Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 444 Reporter Guest Reference

No. 3 reporters from the Xiangjiang Oriental Daily, at this time he is really a little. Unlike the Times and Wall Street Journal, there are still some recognition of world science and technology development. At this time, the reporters of Xiangjiang are more concerned about the development of real estate, finance, entertainment. So he really doesn't know what to ask, and now it seems to be able to catch up.

Oriental Daily reporter asked: "Hello, Mr. Brifin. I would like to ask how much the price of this aircraft is."

Xiangjiang's reporter is still more concerned about the price of the product. This problem is caught. After all, it is only a test stage, and there is really no system to calculate the cost of the aircraft.

However, in Mike Brryfin, participated in the construction of the aircraft, basically knowing the cost of raw material of the aircraft.

Mike Brifen: "There is no clear price now, but Xiangjiang monsters use a lot of new materials and expensive titanium alloys. Single monk is more than 20 million US dollars, so I can only tell you that he is really not cheap. "

Seeing all reporters look at themselves like watching idiots, the reporters of the Oriental Daily still think about it? Oriental Daily reporters have not figured out now, similar to this large aircraft, it is difficult to have a clear pricing during the test flight. The previous factory products will be equipped with high R & D costs.

Fortunately, in the early days of Xiangjiang monsters, the Germans have basically completed, and the remaining engines are also a fixed product. Otherwise, it is really difficult to calculate the price. If there is no national basis for three months, it may take three years or even longer.

The AFP reporter is very unsatisfactory for his number 4, as the world's four major news amen. The status of the French Pressection is absolutely said in the media industry. But today is just to arrange at No. 4, the most important thing is that the influence of the previous newspapers is not a French New Service. I also know the purpose of today, let alone Baozi Xuan presents the position of the Chief Press Officer of the Black Cloud Group, he is very interested. At this time, you can't play big cards, or you have the position of the chief newsman. She is absolutely no play.

In fact, this ranking is the Bao Zi Xuan personally set it. After all, the Xiangjiang is still the British. Just gave the first to the British newspaper, everyone may think he is because Jane - Lorri Hugs is so arranged. After all, two people have been living for a day, who knows that there will be some pictures that everyone wants to see. At this point, it seems that the head is rich or more old, at least in the ranking of the old acquaintance.

Although Wall Street Journal is not a technology medium, there is a lightweight position in the world economy. Moreover, the Message of the Earthwork Aircraft can be transmitted to Rehel Morgan, and the Morgan family will definitely share part of the pressure. This is a product specially designed for express delivery business, do you not want to use it. Although the Morgan family may not see the express industry, but Recel Morgan is doing this company as the main business. This is a company created by her, not afraid that the old Morgan does not help.

Although the Board is not very good,

However, cooperation with the Black Cloud Group has always been very good. It is most important to give face, Bao Zi Xuan should also agree properly.

Although it is dissatisfied with the ranking, the French beauty still has to smile. Just as a face for the new East, I believe that any beauty or strength can be drawn. At this point, Black Cloud Group's chief news officials have been regarded as in their own, and it is very confident that this blonde is still very confident.

Fa Xinshui, a beautiful reporter, Kamil De Shi, is a woman who looks at it to make men's adrenal hormone soaring. Otherwise, it is impossible to say that Japanese students who have just been in the flag Square say that this woman will ask men that there is no way to refuse.

Camil De Shi Tie has organized his own golden hair, and the man who has already made some people want to blow whistle. Fortunately, everyone knows what this is, the first rich will definitely clear you.

Camil De Shi Ti: "Hello, Mr. Bao; I ask questions may be different from them. I am very honored to go to the Yulin Institute of Technology. Where is the scenery, school Hardware facilities are first class world. "

But very unfortunately, the flag of France Square doesn't have a national flag of France, this is why. There is also the students who listen to this university, and their accommodation is very good. The school has issued all products that can be purchased on the market, even with laptops, Walkman and other products have free distribution. I would like to ask this is just temporary, or it is still going on. After all, there is no profitable school to maintain it. One day, one day will face the risk of closing closing.

I heard the problem of this beautiful reporter, let Bun Zixuan can't read him, it seems that this AFP reporter is still very worrying! The micro-extent of observation is to serve as the chief news officer of the Black Cloud Group, but it is too beautiful. It is not worthy of serious hunting style of the black cloud.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you this beautiful reporter's recognition of the Yulin Institute of Technology. It is why you don't say the national flag of France. It is because there is no French student in the school, the flag on the flag square is every Monday. Raised by the country, then he was hit on Friday night. "

"Our school has a Israeli student, he makes me very touched. Whether it is a wind or rain, you can see that he will rise to the flag of the national flag, and other students can take a look at it. He can only rely on himself. Jade Only one Israeli student in the Polytechnic University, this flag is his faith. "

"You have just said that we have given each student, not only to learn foreign languages. More than the flag, bring the headphones to listen to the national anthem, otherwise, the national anthem of all countries will play each other."

"You asked the cost problem, did make this university very much. Fortunately, in the early days, Japan Sony and Panasonic offers a large sponsorship fee, so the Japanese student of Yulin Institute of Technology is basically Sony and Panasonic. "

"Saisi and Hussein in the Middle East also provide education funding. The students in the Middle East are more thanks to them."

"There are a lot of black children or it is a black cloud employee. These people will continue to serve the black cloud after graduation. From the students who are recruited, we have a priority option after graduation, where to go to work which business It is necessary to bear the costs during their university. "

"If you don't choose to work in our customers, you can pay back the college tuition. In short, no matter where you choose, it is their freedom. If we want to start, we can also provide venture funds."

"Xiangjiang people say that I am the river in Xiangjiang, no matter whether it is. How can I make a richest point of the world, the richest rush to make money, it is the sorrow of this area."

"The best way to make money in real life is education, medical care and public health, etc. Therefore, the children of the Black Cloud Group will not charge them from the kindergarten to the university. Their parents give me a value far better than child education. More expensive. "

"Yulin Institute of Technology is a private research university, and graduation alumni has a home school to accept their donation. And as long as it is a black cloud group still exists, I will do this university. One day I may I will first remove the chairman of the Black Cloud Group, but I must wait until I really don't move that day will only transfer the principal of the Yulin Institute of Technology. "

"In the great Dynasty, there is a day. When there is a loss in a strong company. The industry that will never disappear in the process of human growth will only have education and religion. I hope that this university can still exist in my thousand years. "

Baozi Xuan said that suddenly suddenly became quiet, soon sounded warm applause. It is no wonder that people can become the richest, that is, this is a general person. No matter whether it is true, it can be done. Anyway, people dare to say, and now it is true, then it is enough.

The head of the bag did not know that his remarks made the richest people in all regions of the world, and people would compare their heads and the richest people in their own. You look at people Bao Xuan, look at your own boss. People's education, the children of their employees education all inclusive, and we are also working hard to work. I have to send my child to school every morning, and a large half of the salary every month is used in the child's education.

There is no way to be forced, many of the rich choice of compromise. Not only is the first day, the other is not good, and other people are not going. Some of the employees under the hand have rebelled, but it is about the child's education; even if the union intervene is useless, even the strike of some of the workers in some areas. At this time, the rich began to hate this Xiangjiang kid, and you secretly do it. After saying, everyone must learn from you, the Black Cloud Group has a high profit, we can not have that high profits.

Bao Zixuan did not know his remarks to a certain extent, many institutions and individuals did not dare to make money above education. This is what he didn't think of.

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