Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 441 Surprised Xiangjiang People

As the speed is getting faster and faster, the Xiangjiang monster has fly out of the range of the heavens. It is flying along the Xiangjiang Sea. This time I want to confidential estimate is impossible. In the case of Bao Zixuan, he didn't think of keeping confidential, the position of Xiangjiang is too small, and the reporters in countries are here, and they can say that they can't hide what kind of secret. It is better to come out, let the world know that this is a new product produced by Black Cloud.

Although today is not a holiday, there is still a lot of Xiangjiang citizens looking at the scenery. After all, everyone is working, some people may take a proper adjustment.

Gu Jianming is a photographer of Ming Pao, just rest today. If you don't have anything, you will come over the seaside to shoot some scenery, and photography is not just his work, but it is his hobby.

I just hiped a camera, I heard a scream, and I saw a big majority in the sea and flying in the sea. He has never seen such a big aircraft flying at sea, is the alien prepares to attack the earth. Good professionalism allows him to align the camera in the first time, which is the best news material.

The good performance of Xiangjiang Monster makes Mike Brryfen don't want to go back; even hopes to finish all test flights at one time. However, he also knows that the boss is waiting for them at home at this time, but it is not possible to do anything.

Although it is still unfinished, it is still turned back to the Tianshui circumference. When the monster of Xiangjiang, the plane is very similar to the plane, it is the principle of being pushed by the engine, so it will soon drop the speed.

In this way, although the reduction effect is good, it is a very serious test for the engine. It is good to have a large amount of titanium alloy and rare earth resources in the Black Cloud Group. If the material is not, it is difficult to achieve such a powerful performance.

After the river monsters stopped, all engineers on the shore walked toward the aircraft. They have to test the data, and they want to get the first post data.

Baozi Xuan came to the cab and looked at the flight data report provided by the computer. Laughing and said to everyone: "Mr., our aircraft's first test flight has achieved a complete success, achieving design standards; we have succeeded."

Say it next to the deafening cheers, everyone can finally be worshiped with the life of the suffering. I really admire myself now, how is it sticking to it?

Bao Zixuan continued: "My people will never be stunned, and the old employees may understand the tradition of the black cloud."

"You will get 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and you will hit your account later. There is also an employee of the first ratio of the rats, you can choose to continue to stay here; you can also choose to return to the original Work positions continue to work, and I will reserve your identity, and you will recruite you again. "

"But as a member of the weasel factory, you have a half-month payment holiday every year, and will also issue a monthly salary every year. These benefits, treatment can be accumulated, so you can congratulate each other."

Bao Zi Xuan said that everyone is happy, after all, this is closely related to their interests, what else is not satisfied? Very people think that the black cloud is the right choice, joining the weasel factory is more implied.

The rats began to reward, but the entire Xiangjiang was turned in. After all, the scene that happened before, the cognition of the Xiangjiang citizens, is not an alien to attack the earth, and the official will always give a statement!

Gu Jianming picked up the camera and walked to the newspaper, and returned to the Ming Pao to see that everyone was inquiring about the monster of the sea.

Let him know that this time it will be able to set up a lot of work, prepare to editor, but he is told that the editor is in the office of Mr. Jin Yong.

I know this is an opportunity to enter Jin Yong's office, and all management layers in the newspaper are also discussing things at sea monsters.

After Jin Yong saw the people, he said: "Ancient Jianming is so embarrassed to come over!"

In order to achieve it, Gu Jianming is deliberately used to run. Just want to show that you are not a cross-level newspaper, it is really urgent.

Gu Jianming: "Mr. Jin Yong, I originally wanted to find our editor. But I heard that she is directly found in your office, mainly this thing is very urgent, so I have been looking for it."

Jin Yong: "What do you want to say slowly."

Gu Jianming heard Jin Yong asked him to say that he would see if he can grasp this opportunity. So said: "Today I have been a resting state, I went to the sea to prepare some material. I didn't expect to shoot a monster flying at sea, so I quickly returned to the news."

I heard the reporter of the home newspaper actually filmed the monsters flying in the sea, and someone in the scene was very happy. Especially Jin Yong's grandfather is even more than. As a writer, he is very curious about fresh things.

Jin Yong: "Where is the photo."

Gu Jianming: "Just in my camera, just wash the photo is allowed."

Jin Yong: "What is waiting for, we quickly go to the housing."

Jin Yong took the people to wash the photos, and other Xiangjiang people were also discussing the topic of monsters. After all, many people see it, this is true. And knowing the rough orientation of the monster flight, all said that finally flying in the direction of Tianshui.

A lot of Xiangjiang people also chose alarm, and the police can only come to the Tianshui direction according to the witnesses. A little country in the world has a work agency in Xiangjiang, and they choose to report to domestic reports after the information. Suddenly in Xiangjiang has a monster to spread around the world, everyone is waiting for the next investigation.

After Jin Yong et al. After got the photo, the truthfully felt this guy really like a monster in the mouth. After all, it is very similar to the plane, but the shape of the same ship is very close, it is difficult to define what he is in the language.

Now I don't know how to write it, but I have to be happy than other newspapers. At least such a high-definition photo newspaper will certainly be high amazing, but they are difficult; I don't know what something is something, I don't dare to write, and I have been reported to report.

Jin Yong: "Gu Jianming, this time you are very good. Go to the Finance Department to receive 10,000 yuan bonus, this is a reward for you."

It is rare to get 10,000 yuan in the Ming Pao. It is not much in history.

Mai Mai Hao is not depressed, he is preparing to return to the UK, how to say a monster. Hurry and order the Police Director to find out what this matter as soon as possible, not only the police action, even the British troops are dispatched, I want to know what is flying at the sea.

When the police came to the Tianshui Wall, it finally saw the flight monsters in the mouth. It turned out to be a new aircraft in the trial flight and has been reported. It is just that the shipping and empty management department don't care too much. After all, it is only limited to 50 meters flying in the sea level. Everyone thinks it is a small water plane. No one will think of the head of the head of the whole rush.

After understanding the situation, the Police Department rushed to the Governor. At the same time, it also explains the media. When everyone knows that the monsters of sea flying are actually the new line aircraft who has just been developed, they are surprised.

No one thought that the head is so rich, and it is so big. It seems that missing this month must be related to this flying monster, and Xiangjiang citizens are temporarily calm. However, for various national intelligence agencies, work has just begun.

Everyone wants to know the principles and constructs of this aircraft. After all, according to people, the length of the aircraft may exceed 100 meters. Then, the proven weight must be very terrible, and the future will absolutely occupy some places in the fast transportation industry. At the same time, it is very curious about how to make such a large object fly; as long as the principle can absolutely play a lot in military.

On the evening, Black Cloud was visited many times in the factory, and it was very powerful in security personnel. There is no useful news that the spy report will get it; but one is in the dark. It is always necessary to prevent it, it is not a way. It seems that it is to open some information. Otherwise everyone will remember you, don't have to do other things every day, I can specialize in spying.

Bedding house

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