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Baozi Xuan went back to the road, the more angry, Shao Yifu is really a person who takes the longest in the CEO position. It can be said that all things must be counted, the last expression and movements of the Lady, it is estimated that both both parties are played.

But what is the relationship, the profitra and Bao Zixuan have settled Liangzi, and it is difficult to resolve the future. It is estimated that Bun Zi Xuan wants to have been so passed. The two bodyguards of this prosperous family were interrupted, and the two sons were also put down, and even some minor injuries. Since their consistently arrogant, the character will find the opportunity will wait for a waiting time, even if the other party is the richest river in Xiangjiang, Bao Zixuan has a hatred, and many people also want to watch him unlucky.

Before the owner went out, Shao Yifu said: "The board will be held recently, and I will notify the Lady."

This signal is already very obvious, that is, it is necessary to make the position of the largest shareholder of the TV station. And listening to Shao Lao's six breaths very determined, things have reached the point where you can't save.

After the mother and child returned to the home, the family of the family said: "Mom! It's so easy to let the boy leave, why don't you call the police, or find someone to pack the kid."

Lady hated the iron and did not have two sons, and I thought about how to give such two son who only knew the bubble. It's really unfortunate, I can count on these two sons in the future, watching very worried.

Lady: "Are you not good news! Even if there is anything in Xiangjiang, what happens to move your brain, do not have too much impulse."

After saying that the newspaper threw the newspaper to the husband and the husband, it was unclear, and the second year of Li was picked up the newspaper to see the photo, and I thought that this is not today in the Shao Yifu office! I didn't expect newspapers to report him. It seems that it is not an unknown generation, and it is no wonder that the mother will easily let him leave.

But when he saw the text, especially after seeing the name. The two ministers have surprised the O type, he is Bao Zixuan. No wonder there is no happiness, I can talk to Shao Yifu with Shao Yifu in that time. I haven't put the benefits in my eyes.

Leading the two brothers and mother don't talk, there is no more saying after grabbing the newspaper. After all, the strength of Bao Zixuan is the peak of the benefit of the peak, not to have his opponent, let alone the family is already a family state.

After a while calm, he said: "Mother, don't you think things are too embarrassing!"

Li 2,000 has not responded yet, and it is also afraid that the big brother has grabbed the limelight. After all, after the death of the father, the mother assets are the most existence of the family. Two two times at this time, they need to be a mother, and they have been cheap by the other party.

Less than two: "What is awkward,

I am afraid we have to prepare to meet the revenge of Bao Zixuan! "

Mrs. Lady looked at the old two, how did it not grow up? It seems that the hometown is stable, and the problem is more comprehensive. She knows why the two sons will be like this, they are all inheritance, they have not died yet. If she can't do it, I really can't imagine.

Lady: "You listen to your big brother first."

The profit will hear the mother, knowing that now his share is in his heart. If you want to fully master the profession, you need more excellent in front of your mother.

Lead: "Bun Zixuan came back yesterday. Today, Shao Yifu is about to negotiate the TVB equity problem. That explains that Shao Laoxia knows that we will return to you today, who is revealed to you to say that Fang Yihua is ready to clean us Old man on the TV station. "

"This newspaper is either used by Shao Laixia, or it is either to buy. In short, let us go to find them in the past today. Then you can borrow Bunxuan's knife to patriarist."

"Shao Laixiao and Baozi Xuan did not make anything, can persuade the head of the first rich TVB to discuss this time in Xiangjiang also only 2 people. Dong Haoyun or Huo Yingdong must coordinate it from it, or if Bao Zi Xuan will sell Shao Six So big face. "

"There is also the fisttal behavior of the second brother, Shao Yifu is closed, and why two days ago suddenly recruited, just want to bring your mother. Even if today, Bao Zi Xuan doesn't laugh, two The younger brother didn't talk. He may also provoke the conflict between the benefit and Bao Zi Xuan, and it can be said that the bag must be used by him. "

Listening to the analysis of the son, the Lady is very gratified. It seems that the boss's ability and the eyes are not bad. Most of the TV stars are old two people, and it is estimated that the boss is because the old two is caused.

Li 2 will listen to the analysis of the big brother feels some truth, but always feels some wrong. What is my Mono, isn't you there? Now I dare to talk to yourself. If you have a boss and your mother, you can't arrange yourself.

