Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 435 of the Christmas Dinner of the Hong Kong Cross


Bao Zixuan continued to play disappears, and now people have learned. It is not very concerned about Xiangjiang people. After all, it has been a long time. There is also a few days of the Tri-Teve of the TV station to make this program a little taste, and the attention is greatly reduced.

At this point, everyone in the Water Water Welcome Black Cloud Group is carefully verified to each data; see the exact degree of each component. After spent 3 months of non-human life, I finally saw a hopes; their first role aircraft prototype should be assembled.

At this point, if you are not particularly familiar with relatives and friends, it is estimated that it is difficult to recognize them. Everyone is very mentally state; some hair is already very long, some simply directly qualify a bald head. Engineers from the weasel factory have very good work intensity every day, and there is almost no time to do other things. It is necessary to calculate the time to eat and take a bath here, or you will drag the entire project progress.

However, when this is critical, the assistant of Hong Kong, Mai Hao, Joante came to the Black Cloud Group. He is coming over to Bao Zi Xuan as a post, inviting him to participate in the Christmas Charity Dinner held by the Hong Kong Crown.

But let Joyian feel angry is that Bunzi Xuan actually does not give face. Huo Yingdong and Bao Yugang's banquet can you go, before the people still say in Xiangjiang, now people will actually refuse the invitation of the Governor here. What does this mean, don't give your face?

Zhao Tingting explained: "It's very sorry, Mr. Joan. Our boss entered a critical period in the laboratory R & D product, and anyone else can't bother him."

"Different bosses in order to express their support for philanthropy, the Black Cloud Group will donate 10 million Hong Kong dollars to the organizers of this charity dinner."

Although I am not happy, but I really don't dare to get too much about Bunzu Xuan in his identity.

Joante: "Banheng is busy, we all know, but this is a matter of meeting. And he is a guest who is invited by the Governor, I will return it."

Zhao Tingting: "Mr. Joante, please explain it in front of the Governor. At the time, the Black Cloud Group will send representatives to participate, and the other Governor has any requirements, we must work together."

Joan took the check of 12 million Hong Kong dollars when he left, so Zhao Tingting was very angry. But it is not good to say, after all, my own boss will only be economically lost in the economy.

It can be said that Bun Xuan is still very trusting Zhao Tingting, as long as the Xiangjiang is not more than 20 million Hong Kong dollars, he can sign a payment. However, every month, the accountants of Priceways will carefully check each project and form a statement, so that Bunzu is pleased is that there are no big problems in each company.

All operations and procurement costs are within reasonable scope, after all, Black Cloud Group welfare treatments are top-top existence in the world. If you really have lost due to corruption, it is difficult to find such a good job in the future.

After Qiaoant went back to explain some of the governor, let Mai Mai are somewhat uncomfortable. However, he also knows that his term is to end, and it is not necessary to essentially. Moreover, people also donate, in the addition of the assistant from the mediation, there is no big comment on Bunxuan when Joyant leaves the office.

On the evening of the 25th, the holiday atmosphere of the Xiangjiang Governor's House is very strong. This may be the last Christmas spent in Xiangjiang, and the last time the charity dinner is held as the Governor. Therefore, all the typhoraries of the river rivers come to the Governor's government.

First, celebrate the festival, and also have the meaning of delivery.

Mai Hao can be said to be the most active in Xiangjiang's leadership, it is a truly contributing to Xiangjiang Development! His departure marks the end of an era, the tycoon will develop in the direction after paying attention to Mai Hao.

Mai Hao also wants to use his influence and finally work hard, and can convince some typhorarism-based characters to disagree with Xiangjiang return. It is inevitable, and I hope they can move to the UK. If all large companies have evacuated to Xiangjiang, then there is anything in Xiangjiang. At that time, the return is a joke, but also let Huaxia know that the British Empire is still able to develop in the economic development of Xiangjiang.

At this point, the Xiangjiang merchant of the Governor can say that it is clear that people are all in the small circle when the Governor has not arrived.

Huo Yingdong did not want to participate in the Governor's banquet, but he gave him a post. You can't say that you can't say it. After all, everyone will go.

