Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 447 with reporter flying

Baozi Xuan took the end of the reporter's reception, went to the home, after all, didn't go home in 3 months, the mother is very angry when the phone is called, but now I have to be a good one. As for the reporter's visit to the role of the role to Mike Brryfin, since I choose to believe this German double doctor, it is necessary to give people enough power. Everything is thinking about yourself, it is exhausted and can't do a few things.

Mike Brifin saw Bunzi Xuan's initiative to leave very happy, which proves that the role models have been completely speaking. So very enthusiastic to entertain media reporters, this is the opportunity to be famous in the world. Let Munich's leadership leadership, he is not unable, but there is no person who has discovered his ability.

Baozi Xuan returned to the home to see Li Yulin's face is very ugly, knowing that the mother is definitely because I have not gone home in the last 3 months.

Bao Zi Xuan said with a smile: "Mommy, who is getting angry, but pay attention to the body!"

Li Yulin: "In addition to anyone who can make me angry, I don't have to leave for so long. If you don't have a phone call every day, I think that my son is going!"

After saying, I didn't know how to say it. I didn't know how to say it. I was really distressed. So I continued to say: "You are also old and small, our family's money is not finished for a few days. Isn't it necessary to work in a hard work every day. Others are worried that my son is too lazy. I just contrary, I am afraid that my son will give yourself tired. "

"Let's do two people are too lonely. You are also 20 people. Before you are not convenient to study, now it is necessary to consider this."

This is the most headache of Baozi Xuan, after all, it is 24 years old. As the age of growing Li Yulin will become more anxious to be a lifelong event, but you don't know what kind of girl looking for it, this point has been very confused.

Just chatting in Bun Zhen Xuan's mother and child, Mike Brifin came to Tianshui Black Cloud Pier with a reporter. When the reporter saw a huge sample appeared in front of his eyes, he didn't feel too small.

A Boeing 747 has a length of 70 meters, and the length of Xiangjiang monster role aircraft has reached an amazing 108 m. It can be said that except for the rocket is the largest aircraft on the earth. Many people can't believe that this a big thing is really flying.

Boeing 747 has only 100 tons, and this guy has a load of nearly 500 tons. This is a proper black technology, nor does it know how the Engineer of the Black Cloud Group has developed it.

Mike Brifin laughed and said to everyone: "Reporter friends, in front of us Junjiang monster role aircraft, just tried to succeed, and we will also conduct test flight. If you are interested, you can sign up, first said Good aircraft is currently in the test flight, many properties are still not very stable. I will buy insurance for everyone before testing.

The premise is that you have to sign an exclaimed book. "

"But please feel free to worry, I will also participate in the test flight with everyone on the aircraft."

There is no such thing in this event, Mike Brryfen can tell the Xiangjiang monster to say absolutely believe. After all, after all thousand simulation tests, there is also a sufficient confidence when it is flying yesterday.

Many European and American reporters can be challenged, and many of the most important reporters are not simple. I want to figure out the performance of the aircraft, now there is such a chance to miss.

The reporters began to register on the spot. After all, this may be close to the opportunity to feel the aircraft. However, there are some timid journalists who have not signed up. After all, people will not have to force.

After shooting N more photos, the reporter who did not register walked down the aircraft. Although I am somewhat in my heart, this is their own choice, I can't resent others.

Finally, 36 reporters have registered this test flight, basically European and American people. Exactly, most of these people are spies, but they have nothing to do.

Mike Brifen also gave this part of a big welfare, they can enter the cab. The reporter who has not registered is not this eye, let everyone feel that it is also worth it.

Reporters, especially part-time spy, are people who have seen a wide range of people. When they come to Xiangjiang monsters, it feels like an alien spacecraft.

There is no dashing disk here, and the data is displayed on the liquid crystal display. Let people look very clean and comfortable. They are also people who read the aircraft cab, which is not a star half of the feeling of feelings. Everyone thinks this is the direction of the future technology development, and now it seems that the instrument disc is really over.

The reporters saw that all black cloud group engineers began to self-test the aircraft in the control of the computer, which is a new technology. Today, the Black Cloud Group gave them too many surprises, and many technologies here are the existence of this era.

But at the same time, many reporters have worried that Black Cloud technology leads the lead behind them. It seems that it seems that the technical generation of the country with the black cloud can catch up with two years, and go back must report this time. The threat level of the Black Cloud Group is no longer small, and treat it seriously.

All inspection work in Xiangjiang monster role aircraft is about 3 minutes. All computers on the aircraft are equipped with the most advanced chip, and the calculation capacity is very prominent.

After all the reporters are sitting, Mike Brryin presses the engine start button. At this time, people don't feel in the cab in the cab, but people in the pier are not so calm.

The 8th vortex engine started at the same time. They still felt the first time. Listening to the sound, I know that the engine power will never be small.

Mike Brifen said: "Warriors, we will start."

The voice is just falling, a strong backward looks let everyone know that this time is really going to start. Looking at the faster and faster aircraft don't talk, after all, this is still in the test flight. No one dares to guarantee how performance, if not for your work, no one is willing to have this experience.

When the speed reached 100 kilometers per hour, the aircraft began to leave the sea level, and the Xiangjiang monster had two flight methods. The first is this sliding takeoff, can only be carried out on the water. There is also a direct takeoff, similar to the flight of the British fighter.

It can be said that there is advantages and disadvantages; the first kind of oil is very effective, and it can take off in the case of full load, but it is necessary to carry out in the water. The second takeoff method is not only very filled with oil, but also the maximum takeoff weight cannot exceed 500 tons; the advantage is anytime, anywhere, is not subject to any conditional restrictions.

Under normal circumstances, the first method is selected, mainly the second way is still not actually testing, no one can guarantee that it can be successful, after all, it is only simulated.

As the speed is getting faster, the reporter who came over and actually felt this aircraft is really getting up. Baozi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group have created a new vehicle, which is a great invention.

Mike Brifen did not dare to be too boasting, uu reading just a few conventional tests. After all, there are 36 reporters, and you will be happy. If you have an accident, you have to finish your project.

When I fly in the air, about an hour, the aircraft starts to return. In fact, after a smooth flight, the courageous reporters have already stood up and watch the scenery of Xiangjiang. The Xiangjiang place is still too small. You can only fly along the coastline here.

One technology in the flight is to make the reporters stunned, and only the radar scanned to have obstacles in front. The computer immediately analyzes the optimal route and will never allow any obstacles in front of the aircraft.

If each large ship and aircraft are installed, how many accidents can be avoided for a year. All reporters have their own considerations, it seems that the Black Cloud Group is not just developing the land effects, which contains a lot of high-tech techniques, just a time, will not fully understand.

Xiangjiang monster stop speed is faster than they imagined, after all, no one thought that such a large substitute dared to use the principle of the engine inverted. This technique is extremely high in engine performance and material requirements, and it seems that black clouds are not weak in materials.

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