After initially solving the contradiction between the students, Bunzi Xuan began to organize German technical information from Poland. And his first project is clear, that is, the role aircraft.

At this point, there is still a long time from the British Ama Island, and the Black Cloud Group is just an ordinary technology company. There is no military license, and if the black cloud has developed a role aircraft before this. When the war is most tight, the British military will inevitably give the Black Cloud Group, and then the military license is not active.

Baozi Xuan is in view of the information of the entire Black Cloud Group Engineer and senior mechanic, as long as he seems to draw a stroke. These people will be reported to the Yulin Institute of Technology at this time, and those who receive notice must put down their hands.

This command can say that the group can say that there is no wave, many people are not understandable. However, it is seen that the command directly signed by the boss has chosen unconditional execution. After all, this is the first time in the group history. The boss must have any particular major project, or it is impossible to be so anxious.

And in the premise of dragging down other projects, Bunxuan, which is born as a science and engineering, will not know that many people who have been tuned are all project leaders. Once they don't, the progress cannot be guaranteed, and the economic losses caused by the group can be very large.

When vigorously developing the heavens, Bunzi Xuan designed a huge single office. It can be said that it is wrong to play basketball in this office, although his two students don't understand, but also in accordance with the plan.

The person who received the order arrived here and looked at the empty venue. They don't know what the boss is ready to do, but I believe that there will be answers soon.

The person who came over and said: "I am very happy that we can work together, you should be very curious, why do you want you to put down your work?"

"Because there is an important project to do with me, I decided to set up a factory here. We are all workers in this factory, this factory is completely the Skunk Factory of Rockheed, USA."

"Many people still don't understand what is the Skunk factory. The Skunk Factory is the official recognition of the senior development project of Lockheed. Skunk factory is mainly based on the secret research program, and has developed many famous aircraft products of Loma. Including U-2 reconnaissance machines, SR-71 black bird reconnaissance machines, and it is about to develop the world's first invisible plane according to reliable intelligence. "

"In fact, in 1943, the Ski Factory has been created, namely the aviation branch's pre-seal, carrying the basic research of key technologies, and the first batch of Rockheed is the first batch of actual combat fighters for the US Air Force. XP-80, at this stage, the team has achieved a series of brilliant achievements in high-altitude reconnaissance machines and invisible fighters. "

"Skunk factory uses an enterprise management and human management method, leading a group of active professional engineers to develop the most secret, state-of-the-art weapon products in the US National Defense Technology with incomparable creativity, more rapid, effective The cost is controlled by the world, which has become a benchmark for learning on large companies that are engaged in high-tech industries. "

"From the original simple warehouse office, more than 10 engineers, weak models, to the high-efficiency innovation team that dominated the US most secret advanced technology, with legendary skunk factory in just a few decades Completed multi-level jump and maintained a strong development momentum, which is unique and advanced management philosophy and method. "

"Lockheed has a skunk factory.

The Black Cloud Group cannot come behind. Today I announced the establishment of the Black Cloud Group, and you are the first worker of the weasel factory, and I am the factory manager of this factory. "

"In the next time, we work and live here. Every day's goal is to discuss how to make products more perfect and meet design requirements."

"Now you have half an hour to decide whether it is joined to the Skunk factory. If you join the salary is 1.2 times the current phase. However, in the coming months, you have to solve it here, decide to join the team. Have been half an hour to call the family. "

At this time, an engineer said: "Boss, our future is not working here."

Bunzi Xuan: "Theragoncy is only to organize you together when you encounter a major project, you can organize you together. Usually you can develop your products you interested."

Sure enough, I didn't let Bao Zi Xuan disappointed, and 199 people selected it. Salary is on the one hand, and everyone is curious to have a major project to do so many people to do. Each R & D personnel have a very curiosity, or you can't do this job.

After seeing everyone came back, Bunzi Xun said: "Since you have chosen left, then I have to give you this trust. If you will be added as usual, you will get the corresponding bonus after each project. "

At this time, everyone cheered up, after all, I haven't been there. I have improved my salary, what else is not satisfied!

Bao Zixuan continued: "The first project of the Ziki factory to go out, and I have also designed."

"We will develop around the ground effect, also known as wing effect or airfoil effect, and the moving object is close to the ground, the ground is generated to the object to the object. When the aircraft is close to the ground flight or operation, the ground affects To the flow characteristics of the air around the aircraft. The ground effect can produce this effect in aircraft or helicopter, cars and motorboats that make the aircraft induced by the aircraft, while achieving higher lift resistance than air flight. Fluid mechanical effect: When the moving aircraft is close to the ground (or water), the upper and lower pressure difference between the entire flyer is increased, and the lift will suddenly increase. "

"I just designed a aircraft with this principle and name it as a root aircraft."

At this time, many people have begun to discuss, after all, this sudden span is too big. To give them an adaptable process, many people can't easily understand between time.

Although there is engineers in the engine engine, they know that the engine thrust wants to achieve this ground effect is very large. If only dozens of tons of the aircraft does not need such a large week, the boss has the ability of a person. enough.

This requires a design of aircraft, ship, and trains, and the aircraft can fly on the ground and water. And you can't have a runway, you can say that you need not small challenges only to solve the rise in the engine.

Bunxuan did not bother them, let them adapt to it. After all, this is the first day, people and things need to be familiar with the first day, people and things.

This sousel plant that completely skunk into the model is such as low-key in Tianshui, but when he really enters people's vision. Everyone found that this factory is changing the world.

Different from the Skunk Factory Only study the military products, and the wearer plant has been studied. As long as it is with high-tech, there is no non-developed thing, it can be said to be an alternative of the world research institution.

And the people here have a common feature, that is, don't live. The average working time is more than 14 hours when concentrated research and development, can be said that every minute is worthy of the wage to them. This is the lagoon and the legend of Bunxuan, which makes the future generation.

The post-Japanese student is discussing why Bunxuan gave the factory to the factory, many people said not understanding. Even the engineers who work inside are not clear whether there is anything and the reason until Bunzu is completely retired. The person who took over the factory asked, Bao Zixuan just answered a sentence: "The weasel is not well in the year."

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