strong, it is not afraid of competition with Germany and Japanese similar products.

There is also the CNC machine tool is not good in China. Otherwise, the Batari resolution will investigate the black cloud; it is the British to make you better, in Israel, you can fix these problems. And the people in the Middle East will have some opinions, but they can not be used by CNC machines, and they are not too strong.

It's almost that the timing is almost, and the thoughts of the father and daughter of Rosierd have been completely hanging. Bao Zixuan said: "I don't know how much Roschiel is aware of the CNC machine tool."

Bao Zixuan will not be white and innocent asking for the topic that has nothing to do with the factory. At this time, the CNC machine tool is definitely preparing to establish a CNC machine tool factory in Israel.

Lao Roschild: "Mr. Pad is preparing to establish a production plant in Israel to establish a CNC machine machine, which seems to be the strength of the black cloud!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Many things don't only look at the surface, the black cloud is absolutely poor than any business in the NC machine. Just we have no key promotion, and there is also the light of other products to cover up."

Lao Roschild heard the Bunzi Xuan said, and the CNC machine tool belongs to the category of high-tech industry. If you introduce to Israel, it is absolutely able to drive local economic and technology development, and even you can complete domestic technology upgrades and transformation.

Just don't know if the black cloud CNC machine bed base technology does not say so strong, if he is just a strong order, he is not good for the entire Jewish nation, which is not a person in his or a family.

Lao Roschild: "Since Mr. Xiao Bao said that I should believe it, but this is not my own thing. So I need to understand it, I will arrange people to find people in the field. If you can reach you The effect, then this factory building costs don't have to have a penny, as for how many shares you are prepared. You should understand that our purpose is not just to make money, but think about how to pull the Israeli economy. "

Bao Zixuan: "I am waiting for a big driving, but your project is not just like this!"

Lao Rose Queern: "I heard that the US Best Buy you occupy the most shares.

I don't know if I need a partner in Europe. "

Bun Zixuan: "These you can talk to the Rockefeller family, I have no opinions. After all, you belong to a nation, and many things can be solved privately."

Baozi Xuan has heard of the contradiction between the two families, after all, Roschild has been staying in Europe. At World War II, it can be said that the loss is heavy, before the attached Morgan and Rockefeller rose, and even relying on the rapid development of the United States to cover the momentum of the Rosenie family.

It can be said that the two families of Rosen and Rockefeller are not affiliated to the relationship, and they want to make the other side to make some unrealistic. However, I saw the hot extent of the sales of the electronic market, and they also hoped to be able to share a piece.

Lao Roschild: "The Roselide family and the Rockefeller family have been in so many years of development, there are too many children's children, and it is inevitable that there is too much friction."

Bunzi Xuan: "Since you have contradictory, I have no good way. I was invested in investment. I gave up some of the management rights before I got the biggest share. I am not very uninterrupted. After all, my interest is not lost. "

"There is also the things of your two families. I don't want to participate. After all, it is not guilty, even some guilty."

Lao Roschild knew that this kid could not easily promise, now Best Buy in Diana Rockefeller, but is very popular. There are new stores every month, and sales are more popular.

Electronic sales stores themselves belong to traditional industries, just buying products are not the same. See how such a chance missed, this will try to join in.

I didn't expect this kid to know the contradiction between their family and the Rockefeller family. This is a bit hard, but it is difficult to don't fall.

To Roschier smiled and said: "We will deal with these problems, as long as you nod, you are not a problem. As for the two family problems belong to the contradiction between Jewish, it will be good to affect the normal business. Operating, please rest assured. "

Since this old man said, he is not good. Moreover, Best Buy the future must be listed, and there are too many shares in his hand, which is not conducive to the healthy development of the enterprise. After all, there are too few people who will work seriously.

Bao Zi Xuan: "If you coordinate, I can send a part of the equity. But I have a condition, you should know that I don't lack of cash. So I hope that the Rothschild family can take objects."

Lao Roschild: "I don't know what the small bag has seen anything, as long as it is absolutely no problem."

Bun Zixuan: "I don't have any other hobbies, I like to drink some wine. We just drink a good wine, and I know that your wine should have been booked. I can not be for you, Lafite, Lafite. I want 20% in red wine. In addition to the Lafitery Rosierd should have other vineyards, I want to use these two things as a exchange. Once you persuade the Rockefeller family, then we can pay it anym hours. "

"I don't care, but the market value of Best Buy is increasing every day, and there is no relationship in the late days."

This is the true purpose of Baozi Xuan, the truth of France, just now. And he doesn't dare to be too much. If the 2002 Faffi market is not strong, it is impossible to become a classic.

As for the winery, I will always come over, I can exchange the purchase of the province. After all, I will not be so suitable for a while, and the assets acquired by the Rosielda family will never be too bad. Otherwise, they can't afford it. people.

Lao Roschild feels that it is not something wrong, this kid is so simple; it is not looking for yourself! However, since it is mentioned, he can't let him have a chance to repent.

Lao Roschild: "Since Mr. Pack said this, I have no opinions. Winery and next year Lafite Manor will have 20% of the red wine in the Mai, and now I can deliver to you, I will prepare the contract as soon as possible. After all, the two sides also To evaluate the market value of our respective enterprises. "

Regarding the matter has been basically tacted, both parties understand; trust requires a process. It is impossible for the first time to become a strategic partner. I can talk about such a satisfaction today.

I ate lunch at the Lafite Manor, Baozi Xuan left. He has already contacted the charter, and will go back tomorrow morning. As for the rest, it will be handed over to the professional team. Whether it is diamond trading, Israeli buildings, Best Buy is handed over to the following people to follow up, let cooperation reach the project landing.

Looking at Bao Zi Xuan left, Lao Roschild said: "Angela, how do you feel this person."

Anjira-Roschild is how smarter, in combination, deliberately let her feel with today. I heard the father's meaning, so I said: "The person is not bad, it is a bit rough in the business operation. But these can learn after tomorrow, the smart brain is his innate advantage."

"There are many security people who have just been in the manor, and even the people of KGB exist. It seems that he is better than the Soviet relationship."

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