Less than two: "Big brother, is it a person like a star! It seems that every time you are doing me! Now, when you are in the mother, is it just a good bully."

Mrs. Lady looked at two sons. At this time she is very headache, but this time is absolutely can't be bucket, or it will be packed by people.

Lady: "When is it going to fight in the nest, it is now a big enemy. Recently, anything in my family listens to your big brother, including me."

This is also a way to have a way. Before Li Xiao and during the world, she can do a lady. I rarely participate in business things, now I know that I have been wrong, after all, the behavior of the Buddha's feet is not necessarily used.

Although there are many shortcomings, although there are many shortcomings, this situation can only be temporarily present. It is estimated that Solden Six is ​​estimated to be sold by Shao Laixia.

Although Li 2 is uncomfortable, it knows that the mother's heart has decided. This way, let the boss come to the strong enemy, after all, whether it is Shao Laoshi or Bao Zixuan is not right to deal with.

Leading the mother's decision is very happy. As a family, the eldest son of the family should be homes behind him, but the mother has been reluctant to decert, and it can be said that this opportunity is waiting for too long.

Lee: "Don't make trouble in the last period of time, can't let people catch a little handle. At the same time, we have to contact the same buns Xuan has a businessman who has a holiday, and the strength of the profitra is not a human opponent at all."

"However, it is also to endure, it is necessary to endure it. If you have the first to come to Bunxuan, you can't come forward. If you do this, you will not be enough for your assets."

It can be said that there is still a little bit of profitability, as long as it is to change some bad habits to maintain the status quo of the family.

Shao Yifu saw that the benefit bodyguard was taken away, and the attitude of Baozi Xuan said. Suddenly, Bao Zi Xuan must have guessed some problems, but this is also a morning and evening.

Fang Yihua said: "Six brothers, Bao Zi Xuan will not say what to say to Huo Yingdong!"

Shao Yifu: "This can be assured, this kid is a very self-fulamible adult, will not say anything. However, this time I exchange property we may have to lose, this is the compensation for him. And he will see it at this time. What will we do next, after all, the opening fee of the bag must not be too low. "

Fang Yihua: "This is what the Bunxuan will understand when he leaves, and he can have such a deep insight. It seems that Xiangjiang people are only a scientific genius to evaluate it is wrong."

Shao Yifu: "If you only know how to engage in research! You have just seen his bodyguards and fierce levels. Whoever starts home is not so easy, this is also a bloody wind."

When I returned home, I didn't say anything to Huo Yingdong. After all, I was not useful. This is also true of Huo, and less adds.

And he sees from Shao Yifu's expression, you should make yourself in the property exchange TV equity, but how can it be, I will find a chance to find a bitterness.

When I saw Bunzu, I came back from afternoon, Li Yulin was very strange. Taking your son's character is to talk about things, how is it turning today!

Li Yulin asked: "Axuan, how come today, come back so early, is it uncomfortable with Shao Yifu!"

Bunzi Xuan: "The old fox by Shao Yifu is used up, and the heart is somewhat uncomfortable; it seems that he is still too young, the experience is still inadequate."

So Bao Zixuan said in the conflict between Shao Yifu's family, but I omitted some details. Things to include don't say that I have said that she is mainly afraid that she is worried.

I heard my son, Li Yulin's heart was struggling. Some things he think of it can be in the past, but it can't be discounted when it is involved.

Baozi Xuan also saw that the mother thought was very fluctuations, so he said: "Mommy, don't worry. If I don't worry, I still let Shao Laixia use the heart."

Li Yulin: "Then how do you prepare to solve this matter, I am only about the benefit."

Bunzi Xuan: "I have no time to take care of them, but Shao Yifu is ready to do it in the board of directors. This I will cooperate, first let them get uncomfortable, wait for the time to make up, it is not too late; but it is best not to provoke I, otherwise it is useless to Li Xiao and live. "

Li Yulin didn't know what to say at this time, how he worried what happened. But what do you say, you can't watch my son and the conflict of my son, so I said: "Son, I have to spare people, and my family should not never end. As long as I don't do what is excessive, I still have to pursue it. It is also to give me good health. After all, I also surnamed, maybe it is 500 years ago or a family! "

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