Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 440 shocked the appearance

After the hairdresser left, Bun Zixuan et al. Went to take a shower. This time, I have to make it completely, they have been thrown away in the wear wolf factory, after all, some have been can't wash it.

After everything is packed, everyone goes back to rest. It is also a strange, although the accommodation conditions arranged by the Yulin Institute of Technology have a lot, but all engineers, including Bunxuan, still choose to rest in the weasel plant. The people returning to their bed are a smile, everyone knows that tomorrow will end, they will return to the original job. The people needed here will not have a lot, it is probably a rest at this stage.

On January 10, 1982, engineers in Huang Zhenwi wolf are doing the final preparation. Everyone puts a new dress. Although the weather is somewhat cold, the enthusiasm of their heart is still burning.

Bao Zi Xuan knows that the former Soviet sea monsters have experienced two cranes, once in 1969, another in 1980. For the first time, due to the big mist of the lake, the pilot could not distinguish the horizon, causing the big waves to shoot the body and finally crazy. The second accident reason is that the pilot operation error. But it provides a large number of valuable data to subsequent aquario aircraft.

Today, Xiangjiang weather is very good, there is no big problem. It seems that the pilot should pay attention to the problem. He is now also in the power of the black cloud group, and the aircraft sample can be able to produce this quickly, there is a big relationship with the detailed drawings left by the Germans, but if there is no strong processing ability of the Black Cloud Group. . This world is probably only a few big powers have such strength.

Baozi Xuan knows that the root aircraft appears, and will definitely cause an uproar in the world. However, when the development of the Black Cloud Group has entered a bottleneck, there is no big breakthrough estimate, it can only go on the class according to the class. It may make a lot of money, but this is not what he wants. Okima let himself live from live, it is to live out.

Looking at this is like a plane, it is a big guy like a ship. Bao Zixuan felt bloody, no wonder many people like to study everyone, it is indeed a big shock.

Engineers are doing the final exam, and there will be no turning road after a while. Bao Zixuan originally wanted to participate in the test flight, but all the engineers strongly opposed it, and now this stuff is do not know. The computer only gives theoretical data value. If there is an accident, they are dead, and Bao Zixuan will face the disintegration problem.

After checking there is no problem, start filling the fuel. This big guy is very upset, 4 tanks can accommodate 120 tons of air kerosene. After the addition of oil, the weight of the aircraft reached 328 tons, and the battery was more than 10,000 kilometers, but the goods were installed every time. In full load of 472 tons of goods, it is possible to fly 8800 kilometers per hour at 500 kilometers per hour, which means that it takes only one day from Xiangjiang to Argentina.

Today's test flight has been reported in the Hong Kong Government. The Black Cloud Group will open a green light in many things in Xiangjiang. Even if you don't like Bao Zixuan, you have to give him some privileges on the face of the tax.

When Xiangjiang monsters slide to the water, it set off a lot of water. In the sun, everyone sees that there is no more painful body, there is a special texture of titanium alloys, and the overall shape is more majestic, very like an architecture appeared on the earth.

Xiangjiang monsters are strong than the Soviet wear performance of the Soviet Union, at least in radar, central computer operation, and electrical transmissions. And in order to have a weapon interface,

Baozi Xuan also specially left the position. After all, the Germans are designed according to military use, and they do not need to make large changes.

There are 14 engineers and technicians who operate on the aircraft, they all know that they will be dangerous. But also know, it is the aircraft crash. According to the personality of the boss, they will never let their families suffer. Bunxuan has promised that as long as it is because of work dereliction of people.

Baozi Xuan is sitting in the temporary headquarters on the small pier, which has now placed a lot of communication devices and computers. Engineers can know various data on the aircraft through the sensor.

Mike Brryfen from Germany, is a dried from aircraft design and shipbuilding; this year is only 45 years old, once a professor in Munich University, Germany. I have received some cold meetings before school, mainly because people of the two disciplines think he is a traitor. So arranged in that major, it would choose to come to Xiangjiang's development in the Heavy Welfare and high wages of the Black Cloud Group.

It is still uncomfortable to initially transferred to the wearer plant, but after seeing the products prepared to develop. All complaints disappeared at this moment, this is not to be a product tailored product! Now I finally understand why Grandpa wants him to choose these two degrees, the purpose is to hope that he can develop a land effect aircraft. It seems that grandfather's story is much, but I have never said it with my family. It is also a kind of protection for your family. After all, Mei Su knows that people like Grandpa will not let go.

Baozi Xuan took the professional ability of Mike Brryfen. Decisively appointed his deputy planner for the Xiangjiang monster project, and has committed the future will become the head of the entire project.

Today, Mike Brifefin took the team to test flight on the aircraft, which can be said that this is his own choice, but it also knows that this is the responsibility he must bear. If he is not on, do you want to Bun Xuan personally, how is it in the black cloud in the future. It is estimated that it will be discovered by everyone, it is more impossible to be reused.

Mike Brifefen said to the engineers on the aircraft: "Mr., we are greeking a new challenge, this is the product we have created by our hand, we have to have absolute confidence. Now be ready to fly Check, you start according to the steps. "

The voice just fell, engineers on the aircraft began to check their responsible area. The Black Cloud Group is the largest enterprise in the world, so there is no problem in processing capacity and precision. The material used this time can even reach the aerospace level, which is obviously a waste here.

After all inspected, Mike Brryfen said to the communication equipment: "The boss, Xiangjiang monster's first test flight is ready, request to start test flight."

Baozi Xuan: "You can start testing, pay attention to safety. I have prepared a celebration wine on the shore, waiting for you to return."

Mike Brryfin presses the engine ignition device, and the long-term roar of the mechanical can be seen. The sound of 8 thrust, the sound of the vortex engine is not small, and it is good to add a soundproof material in the aircraft. It is not a feeling.

The aircraft begins to accelerate along the sea while the speed is reached. Mike Brifin decisively pulled up a super-controlled rod, the aircraft is like a lightning, leaving the sea level to the sky.

The engineer outside the outside is still the first time, such a large substitute can fly. This is simply violates physical common sense, but really doing it, it is true that their team is really doing.

The aircraft is still accelerating, the above dashboard shows that the speed has reached 300 kilometers per hour. Seeing that the flying gesture is normal, Mike Brilin chooses to continue to accelerate. He knows that it has reached the expected effect, after all, the test flight cannot be completed in one time, and then the continuous accumulation data is required. But under the curiosity driver or to complete some test flight projects, it is not every opportunity every time after all.

Mike Brifin is not a kind of danger that only knows the risk, and he is based on data, and it is more confident to his own aircraft. Otherwise, I really play this big guy, it is estimated that I can only work in Bao Zixuan in this life.

The aircraft is still accelerating. At this time, it is difficult to see it with the naked eye. However, by sensors know that the speed of the aircraft now has reached 560 kilometers per hour. This is a great achievement, and you can cruise this speed, then your own product is absolutely able to win the market recognition. After all, his load is very large, and the future will be able to win the order of the freight and express delivery industry, but I don't know if the British or Huaxia can agree to let the Xiangjiang monster will express delivery.

Bedding house

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