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When two people are talking about it, he heard that the door is pushed open, or it may be open. This makes Shao Yifu eyebrows, can be said very angry. After all, this is a TVB TV station, or his office, who is not to face it. Actually, when I walked his face, I didn't put myself in my eyes at all.

After seeing the three people who came in, Shao Yifu didn't know what to say! If he can also say it just two tensors, but now, the oldness of the old age is, no matter how this face is still given.

Three people entering the office are two sons of Lady and profiters. It has been very moisturizing the two son of interest in the last time. Although everyone serves other companies in their families, they are still TVBs they want to stay. Here can be said to be the most beautiful in Xiangjiang, and there are many girls who have dreams every year.

They have been able to have a lot of actors who have been able to take a lot of people. Everyone is also a eye, but the recent appetite and ambition is getting bigger and bigger, no small actors, and turn the target to TVB, and this is not as simple as a mess. Even the image of the entire TVB is not as convergent after being reprimanded by Fang Yihua.

The day before yesterday acts in the face of Shao Yifu's face, and Shao Yifu's teachings. They know that they can't fight with Shao Yifu in the TV station, so they are persuading their mother. After all, the Lady is a big shareholder of the TV station. I want my mother to go to Shao Yifu, so the whole TVB is their world, which can be for what you want.

Although Shao Yifu is very angry, it has already developed into Taishan to collapse the belly that Taishan collapsed before. Although it makes him very unopened by Baozi Xuan's face, but also politely said: "How do you come, don't tell me in advance, I will welcome you."

Lady saw that Bun Zixuan thought it was a small generation of Shao Yifu, so he said: "Shao Lao Liu, I didn't even have a TV station, didn't you come?"

I heard this name, Shao Yifu is more angry, since Jazz is blocked. There are already many teenagers who dare to call him this, and the Lifaka's wife will become this.

Shao Yifu: "Lady as the company's shareholder can of course come over, but what is it is my office? It is not appropriate!"

At this time, Shao Migang suddenly said: "Shao Laixia, today is the new board of directors from the status of major shareholders. Here is the TV B chairman office, not your personal office; wait for the board of directors, you can sit here Not necessarily. "

Mrs. Lady called him to say the past,

But now I dare to call him so much. If people let people know, they will put him in the eyes in the future.

Shao Yifu bites his teeth: "This is your personal meaning or interest."

I know that the Lady who wants to support his son, "My son means I mean, I am going to serve as the Chairman of TVB, I can't see the filial piety, the outsiders are occupied by outsiders, and if he is not in Jiun."

I heard that I actually lifted the dead, the purpose is to let him go out. Fortunately, I have reached a consensus today, or it is true that it is true that it is true.

Shao Yifu said, said: "In this case, I don't have to have any scruples, I am going to make the TVB from the new group. If you have money, you can follow up, if you don't be embarrassed."

Lixia is not long, and the profitra is in the contracting industry. It is now impossible to take too many cash. After all, they have been divided, and those who have the benefit of the family are not like people who can take the initiative.

Li II Son: "You said that the capital increase capital will share capital, if the profitra is not agreeable!"

Shao Yifu: "As long as it is half a director to agree, there is no problem. I would like to make the profitable way to enjoy the TV station, after all, where I am, and now I have no need. We are still official Public, adopted survival, and the loser out. "

I heard that Shao Yifu actually said, let the Lady worried. After all, Shao Lao is not a non-targeted person, who gave him a bottom gas.

Mrs. Lady: "Then there is nothing to say, we still convene a board of directors."

This woman also knows that the momentum will never lose, and several shareholders and his old businesses are quite deep. At the crucial moment, I will stand in the side of the benefit. After all, Li Xia is helping to help them.

Shao Yifu: "Don't have to be so trouble, there are 8 directors in TVB TV, divided into 8 different companies. The biggest holders are the benefit, next is me, then I will remember the Huangpu Okay."

"As for the remaining five shareholders, it is not a lot of shares, but I also achieved three authorizations. I entrusted me to run the TVB TV station, so the support I have received is 35%. about."

"Just after I have already negotiated with Huangpu representatives, their voting rights are also here. So I think the lady should understand what this means!"

I heard the young people who have just negotiated it, and the young people who have been familiar with the eyes are the representatives of the Huangpu. It is no wonder that Shao Lao is so angry, but does not start the arrow, now only the collar is in the end.

Mrs. Lady said: "Even if you continue to do the chairman, according to the shares, our interest should accounted for two directors. I decided to let me come over and supervise the operation of the TV station. After all, this is the base of filial piety and hard work. I can't see him in the hands of it. "

I saw this woman and Moth, Shao Yifu said: "I am preparing to share capital and share, if the profitra is funded, then you want to keep several directors."

Hearing that the Lady here seems to be self-speaking: "filial piety, you have a look. This is your good brother, you are now late, he began to bully our orphans."

At this time, I have already started to play the feelings, and the Lady is also a talent, but it is not used to place.

Bao Zixuan has been drinking tea, this matter is not too big, and he doesn't want to have too much intersection with the benefit of the family, which will reduce his identity.

Shao Yifu did not know how to describe the professions at this time, no wonder two sons who are not obedient. It turns out that all this is an educational issue. The so-called on the beam is not a beam.

But you can't let people say that he is bullying the orphans of people, he still wants a reputation. So say: "Lady, I think you should have understood that the profile is not possible to continue to manage TVB TV. Seeing in filial piety and brother, I can keep the benefit of a director seat. But I hope that the two sons should not appear on the TV, and they can't harass Any TVB female artist. "

"If this requirement can't do it, then there is nothing to say, we can only solve the problem with the means on the mall."

Although the Lady knows what his son is virtue, but still wants to work hard. I said: "My two sons can help you manage TV stations together so you can also help you and teach them. If you say that your age is not small, sometimes the energy may not be enough, this is also responsible for all shareholders."

I heard this sentence, Xuan Bao Xuan is somewhat can't help, after all, still young, suddenly laughing. However, this will let the profitraid have found the qi, can't pay for Shao Lao, can't pack you a young young. It is to clean up his old man in the face of Shao Laixia, which is called killing chicken to see.

Since Li Xiao and the world, the profitraid has been in a disordered. What happens to care about other things, so I don't know that buns are also normal.

After all, Li Erduct is young. First, open the mouth to Bao Zixuan: "What do you count, actually dare to joke my mother. Now, I will have to apologize, I can see that Mr. Shao is not pursued, or careful to let you I can't eat it. "

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