Since everyone wants to know, Bunzi Xuan has no need to hide. It is better to directly present the product in front of the public, let people know that the aircraft prepared to reduce costs to the courier company.

The most important is that the courier company has a Morgan Family Share, and Americans must think they can easily get this aircraft. And the British didn't dare to make a knot, after all, the business of the Morgan family did not dare to be too arrogant.

The Black Cloud Group will hold a press conference tomorrow, where the location is in the Tianshui Black Cloud Factory. At the same time after the press conference, all reporters can watch the aircraft closely and take a photo.

Once this news was announced, it suddenly caused great sensation in Xiangjiang Media Circle. This is the first time, the Black Cloud Group has invited the reporter to participate in the press conference, and still after the flight is successful. There will be many stories that are not known here, they don't want to miss it.

So I staged a very interesting scene, all newspapers reporters start from Tianshui on the evening. I am worried that I can't find a good position the next day, not only the reporter in action, and the national intelligence agencies in Xiangjiang are also preparing to participate in the Tomorrow's press conference. Everyone wants to observe what is much longer from this aircraft. What is the working principle, which uses in military.

Before the press conference, Bunzi Xuan called the deputy planner Mike Brifin, the depositor of the aircraft. I have decided to push him to the stage, and there is also a mean of buying a horse.

Let people see that people who do not reuse in Munich University, can host such a huge project in Black Cloud Group. If you are really a talent, what else is hesitant, join the black cloud definitely can show your talent.

Bao Zixuan: "Mike, tomorrow and I participate in the press conference; you mainly introduce the design principle and product technical parameters."

Hearing this here Mike Brryfen very touched, he just played an auxiliary role. The boss actually gave him such a big honor. After the test flight was successful, the project had been completely handed over to him, and now he is already a chief engineer of the black cloud-effective aircraft.

The design phase has ended, and next is to gradually improve product performance. The first worker in the name of the neaser is not met with the designer. In addition to the improvement and improvement of a few more than 30 people left specially followed up the performance of the aircraft, the other people returned to the original position to continue working.

Mike Brifen is excited: "Boss, I have no outstanding contributions, I don't dare to work."

Bun Zixuan: "My honor is already enough, and who said you didn't have a prominent contribution. Many technical problems in the development process are you solved. It is too little to see yourself too. And now as the general engineer of the role aircraft Is it only ready to develop this product! It is you agree, I will not agree. "

"This product is just the foundation. We can develop smaller and more flexible products. You can extend the tonnage of the product to thousands of tons, even tons. These will rely on you, my mission has already carry out."

I heard that Mike Brrifen is very touched, I can't live up to this trust of the boss. Looking at this more than 20-year-old super rich, Mike Brryfen really doesn't know what to say. It is no wonder that people can become super rich, this is very far away.

Mike Brifen: "Please rest assured, I feel that this product is tailored for my majors.

Will not let you down. "

Bunzi Xuan: "Ready to prepare, you can't smash our company in front of the reporter."

It is Bao Zi Xuan not saying that Mike Brryfen must be prepared. He knows that this opportunity is not easy, even in the black cloud will also bring a lot of unsuspects. However, since I choose to attend the conference, it is to let everyone shut up. You can only use grades to make everyone look at his strength through continuous improvement and research and development of new products.

Baozi Xuan considered more companies management issues, although he didn't want to manage companies. However, it is already unrealistic, and it is inevitable that it will affect his time in the laboratory.

The best result is that the senior engineer of the Black Cloud Group can be able to have a unclear, and it will only provide a thinking. In this way, he can effectively play his role and make the entire team more powerful. This time is just because of the urgency, or there is no way to participate. Very waste of time, and it is easy to doubt.


For example, although this time is only 3 months, the outside world has begun to find him; if it is 3 years or even longer! The outside world does not think he is killed by people, which is very disadvantageous. After all, the black cloud is really inseparable from him, a wholly owned business, and there is no future generation. If Bao Zi Xuan has an accident, the Black Cloud Group must not keep it, and the mother must not get good.

Early the next morning, the Tianshui area can be said to be a car humon; there has never been so lively in the impression of local residents. It seems that the influence of the richest is big, and it is big enough to see these usually look at the reporters who look at them.

The people who have sold before now have some regrets, and I know that I am waiting. The Black Cloud Group has been expanding to the surrounding, many places have been included in the bag. Baozi Xuan's plan is to vigorously develop the heater, after all, here can be interspersed with the snake mouth.

Today, it is not just that the black cloud factory is open to reporters. Yulin Institute of Technology has also entered their vision. Although I have known a university in the bag before, it is too long. Many people think that Bunzi may be a scorpion construction plant by teaching land. But today I came here to discover the missed default, this university is definitely the best university in Xiangjiang area. Xiangjiang University, Xiangjiang Chinese University and it are really no comparable, now it is now a little decent. However, everyone believes in the cost of the bag, which will be able to surpass any old universities in Xiangjiang.

What makes the reporter feel that the student breakfast here is too rich here, it can be said that it is absolutely not bad than a buffet breakfast of a five-star hotel. And let them be more speechless, there is no need to spend a penny, as long as you don't waste food.

And I interviewed a few students say that every day is this, it is not particularly prepared. At this time, everyone really can't understand the head of the bag, and do these for what. If this is a lot of money every year, there is still no tuition fee for students.

Is it a conscience to find a return society, and the age of the head should have not arrived at this stage! It seems that there must be a secret secret that is not mariberation, so that you have to take a good job.

This time, the reporters who come over are almost every country. When various reporters come to the flag square, they feel that such a big square is just a few flagpots. It is too wasteful. And only the national flags of several countries are hanging above, is it looked down on other countries.

A French reporter interviewed a student: "This classmate, please here no French flag."

The student replied: "That's because there is no French student. The banner here is based on the students. That country has a student reading here, then the national flag of their country will be rising every Monday morning. Just like I am from Japan, if you give the French flag every Monday, you will not be killed. At that time, you can only go to the country, the death of the shame. "

French reporter: "So many national flags are the flag on Monday!"

Japanese students: "Of course, the flag is liter on Monday, Fight on Friday."

French reporter: "Then play the national anthem of that country when he will live in Monday, is the national anthem of the British or Huaxia."

Japanese reporter: "Nothing, we don't have to play the national anthem. Schools have issued people to everyone, and they can hear the headphones when they rise up."

French reporter ": You said that the school has given everyone to listen, is it free!"

Japanese student: "Not only listening to all the schools you can think of all the schools you can think of, we don't have to spend a lot of money here."

"When I left Japan, my family was prepared for me 50,000 yen. Now I have no money, everything here is free. As for more resources, not to buy money, But use credits to exchange. As long as your credits are enough, you can do anything. "

I heard a Japanese student said that French reporters feel that Many of the Yulin Institute of Technology is really hard, and now it seems that Bao Zi Xuan is really awarded for education.

I can't see what is the purpose, why Bunzi Xuan is not a French. How did this university in the France? He is really an envious of the students here.

When you think about reading your book, look at the students of the Yulin Institute of Technology. It is not comparable, and this must be reported to report it. It is best to attract the attention of the French education department, then he is not white here.

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