Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 428 Contradiction between students

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Although Bao Zixuan guessed that his mother had something to look at himself, and most of them have a relationship with interest. But he didn't want to smash things. If the mother wants to tell him, he will tell him that now, still give his mother some face and dignity. At this point, their lives are very happy, if they are more emotional factors, they can't let them go.

Early the next morning, Baozi Xuan went to the Yulin Institute of Technology. With a large number of professors and engineers in Europe, there is a bit of popularity, not just like just started. However, the contradiction between various countries and students has also highlighted, after all, some countries and regions involve national contradictions.

Although Bao Zixuan is not bad, it is impossible for gods for thousands of years for thousands of years. What he has to do now is to find a few students to talk about it, and there is no need to stay for stubborn people.

Baozi Xuan sat at the principal's office and listened to the vice president Hu Jiazhi's report. The main content of the company was the professor, lecturer and engineer placement in Europe. And the future of their work arrangements, and the students who came over to Poland also arranged correspondingly, and graduates brought by well-known professors were given care.

At first, the scholars who came over in Europe did not consider what they were able to have a lottery in Xiangjiang University of Technology. However, when entering the school, completely subverting their cognition; it is really Xiangjiang, not Silicon Valley or Cambridge City. Anyone in all schools can access the central computer group, which is a single copy in the world. After coming to the laboratory, I saw the world's most advanced experimental equipment, so that they are not willing to leave; even if they are all in it, they are not can't.

When I see the accommodation environment and daily meals, I feel that this is like a paradise. The worst is also the paradise of technology and education. After all, whether hardware or software is too good.

At least more than ten times the school they originally located, it is estimated that US universities can't catch here. It is now playing them and will not leave, leaving means that the opportunity is lost.

Seeing the scholars from Europe's new recruits have entered the state, let Bao Zi Xuan are very satisfied. The school finally embarked on the right track, now the quality of the student is still still, but with the increase of the name, it is a good night.

Hu Jiazhi: "Principal, I don't worry, after all, the school is definitely one of the best universities in the hardware or software. But our student component is too complicated, making it regularly. It is not particularly obvious. Once you can't control it, it will be very troublesome. "

At present, there are some contradictions in the black cloud internal children and the students outside, and it is not very serious. The key is the contradiction between Israel and the Middle East, that is the most intense existence. Don't look at Israel has only one student, but it is definitely weak. After all, it is just a language attack.

No force has been used yet.

Japanese students are still better, but the contradiction between Panasonic and Sony is difficult to unlock. After all, two companies have already fighting in China for nearly half a century and cannot be easily resolved.

Students between East and West also have contradictory, in short, the contradiction between students is likely to evolve into international disputes. At that time, it was not a simple academic issue, and even the future enrollment of the Yulin Institute of Technology will also affect.

Bao Zixuan said: "You call a few students in several countries, let's find a vacant to talk about it. If you can't do anything to persuade some students who are registered, our purpose is to teach people. Can't easily Give up every student, which is something unfair to them. "

After a while, the student representatives of several countries appeared in front of Bunzi's representatives in a piece of grass in the school flag square. Although it is the end of September, it is still a little hot for Xiangjiang.

Bao Zixuan is ready for ice bucket and put various drinks inside, which makes students feel very happy. This is what the principal is much bigger than them means, what is important to have any important things.

Bao Zixuan looked at several people: "Everyone is not polite, I like to drink something."

After I finished holding a bottle of cola, I saw that the student representative was released, and I found something I like to drink.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I have been studying for a while. I am also coming back. You are still used to school! If the principal cannot solve the problem, if you can't solve the problem, it is my dereliction of duty."

At this time, everyone said: "Our life is very good, there is no problem with the food and accommodation of the school."

Bao Zixuan: "You have no problem, I have a problem. I have a problem. I have the original intention of doing universities to teach people, change the world; not let you come over and fight."

"Here is the school is not a battlefield, nor business games. You are students, the current task is learning knowledge, and will repay people and enterprises funding you."

"You don't want to see it, I am not a saint. It is impossible to spend itself, especially after some people graduated, I will return to the competitors enterprise."

"I have not charged your tuition fees, living expenses, etc., but these don't use you! That can be big mistakes."

"Students in the Middle East and Hussein have paid your market for the next four years. Sony and Panasonic are also one of the main sponsoring companies in the school. As for others, they have to graduate. Black Cloud Group signed a 3-year contract. I am a businessman who will not be a loss. "

"You feel that the school can't make money, but you know! I am not a tuition fee this person, I can't see it, I have to make a research results during your school."

"Only students and teachers continue to study results, then turn them into products through the factory. This is the biggest profit, you can also fame and pay, you will see if there is such a thing."

"And I have to cultivate all-round talents, where the language is also on the one hand."

I looked at the Gangli Lang, who came over Japan, said: "Gao Jiajun is Sony's child."

Gao Zhong Shuang didn't think of his name, although I don't know what the principal means, it is possible to answer: "Yes, my father is Sony engineer."

Bunzi Xuan: "Mr. Gao 33 is a hard-working person, I also know his story. And I have seen one side when I participated in the exhibition, I think his son's ability should not be poor."

"So I ask you now, you have learned a few languages, what levels have been grasped."

Gao Zhong Shuang came here, the main task is to learn technical knowledge and have not particularly pay special attention. After all, he feels skilled in mastering English, Japanese is enough, and the rest is not important.

However, today's principal asked, even if I am embarrassed, I still have to answer: "The principal, I have only learned English, and other languages ​​have not been involved."

Bunzi Xuan: "In fact, these this should not be said to you, but you are not just the child of the black cloud competitors, but also my student. Teacher's officer is awarded, I want to ask you, if Sony wants to develop the Middle East What people need to send. "

Gao Zhong Shu: "People who need to send Arabic" can be, this is the business department, I have to enter the R & D department in the future! "

Bao Zixuan: "If it is a professional problem, it is necessary to debug before it is necessary. The Middle East is just arabish, and Hebrew is also a mother tongue."

"If I am the Shengtian Zhaofu, I will choose the technician who can master the Arabic and Hebrew language, where to open up the market, so don't have to be translated, there is no obstacle to exchange."

"You think about it, one person will open up the market, you need to bring 2 translations, 1 assistant. And the neutral in the Middle East needs to give each person 2 bodyguards, which requires 12 people, 3 cars; invisible Added the cost of enterprise. "

"But if Gao Xiao Jun can master the main language in the Middle East, then 4 people are enough. This not only has improved work efficiency, but also saves the company a lot of operational costs."

"There is no chance in other places you want to learn these two languages, but they are your ready-made teacher in the school."

"In addition, if a German engineer has developed a new technology. His first papers use the mother-speaking expression possibilities, you want to master the latest technology results in the first time, then you have to learn German."

"These examples, I hope everyone can find out the advantages of others, learn from each other. So I hope that you should not interact contradiction, I can't accept the game, I can only eliminate a group of people."

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