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Contact KGB is also arranged by Bao Zi Xuan, but it is spent. After all, there is a lot of guarantees in France, at least now makes the other party to have doubts, then prove that this money does not have a white flower.

The big direction is already talking, and the next person can be arranged. Baozi Xuan returned to Xiangjiang, which was a lot of more than half a month, and it was a lot of more than half a month.

With the Soviet army has already taken the line, although there are only some scrap or old products, but Bao Zi Xuan also value the future. When the Soviet Union is disintegrating, these people are dare to sell.

In Poland not only got the things you want, but also invested in a border market. It is estimated that future income should not be poor, just waiting for a little longer.

Large industrial software written in Switzerland, there is no problem with continuous improvement and upgrading. However, it is said that Black Cloud leads at least more than 10 years in large industrial technology software.

France not only bought the red wine and winery they want, but also got contact with the Rosenate family. If you always stay careful, future benefits will not be estimated.

Bunzi Xuan didn't know that he had returned from France to Xiangjiang, and it was already reported by the media. The media that got the message seems to be a shark smell bloody, and calculate the time to rush to Xiangjiang Airport.

After all, Baozi Xuan as the only view of the Xiangjiang people who have been in Western-81 military exercises, everyone wants to hear his views. After the black dollar security department has got a news, it is also in advance, in the airport, if there is any flash of the boss, it is difficult to redeem a dead.

At this time, Baixuan is watching the technical information left by German scientists on the plane, looking at the technology that is still not out of time. He is really some engineers who admire this to the cerebral cave, what is thought of.

Since the former people have already touched the platform, now Bao Zi Xuan wants to make innovation and extension on the platform. At this time, he already has a goal and starts to draw design drawings according to the German version of the role aircraft.

Back to Xiangjiang's first project is the role aircraft, and now there is a detailed technical drawing. Black cloud itself can produce higher efficiency, with material advantages. The Germany in the Second World War II, but there is no much resource to be put into appearance materials, or it will not be able to fight with their technical level of the Soviet Union.

Looking at the constant molding design, Bun Zixuan is very satisfied. The aircraft production workshop and shipbuilding platform were built at the same time when building universities were built.

After all, the Yulin Institute of Technology has related courses.

The students don't work without internships. Although it is a small tonnage platform, it is sufficient to relative to the effective aircraft tonnage.

When the plane is under the plane, a forming design has been present in front of it. After all, there is a full set of technical drawings of the Germans. In addition, he is a plane designer, which can be said that there is a day after research and development.

After going back, you should cooperate with the product to quickly produce the product. It is getting closer and closer to the War of Ma Island. It can be said that success is here.

However, when Bao Zi Xuan went to the airport hall, the scene saw made him incredible. It is not to open the press conference, there are so many reporters, is today is the Queen to come to Xiangjiang!

Zhang Xing hurried to his face: "The boss, I don't know who I will take you back to Xiangjiang today, so that all Xiangjiang reporters are almost coming to the airport, the purpose is to block you."

Bao Zixuan did not expect to go to Europe to have such a big move, this is not too unhappy. The reporters who saw the inner circle were more than a hundred people. It should be said that all media in Xiangjiang have a reporter, and when they have such a big influence.

Bao Zi Xuan: "You will tell the reporter, I still answer three questions. Let them choose the representative, say that I am tired, I am tired."

The reporters can only answer three questions and some disappointments. However, the head of the bag is also given to the face. After all, there is no answer to you. Baozi Xuan is not a star, never care about his exposure, people do not have a reporter to bother him.

Soon three reporters were selected, these three were from the British Times, Xiangjiang Ming Pao and Xinhua News Agency. Such an allocation plan is not good to say, the Times is the largest newspaper in the UK, where the strength is put. And now I still have to give the British face, after all, Xiangjiang has not returned.

Ming is a master of Jin Yong, whoever needs to give a little more. As for the Xinhua News Agency, it is a media body in Xiangjiang, which is superior, just a low-key.

The Times's reporter is still Jane - Lorri Hugs, she is recently preparing the news material of Baozi Xuan's day, today is better to know more about this Xiangjiang Rich, then after the deep sea, it seems to be wounded in the corner. in. Let the British intelligence organization are very disappointed, after all, this is a good opportunity to get close to Bunxuan.

I got the head of today's head and went back to Xiangjiang, the British wants to see two people. If you can't think of other ways, you will always try it anyway.

Jane - Luoli Hugs asked: "Hello, Mr. Bao! What do you think about the combat power of this military drain Soviet army? After all, you have been in the director during the military exercise, watching the whole process."

Bunzi Xuan: "The Soviet battle force is really nothing to say, I have seen it very shocking, there is a feeling of blood boiling when the armored cluster is charged. If the conditions are allowed, I think that I can direct a armored group army, cross the world. The feeling is very beautiful. "

"For this this, I also bought some old armored vehicles that dismantled the weapons in the Soviet Union, ready to build a military museum, if the Xiangjiang citizen is interested in experience."

I heard the head of the head and affordless to buy a military museum, which made the following people. What is this situation, this thing is too sudden, how he persuaded the British.

At this time, Baixuan has not convinced the British, after all, all armored vehicles have not arrived in Hong Kong. It is also a prevention needle in advance, which is clearly white, tell you, I am going to do this. If you are opposed, it is to hinder the people of Xiangjiang people experience life.

At this time, I asked: "Hello, I heard that you have purchased the number of people in Switzerland, and I also bought a lot of red wine in France; I am preparing to engage in these two aspects!"

If the header is going to collect, the potential value of these two things will rise straight, and even booming two industries, it is estimated that red wine merchants and watch merchants ask people.

Bunzi Xuan: "I am not interested in the collection. I will always give my family and friends. Let's not have so much higher tube. I can't think of this thin, always everyone has a copy. Some watches. "

"As for the red wine, it is completely personal, I have no other hobby; drinking is one of them, how can I buy a little back in France?"

The answer to Baozi Xuan was once again subverting awareness, and he hoped to be able to be friends with the bag. Look at the gift for people to give friends to a friend is a Swiss watch, many people have this heart without this.

And I heard that Bordeaux is almost finished in the nakednation of red wine next year, this requires how much financial support. It seems that the first thing that the bag is trying to play is really not understanding, it is to understand that there must be some strength.

Bao Zixuan wanted to be a classic before leaving. Then, the wine brand close to the Lafite Vegetarries should be worse, this is a big purchase, and Bordeaux will increase the 2nd floor of Bordeaux next year, and it is difficult to find it.

Xinhua News Agency asked: "You are born! I want to make a big investment in the Poland area, where will you put the center of gravity?"

Baozi Xuan: "The total investment is not more than $ 300 million, why invest the focus. I just feel that it is good, it is very suitable for border trade, and it is also very suitable as a logistics. In addition, the local mayor is also a Those who do practical things have decided to invest. "

Xinhua News Agency also worried that the bag of the first rich will leave Xiangjiang, after all, in other places, there is a decrease in investment in China and Xiangjiang.

Bao Zixuan: "Three questions I have already answered, thank you here. I want to go back and take a break. After all, I took a day, I hope everyone can understand."

The person who knows that the bag must have given a passage. After all, people have given the foot, and they also meet everyone's curiosity, which will take a good rest.

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