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I heard the second sentence, let Shao Yifu and Fang Yihua next to him are some. What is this profitter is to do, actually dare to talk to Bunxuan, is that Li Xiao and in the world do not dare to have the first rich. Although Bao Zixuan is not long, it is very harmonious to make money, and it is very harmonious with many big relationships.

The last ship king is just because the son-in-law makes a knife behind the knife, and the cost of paying will not bear. This profiter actually speaking, it seems that there is a good show, Bunzi Xuan is not like the human animal that is showing.

Baozi Xuan did not pay attention to a few people, just smiled and said to Shao Yifu: "Six Uncle, I am not innocent, here is your office, if you have any bad things, you can only say to you Sorry. "

I heard the Bunxuan actually didn't put them in the eyes, and I called Shao Yifu Six Uncle. Let the professor more determined this is Shao Yifu's little generation, no one will think that Xiangjiang's richest is actually so respectful Shao Lao.

Shao Yifu said with a smile: "You look at it, just as your own office. I have been righteous, don't need to avoid me."

Privileges can say that the more angry, the two people have not put them in their eyes at all. I can't pack Shao Lao today, I can't pack you a young young.

Now it's just a family of two masses, even if you want to express it. After all, I don't want to be covered by the old two, especially when the mother's face.

Lee Mon: "I said that Xiaozi, my younger brother, didn't you hear it! We want to do you, do you think Shao Laosi can take you forever! If you, if you, just give me a mother, maybe she Bodhisattva can forgive you. "

Baozi Xuan still didn't care about them, just said to Shao Yifu: "Six uncle, I am getting more and more admire. These two kids may often be in front of you. I didn't expect you to endure for the brothers. "

Shao Yifu helplessly said: "I have no way, after all, I have to take into account the brothers and friendship."

Seeing that two people don't put their brothers in their eyes, these two guys think that Shao Yifu and buns look down on them. Shao Laixia can still endure, but this kid is actually like this. Then don't blame him for him in front of Shao Laixia.

Li two masters: "Kid, since you didn't put us in your eyes, there was nothing to say."

I said to the outside: "I gave me a little, today is the face of Shao Laixia, I don't give it.

We don't play with great TV stations. "

When they came over today, they worried that there were things happening, and now security is the people of Shao Laixia. Therefore, bring the bodyguards in the home, just think that it can be used in critical moments.

I saw that the bodyguard came to the office. Shao Yifu worried that Bao Zi Xuan suffered a loss, after all, here is his site. Just wanted to stop it, but I didn't wait, I saw that the two bodyguards of the profession were on the ground.

Moreover, watching the hands and feet have been deformed, and it is very wolf. It can be strange that Bun Zixuan bodyguards did not see everyone, it can be said that it has been interrupted in a moment of the Body Bodyguard.

This sudden situation makes a few people don't know what to say, but Bao Zi Xuan is now to talk: "I don't want to make things, but I am not afraid. Since you want people to put me down, I am embarrassed. "

After that, the bodyguards directly defeated the two people of the benefit, but this time didn't have a hand, just a simple education.

I saw my son fell to the ground, and the Lady woke a lot. After all, young people who can talk to Shao Yifu can not find a few in Xiangjiang, the most important bodyguards are so powerful.

Lady: "Young people, although my sons have some questions, but you don't think it is too much!"

Baozi Xuan: "Lady also feels a problem, it is really rare, this time is in the office of Six, I don't want to investigate what, I will not talk so much next time.

Lady: "It is not that you are chasing it. Do you think that with my two sons are in the moment, will we let you let you go!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Since there is already a thing, then please draw it, I am spending, but it will not be as simple as it is now."

Seeing young people so confident, and Shao Laixia is a look of fun. Is it really provoked a person who should not provoke.

In fact, Shao Yifu also has his own little nineteen, and others are not good for the family. But now I see that the benefit is also very happy in the heart of such a strong opponent. After all, these months make the profession two kids toss enough, and now I can finally have a bad breath.

Lady also feels something is not simple, it is possible to talk to Laoshao. And still remembering the representative of Huangpu, then this person is likely to be Bunxuan, I said how to look like this. Shao Laixia is trying to kill people, no wonder suddenly there is no saying.

However, this time, the Lady also knows that it can't be delayed, tough and said: "Since you don't know this, don't blame us."

Bao Zixuan: "People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, I will prison. Now I don't want to have any tribute in the TV station, if any Tianli wants how to think, I will accompany it."

"Today, as a lesson for two sons, let them know that there are people in this world."

Bao Zi Xuan said that he left a photo of Shao Yifu, he left, after all, he really didn't want to use this old fox. I will not laugh at it today. But I want to say that there is no Shao Yifu's credit bag, I don't believe it, everything is too coincident.

Why did you come over today? It is definitely that Siles have come to find trouble. And deliberately let Huo Yingdong comes out, you can say that Huo is a matter of account.

I know that Bunxuan will not refuse Huo Yingdong, and knowing that Huo Yingdong is most hope that Huang Shang is united. How to let Hua Shang more united between China, then there must be a lot of communication.

Shao Yifu knows himself, Baozi Xuan is with him to drink a early tea. However, Huo Yingdong has a significant difference, with the age of Bao Zi Xuan and respect for Huo Yingdong, inevitably come over his own home or in the office to negotiate this matter.

Shao Yifu also knows that there are several people in the TV station often report to the benefit of the venture. After all, the benefit is the largest shareholder of the company. It is not very good to find a few lines, and these are all taken by him.

It can be said that Shao Yifu, who has killed this killing, has been extremely doing, and now Yiben has already guilty of Bao Zi Xuan. It can be said that there are few other businessmen in Xiangjiang, and they will dare to continue working with them. After all, the bag is rich, but it is not good, and it is very bad in the brother, and everyone does not look at the new rise from the new rise.

If they can abide by this point, don't want to be rich. There will be no problem if you only earn a property rent, you will be awarded a greed in a moment, and you may have to let the profession will fall into the territory.

Lady saw that Bunzi Xuan left without blocking, after all, I already know who the other person is. At this time, it is really a fool that is really a fool. I saw what my son just wanted to say, and I immediately stopped it.

At this time, I have reacted, why is Shao Laixuan to meet today. Why is it necessary to choose a professor to come over? '

And listen to the tone of Bag Xuan, he should already know that Shao Lao Liu is deliberate. It can be said that they are all used by Shao Yifu, but I know how can I? Shao Laixiu is directly to shoot you, and you don't have any way.

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