The latest website: The students feel that the principal is very reasonable, and I didn't think of learning the language with others. If you have a foreign language, you must occupy an advantage when you open up the local market. And the principal's example is in front, they all believe that Bunxuan does not master the multi-do-door language. It is impossible to have today's achievements. After all, there is no obstacle to people in most people in the world, and it is also more people's trust. I feel that my own words have some effects between students. Bun Zixuan continued: "You can put your energy on communication, not endless arguments." "And there are our school's internal network you can also use it." You can create a student forum. This forum can be launched around any aspect of learning. You can make a speech. You can get a speech. You can get everyone to recognize. "The students don't know how to apply the network, even more, what is the forum . Wu Hao has been regarded as a representative of the black cloud, after all, her achievements are the best, and the dad is also the highest. When you ask questions, she is still relatively better. Wu Hao: "Principal, what is a network forum." I heard someone asked, Bunzi Xuan found that he said that he said too much. However, since the concept has already told, there is nothing to conceal. Just here is a classroom and give them a lesson in advance. Baozi Xuan: "The Network Forum is generally the electronic bulletin board in your mouth. This kind of electronic bulletin is the earliest use of the stock market price, the early electronic public reminiscing the function of the document is not available, and can only be Some specific computers run. Early electronic bulletin boards are the same as the nature of general streets and campus, just through computers to spread or get news. Some people try to put large computers after they begin to popularize. The electronic bulletin board was transferred to a personal computer, and the electronic bulletin began to gradually spread. "" But there is only a few places to have this ability. After all, this requires complex program operations and huge storage space. " It is like a blackboard here. Every classmate can write above, you can see all the content you wrote. Just now put the function of the blackboard in the computer screen, as long as you enter this forum can see To the content. "" I have a question, I don't know who to ask for it. At this time, you can enter this question to the forum message. Once someone knows the answer of this topic, you can write down. Solve the question The classmate helped others, and the classmates can still learn to learn. "Terry - Carmen listened very interesting, excited:" Principal,

In this forum, you can also do product promotion, as well as find a variety of affairs, or do something together. "

Bao Zixuan: "Of course, you can communicate any topics that everyone is interested in. But I hope that the content can be purely, can not involve the contradiction between the nation. If the administrator can use the right to limit you to the forum, and later Prohibit you from entering. "

Bunzi Xuan said that these may understand a primary school in the 21st century, but now this is very new to listen to college students.

Wu Hao: "The principal, how this forum is created."

Bun Zixuan: "This requires you to go to explore, then write the program. Can't always use ready-made, then you can't do anything."

"You can set up a forum program to write a group, and then divide according to each person's ability. The school can have a resource of an industrial computer to this forum. As for others, I have to see you."

Ravin Von - Shell said: "But we will not be!"

Bao Zixuan: "This is the first job I gave you, there is a corresponding book in the school library. As for how much you can learn, you need you to understand, or you can ask the black cloud group to work in the school; The way is completed. "

"Terry, don't you want to promote products above! Then you take out your strength, just build the forum to promote goods to be realized."

Although it is just a semi-solving for the forum, students now have a preliminary idea. Next, we will start from where they will start, and the school library has many information.

At this time, computer disciplines belong to the phase of the exploration, and many scholars have published similar network arguments. Their ideas and ideas may not be the same, but the result of ultimately to achieve is similar.

Therefore, there are now many Chinese language and methods to implement the forum function. After all, the computer science has not unified standards. Baozi Xuan also has the problem of computing computer language and network standards, but now there is ability and can't do this.

Once this is the normal development of the computer science, there is no experience in failure after all. People will not be too profound about computer science, and will not be too strong to the computer language.

Looking at the students thinking, Bao Zixuan continued: "The Forum is just one aspect, you have a lot of things in schools, such as all associations."

"Lavus, are you not learning to spend? Can be set up a Sanda House, then you are the first president of this Sanda House. As for how many students can see your book and charm, the president position is in your graduation You can pass it to you the most qualified to serve as a member of the President. "

"Gao Jiajun should learn Judo, you can also set up a Judao. This way you can do things in your spare time, not so idle."

Bao Zi Xuan is worried that if this helps students are too easy to make things, they hope that they can not stop at a moment. Not learning, just in sports. Only in this way can eliminate the gas on them, there is no time to care about other things.

Shen Hongxia red face said: "The principal, I will embroidery, can I set up an embroidery agency!"

Bao Zi Xuan: "Of course, you can set up any meaningful community. The school will not block, but the embroidery agency can not only let yourself calm down, and the work can also take out and sell."

At this time, everyone feels that it is so successful that Bunxuan is so successful. The reaction speed of the mind is also caught up. Network Forum and Student Associations are hoped that everyone can exchange, students also know that some contradictions are not adjustable.

But now the buns Xuan two tricks will easily resolve, and these students have time to quarrel. They are now attracted to the forum and the community, and it can be said that these two things will be planned in the next few times.

Two things in the history of Yulin Institute of Technology have an important impact. It is actually decided when Baozi Xuan and several students chat in the grass.

The Network Forum has become an object of the world's colleges and universities and institutions, but it is important in the history of world network development.

The community of the Yulin Institute of Technology involves the wide range of projects. The school's student composition has decided that they become the best demonstration point in the world, many ethnic countries have even studied this topic.

In the future, it is a preview spear in various competitions in the world, and this is the main creditability of the school community. The community regards the handover of the president as a kind of inheritance, and each of the students who have received the position of the president is very proud, and it is also known that this is the spur to her.

After the student was satisfied, Bunzi Xuan learned that calm is only temporary. With the increasing international students of Yu Yulin Institute of Technology, various contradictions will definitely appear. At that time, you must make a decision, you can't let some nationalists enter the campus.

This will definitely be sinful, may be unfavorable to the future of the black cloud. However, when you are, you can't care so much, and you can't violate your own principles.

Baozi Xuan hopes to drive the development of Xiangjiang Institute of Technology through international students and teachers. After all, the British does not want to have too many science talents in Xiangjiang. What should I do after returning? Is it left to Huaxia Continental?

At this time, Baixuan has gradually changed this status, nor does it know what the British will respond. If the Yulin Institute of Technology is too successful, the British will definitely have an idea, it seems that the plan will be put on the schedule. It is necessary to implement it immediately. After all, the time is not slow, and there is no such thing in this village.

Bedding house

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