Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 446, the results of the network forum

The press conference ended from 10 o'clock until a little bit of the afternoon, Bao Zi Xuan has never been like this to cooperate with the media. Let everyone feel that it is really not necessary to come here today, and I ate a buffet at Yulin Institute of Technology at noon. It is even more happy here, there is a kind of impulse here.

After lunch, it is another heavy head today. Visit the role of the aerodynalence, but this Baozi Xuan has not participated. The whole course is responsible for Mike Brryfin, after all, this is the work of the general engineer, there is a new challenge waiting for him.

However, the reporter is more strange to see many students in the cafeteria are using laptops, so that the reporters don't understand that all people are connected to a line, they also know that this is not charging, after all, many people use Black cloud laptop.

Next to the students they came, I saw the students in desperate typing. And not only you can see what you typed above, even other people can see it in the first time.

In fact, the reporter saw is the school student forum. Now Yulin Institute of Technology has many student forums. All kinds of interest, various national student organizations, each profession has its own student forum; everyone can exchange in the forum, discuss the topics they dare to interested.

The reporter saw a long time next to a student for a long time, and many people see their own views on the computer screen. The most important he has received it, this thing is really amazing.

One reporter finally couldn't help but ask: "Classmates, what are you doing this."

Students saw a reporter as questioning him, and also knew that the principal's role aircraft test flight was successful.

Students replied: "I am a student in the computer system. Now how to communicate with roommates to make computer operations faster."

Reporter: "You are communicating through the computer, where he is."

Computer student: "He is now in the dormitory, we have a link network cable in our dormitory."

Reporter: "What is the network cable."

Computer system: "I don't understand this, but you can imagine the whole school into a specific spider web. Big spider is like a central computer group, our single computer is like a small spider. Now we are scattered in a spider web Each corner, the little spider wants to say hello to each other, you must coordinate through the big spider so that we can communicate at any time. "

"Central Computer Group information transmission speed is radius, so it can be said that there is basically no delay in communication."

Although the reporter did not fully understand, but also known that the students of the Yulin Institute of Technology can communicate through the computer anywhere.

This is a great achievement. It is currently known whether he is known to have such a cow's equipment. It seems that this university has many ways to explore, and the head is still far from being hidden.

Reporter: "That said that you can communicate anytime, anywhere, is not convenient to communicate."

Computer system: "Not so, now if there is a problem, you can apply for an operational power of the central computer group. Therefore, as long as it is a good idea, it can always turn it into a reality, and our school has a network interface."

I heard that the reporter did not dare to forget what I thought, it seems that the scientific and technological content of this university is definitely the top of the world. How much is it takes a single multi-network interface to do it, and the most important thing they use to connect so many devices. It seems that this must be a big invention, even more meaningful than the root aircraft.

The reporter of the classmas-talking is the name of Bruce - Andy, is a reporter of the British Daily Express. However, the name of the newspaper is not worthy of the Times, so there is no chance to ask questions at the press conference. Although the reporter reception will be very fit, but the reporter is too much, it is impossible to come.

Bruce - Andy: "Classmates Do you know what device is connected? After all, you are also a trouble."

Computer system: "It is connected through multi-protocol routers, but I haven't figured out what I haven't figured out. I heard that the principal's invention creation, but the director Leonard-Posac participated in the multi-protocol router. R & D. It is a person who knows the principle outside of the school. You can ask him. "

When all the reporters walked toward the dock, Bruce Andy followed the computer system to the department of Leonard-Posac's office.

Bruce Ayi is also gambling, or it can be said to have another embarrassment. All newspapers in Tomorrow report the topic related to the role aircraft, and the daily newspapers and the bad newspapers are far from poor. Now this multi-protocol router is absolutely practical than the role aircraft, and he is very convinced of his judgment.

Leonard Posako did not dare to make the owner without authorizing the reporter. After all, Baozi Xuan did not clear how to promote multi-protocol router, and he did not disclose the Stanford University who worked once, how can it be introduced like a reporter.

Just a lot of agreement routes that there is no promotion platform Bao Xuan picking up the phone, it feels that this is a chance. Only if you feel that this is a good thing, it is more valuable. If you take the product, you can do it in the door to promote people, you don't have to make you, after all, it is necessary to spend huge money, and the result will still know.

It's actually discovered by the reporter. Is this not sleeping, someone gives you a pillow! So tell Leonard-Posac can accept reporters, while also fully cooperate.

The words of Bao Zi Xuan, the Junxuan College of Junjun Group and Yulin Institute of Technology, will never yin. This boss is not a single wealth than he is much more than he, the most important people can also be able to crush your existence.

Bruce - Andy: "Hello, Professor Posac, I am the British Daily Express Reporter Bruce - Andy, I just saw the students in the school cafeteria to connect the computer to each other, all the computers are Connect by multi-protocol router. So what can you tell us what is multi-protocol router! "

Leonard-Posac: "The so-called multi-protocol router is a routing method for forwarding the packet on a data link."

"The popularity is a point that each network interface has a fixed number, but they all want to access the central computer group. At this time, multi-protocol routers need to analyze the access request, then use the most reasonable way to ensure that each computer is guaranteed Can be connected to the central computer group. "

"Mainly to ensure that the computer does not fight with each other when collectively send requests, and is a machine that can identify a single computer access request."

Although it is not very clear, Bruce-Andi knows that it is possible to publish Professor Posac in the newspaper. As for the remaining sessions, it is necessary to introduce the convenience of the students to exchange students. After all, this is a newspaper. It is an ordinary mass, not let him write a computer graduation papers.

Next, Bruce-Andy is personally experienced a request for connecting a personal computer to connect the central computer group. Leonard-Posac accounts can be senior administrators, making him more macro to see Yulin Institute of Technology. Powerful computer network.

From Professor Leonard Posac, this British reporter head is still a bit. Today, the amount of information is too big. If you really want Professor Posak, you can promote to the whole world in the future, and you can only contact globally with the Internet, which is a great achievement.

However, as a news reporter, he is also very worried, Bunzi Xuan is just a Xiangjiang. It does not belong to the British Empire. The technology mastered by the Black Cloud Group does not have a company in the UK. No one in the United Kingdom, once in Xiangjiang returns to Huaxia, this person is definitely the enemy of the British Empire. It seems that it can be properly mapped at the time of the report, and it is best to pay attention to political people. However, the high-level number does not pay attention to it.

Bao Zixuan didn't know that he allowed reporters to interview Leonard-Posaka insurance to bring endless harassments, but also after all major universities and machines have completed their own reports, but also to choose cooperation, did not recommend it to the government, Otherwise, the Black Cloud Group is not sanctions, people must always be able to prevent you.

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