Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 436, the Christmas Dinner of the Hong Kong Cross

Huo Yingdong's idea Zheng Yurong is of course unclear, but it is not very optimistic. After all, the daughter can be very sad because this is very sad. The same daughter, the same daughter can't marry, and it is impossible for a man to be too grievances.

Dong Haoyun may see some Huo Yingdong, and also said: "Huzon said it is still very reasonable, and these luxury people are also the best in your family."

Zheng Yusong: "You are not like a person who is a mother. The children are self-sufficient. I also felt that Bunxuan This young man is good, but the last thing you have also seen, who knows that he is abroad these years What did you do! "

The shark has just finished finishing, Huo Yingdong also wants to deal with Bunzi Xuan. Mai Hao, the Governor Madao has gone to the hall, and it has come to see what the protagonist has arrived. Everyone is not saying anything.

Today, Mai Hao can say wearing very well, wear the Queen of the British to wear the clothing. And there are several medals in front of the chest, let people look at the past achievements. His lady is also playing, and the long skirt of the medieval aristocratic woman has completed.

Looking at the many tycons of Xiangjiang came to the scene, he was very happy. The only beauty is not enough to be the absence of Bao Zi Xuan, this is a regret!

Mai Hao stood up and said on the stage: "Dear ladies, gentlemen. Everyone is happy Christmas! Thank you for coming to the Governor's Governor's Day, this may be the last Christmas for the Governor. "

"I will end next year, I will leave Xiangjiang. There may be new work, welcome new challenges. However, in the 10 years of the governor of my serving, I have already regarded Xiangjiang as my second hometown. "

"The people here are very hardworking, the business atmosphere is rich. I can't imagine what the results can be achieved in the future, but my heart is to hope that Xiangjiang has become better."

"In the past 10 years, I would like to thank you all my support and love. It can be the greatest support for the longest time for the longest time, and thank you again here."

After saying that everyone got to the stage, the people below also remembered the warm applause, considered the recognition of McGao Hao.

Mai Hao witnessed the economic takeoff of Xiangjiang, and the strong economic growth is unprecedented. With his assistance, Xiangjiang is dominated by light industry, gradually transforming with the electronics industry, financial industry and business as one of the focus of "Asian Four Dragon", and has become Asia International Finance for the prosperity of Xiangjiang. The center has laid an important cornerstone. In addition, the "positive non-interventionism" proposed by Sir of Sir Mai Hao in Mam Hao, and has become the Department of Wealth Management of Hong Kong, as well as the dependent of Mai Hao in governance.

However, the outside world also criticized Mam Hao always solved the insufficient house inadequate, the university degree, the quality of education, the rich and the poor and traffic congestion, etc., many public opinions also believe that he failed to respond quickly. Social movements in the second link; As for the issue of dealing with illegal immigrants in China and Vietnamese refugees from Hong Kong, it also caused a lot of arguments.

In his ten years of ten years, he successfully established a clean government proprietary, launching the "residents who have their housing" plans to help poor families to solve housing problems and the 9-year free education plan for primary and secondary school education, etc. to the economic development construction of Xiangjiang Still very useful. It can be said that this is the governor of Xiangjiang, at least a lot more than other governors.

Mai Hao, which is finished, starts with the following people, this time his main goal is the Chinese business group. After all, the British businessman is no one hopes to return to Xiangjiang.

In fact, Mai Hao was invited to visit Huaxia mainland in 1979, and became the first official visit of Huaxia in the war. During the visit, he met with the high level of Kyoto, and Xikou learned that the Kyoto high-level resolutely returned to Xiangjiang in 1997 or before, and the meeting was uncovered in the future of Xiangjiang future. After returning to Xiangjiang, Mai Hao is worried, it is concerned about panic.

Now I can only hope that Xiangjiang merchants can fight against Huaxia. After all, the British is a war behavior. Huaxia will never fear the threat of the British, if there is still a statement in the international community.

Mam Hao has been taken care of in Xiangjiang Shang, who has handled immigrants in its last period of time, but these people are still a few. The most important influence is very limited, and it is not a top commercial tycoon.

This time I just will continue to floating the Shangjiang Shang Shang Shang, and they can come out better to fight against China. If you don't dare or don't want to apply for immigration. At least weaken the Chinese and enhance the British economy.

Moreover, he chose the goal before the start of the banquet, of which Zheng Yu is a good candidate. Zhou Dafu is from gold jewelry, relying on the real estate industry.

However, in the Chinese mainland gold and silver belong to control materials, the private people have not fully released. Zheng Yu is now courageous and then don't dare to invest in gold and silver business, and diamonds, jade is places where Broad America is controlled. This requires the use of the British forces, so he decided to draw Zheng Yu.

Seeing the Governor came to himself, the shark's bile is courageous and bigger. Although Mai Hao leaves Xiangjiang next year, it is still to give it. Otherwise, when you pass the work, you will say that you can have any good impression on you.

Zheng Yu said to Mai Hai: "Thank you for inviting me to participate in the Christmas Charity Dinner, Xiangjiang is getting better and better under your governance."

Although Zheng Yong said is the guest's words, but also let Mai Hao are happy, at least Zheng Yu is not very excluded, this is a sensitive period, many people are worried that the interaction with Macari will always misunderstand.

After all, how do you say that everyone is Chinese, Xiangjiang is about to face back negotiations, no one wants to have a branch.

Mai Hao: "Xiangjiang prosperity is because of the good policy. I am just an executor. Zheng Sheng considers that after the capital is returned to the mainland, it can continue to carry out the market economy; the mainland is now planned economy. There is no need for so many gold and silver jewelry, and the precious metal is a control material. Zhou Dafu's business will not be so good. "

This sentence is somewhat attack, clearly tells you that if Xiangjiang really returns to Zhou Dafu, it is difficult to continue to operate. And the British policy is conducive to the development of these Xiangjiang merchants, after the mainland of China, you can make money like this, you can say it hard.

I know that the governor will not come over to chat with you, after all, his shark's face is not too much. Now that you have a king, you really don't know how to pick it up.

Mai Maihao said that there is no reason, and Zhou Dafu is different from other companies. Must have the support of the country, or do you dare to buy you gold. The policy of the mainland really doesn't know how to implement it. After all, these years have no precious metals.

Zheng Yu: "Do you speak very much, can you give me a statement.

Mai Mai's effect has been initially reached, and he smiled and said: "Now is that you have to come out, I hope you can unite the respective family interests."

"In addition, do a few more hands, the UK's futures market can be big enough to Zhou Dafu. Whether it is futures or spot, it can meet the processing supply of jewelry, I hope you can consider it."

It is already initially reached, and Mai Hao is going to the next goal. Today, he has to break, after all, there is not much time left.

Seeing Zheng Yu and thinking about it, I know that I have played it, it can be. When you leave, you can make Zheng Yu with the idea of ​​immigrant UK before leaving.

Mai Hao has known that these Xiangjiang Tycoon can do our own ideas. It can be said that it is the elite in the Chinese dragon and the elite. He wants to convince the other party may have to pay a lot, but this price is willing to bear, the same British Empire is willing to bear.

After the end of the World War, the UK has lost too many overseas territories. Xiangjiang is also can't keep up, and now the only thing to do is the last stroke. If there is no success, it will be greatly injured. I can't get it, then I will destroy it. Mai Hao is implementing step by step, as a British, he has no choice.

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