The news reported in March 1917, Journal of Petergler, at the time, "Petercer Worker Represents Soviet News" is a newspaper controlled by Mengshevik and the social revolutionary party. After the October Revolution, he returned to Pull, and then moved to Moscow publication. The newspaper has a complete communication network in the Soviet domestic and 42 cities in China.

In 1971, its issuance was as high as 8.5 million.

After the Soviet Union in the 1990s, the "Message Report" became a key newspaper that politics and financial oligarchs. After a fierce struggle, 51% of the "Message Report" was resended to the Union Sam Bank.

As the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union is the Soviet Union, there is no one to arrange people to come over. It is now found that in Xiangjiang actually has the trial flying activities of the role aircraft, so that the Soviet high-level is sitting. They are worried that the Soviet confidential intelligence is stolen, so I arranging Wallands-Portoca, which has been reported by the NGB, which is currently the founding of the Junbei Office.

The Soviet high-level is also worried that there is a spy person in the trade of the black cloud or the domestic official deliberately selling technical materials to Bunzi Xuan, whether it is to accept it. Cooperation, the relationship can not sell national interests, the interests of the Soviet Union are the existence of higher than one. However, most of the Soviet leaders have experienced both World War II, and the spirit of dedication can be deep into the bone marrow.

Bao Zixuan did not think of the news reporter sent a reporter, but since it is coming, it is a guest. Just also pass the news to the Soviet Union, I have not steal the military secret of the Soviet Union.

Wallado-Boba organized his language in your mind, after all, I haven't worked for a reporter for a long time. It is really a little missing when I look at the young reporter. However, he also knows that it has not turned back from the moment he walks into the KG B gate. This life is either dying in the mission, or if you can retire back to the country, it is not very free to live.

Wa Lianko-Bo Bo Card Asked: "Hello, Mr. Bao. Mr. Mike Brryfin said that this aircraft is made primarily made of titanium alloy, and the black cloud group titanium alloy is from the great Soviet Union. Is it? It means that if the Soviet Union stops selling titanium alloy products to the Black Cloud Group, the production of this aircraft will fall into a state of pause. There is also the R & D of the Soviet Union in the 1920s. There is no achievement in this area in this regard. "

These two problems are very angry, one is raw material in my hand, I can supply you at any time. At that time, you have a technology that can't produce a product. It is clear that you will tell you that it is too much to do.

Another direct saying that you plagiarize, this behavior is disconnected in the scientific research process. One, admitting or doing a high reputation to bear great losses, especially the high-tech enterprises in Black Cloud, Bunzi Xuan is a world-recognized super genius.

Bao Zixuan: "Indeed,

As you say, titanium alloys are imported from the Soviet Union. If you don't get the subsequent product production problem, it may not be guaranteed, this is something wrong. However, we are also actively looking for alternative materials, but the current performance is not reached. "

"As for what you said, I don't understand what it means. Mr. Brifin, who is sitting next to me is a drill degree in aircraft design and shipbuilding, which can be said that such talents can be found in the Soviet Union. He is born It is to be born for the role of the aircraft. I really can't find someone who is more suitable for developing this product. "

"As for the Soviet, the Soviet Union is studying in this regard in the 1920s. However, I can tell the world's black cloud products will definitely learn from the Soviet research results."

"After the reporter will, you can watch the root aircraft produced by the black cloud after the end of the reporter, which stops on the pawn of the sea. I can have a relief to let everyone visit, that is because many patented technology belongs to the black cloud. There is also tell you The design principle and technical parameters are not produced, because it is not the cost of each of the countries and companies. "

Bao Zixuan's words can be said to be very confident, even some arrogant. If you are really like Bunxuan, you have to define the Black Cloud Group. However, everyone can see the Soviet worker, don't be happy, after all, the Western-81 military exercise is still there. But people are also worried, that is, the raw material supply problem, the Soviets don't give you, it is really a trouble.

It is Huaxia Journalist from the Soviet Union. It comes from Xinhua News Agency. Although their position should be more rewarded in accordance with the strength, but the Xiangjiang has not returned. Now this location is already, after all, in the moment, the country's national strength is far from other permanent members.

Xinhua News Agency reporter asked: "Hello, Mr. Bao. May I ask this aircraft to be sold out, you are really ready to make such a powerful product civilization."

This is a matter of many countries and agencies, and the role aircraft is very suitable for application in military fields. Factors such as fast, heavy, ultra-low altimeters are the best protected weapons.

When the radar has not found him, it can reach the enemy in front of him, or missiles near the enemy. These can all be able to do things easily.

Bun Zixuan: "When can I get to be produced, I really can't answer, I will introduce you to Mike."

"As for you asked the performance of such excellent product civilization, the root aircraft itself is the product developed to transport express delivery. Black Cloud Group is not military enterprises, all products are civilian products, so new products have never considered military use "

Bao Zixuan has a gesture, sitting next to him next to Mike Brifen said; "Xiangjiang monster role aircraft also needs multiple test flights, we have to sell more reliable data."

"The aircraft is different from other products. Once an accident is very concerned about people 's life. Black Cloud is a responsible company, will never let customers bear this risk."

"So the fastest to go to the market at the end of this year, provided that raw material supply can be guaranteed."

Baozi Xuan is also assured that the Soviets are relieved, without your titanium alloy supply, the aircraft can not produce. There is also the other country to see, sometimes I don't buy it, but the Soviewer said, buy you will not sell my raw materials.

Mike Brryfin's words let Wallado-Bo Boka know that they can deliberate to domestic, the Soviet Union still has the ability to control the land effects of the aircraft, that is, on the raw materials, see how the domestic high-rise is how to pay, this It is not what he can decide on this level of characters.

The latter reporter has asked some things about the Yulin Institute of Technology, and there is also an gossip media still interested in the head of the head. They are at this way to attract the public, since the head of the head is coming, it can be random, then there is really nothing to take care.

But I don't know how, this Sing Tao Daily reporter is quite up. I didn't dare to ask any excessive problems, it seems to be alleviated. After all, the Black Cloud Group and the entire Chinese business did not wait for them, so that the development of the Xiangjiang River was struggling. Hu Wenhu left the person with gradually lost, and Hu Xian also knew that his arm was finally screwed.

I was still looking for Mr. Huo Yingdong for a few days to say and at this time, but Bao Zixuan has not been showed. Now I see the head of Baofeng held a press conference, the first time, then ask Huo Lao to say and go to everyone.

Huo Yingdong does not want to manage this matter, but the Sing Tao Daily is not only in Xiangjiang, and there is a huge influence in Nanyang. It is an existence that can actively promote the reform and opening up of Huaxia. For the national interests, he will come out, I hope that Bao Zixuan can see the Huxian one yard in the Sing Tao Daily!

Many things are jumped in the Sing Tao Daily. Hu Xian wants to understand the first thing to go to the report. Otherwise, he will not take this thing, but must not be able to ignore the feelings of Bao Zixuan because the Sing Tao Daily has a bit of action. It is very clear that it is very clear in the heart of Huo Yingdong.

This has a reporter reporter reporter reporter in the press conference, but these Bunxuan did not know. After all, he has not seen Huo Yingdong and others for a long time, and many things happening to Xiangjiang are not very well.

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