See Dong Hao Yun, Bao Yugang, Zheng Yu's same person chatted with him, he walked over.

See Huo Yingdong, Zheng Yu said with a smile: "I heard that Huo Sheng has recently went to the north side, and where to stay for a long time, there should be many gains this time!"

Huo Yingdong went to the mainland to stay in the mainland for nearly a month and examined for more than a dozen provinces. A preliminary understanding of the resource advantages and investment environments of these provinces, this is a signal of mainland reform and opening up. Huo Lao learned the situation, it was able to introduce other Xiangjiang merchants, and it can be said that the early days of reform and opening up is Huo Yingdong to promote Xiangjiang merchants to invest in the Mainland.

Huo Yingdong: "This time, there are a lot of magnificent scenery, and many places in the Mainland are still very worth investing. Zheng Sheng is not always wanting to go to the Mainland to invest in jewelry processing factories! I will be more appropriate, there is a few places I saw. The opportunity can go to the ground. "

At this time, Li Chao came over and said: "Huo Sheng may not be thick, I am also ready to go to the Mainland. If there is any good project, you can't forget me."

Huo Yingdong: "These are good to say, as long as Li Sheng wants to go anytime. Yes, how do you still have to see a small bag today, Dong Lie, you know the situation!"

Dong Hao Yun: "When you ask for the last time, he has no pavement. When you live birth, there is no birthday. I would like to think that the Governor's feast should be able to see, but whoever thinks still did not appear."

"When he was born, he gave me a call. It means that I explained that he and everyone explained. It has not been empty, and after the end of the project, there is no dinner after the end of the project."

I heard the Bun Zi Xuan and let Bao Yusheng have also been interested. After all, my father often asks about Bao Zi Xuan, but there is not much communication with others, and it is impossible to know what specific situation.

Dong Haoyun and Huo Yingdong are more exchanged in Xiangjiang Tongbao Xuan, and they should understand some situations. Listen to it, at least go back and say a few words with the father.

Bao Yugang: "You said that the small bag is this big project. I heard that it has been closed in Tianshui Wai's Black Cloud factory. Moreover, many engineers have been launched, although we are not engaged in the technology industry, but also know Such a big action, the products developed are absolutely not simple. "

Dong Haoyun: "Specific me is not very clear, Xiangjiang has no one is engaged in science and technology except for the small bag. It can't guess what he wants, but this kid can give you a surprise every time, this time I look forward to it. After all, this is the first product he returns to Xiangjiang R & D. If it can't be shocked, it is strange. "

I heard everyone in the chat, making Zheng Yumi are not very comfortable. After seeing the sharrice, Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Zheng Sheng, how did you have not seen your family?"

Huo Yingdong's level will not ask your daughter without any reason, what does this mean? Zheng Yu is not very understood between the same time, but it is still very fast to reply: "Going to Europe for a week ago, it is necessary to come back to New Year's Day."

Huo Yingdong: "Some girls I still feel that your family is more suitable, you can really consider."

In fact, the identity of Huo Yingdong should not say these words, but this is about the unity between China. There is also a woman who is bunxuan, the United Kingdom or the American woman, and there is a lot of rooms that can be selected. It is likely that because one is really unhappy, it is a huge loss to Xiangjiang, that is, the whole Huaxia can't suffer such a big loss.

This time I went to the mainland to make him feel that technology is really too backward, and the West has never stopped. At this time, the world's science and technology field has a black cloud group that is a heavy position is particularly important. After all, this is a Chinese company, Bunzi Xuan is a patriotic businessman.

Single only to build a steel plant, let Huaxia's special steel realize the domestic product. If you can have a few such a project, then the promotion of the science and technology development of the whole country is self-evident, so he does not want Bao Zi Xuan to leave Xiangjiang, even if there is a silk Hidden dangers are not.

Zheng Yu always belongs to the riding wall, and has not explicitly expressed returns. It may be a big relationship with the industry. After all, the raw materials are too dependent on the British forces. The heart may go to the Chinese continent, but this is a big hidden danger. If Bao Zi Xuan can marry Zheng Jiajia, the two will leave the Xiangjiang river in the two. It can be said to be inert.

Bedding house

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