Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 448 Analysis of Intelligence Departments

After the 36-nominal reporters walked down the aircraft, the Raida was surrounded by other reporters who were involved in the test flight. They also want to get some useful information on the peers, back, but to write about the river monster. If you don't have more information, you will watch the article you will see.

In fact, many people have regretted, I know why so safe is not reflecting. Leading now to seek people in the low three, and others also take you.

However, there is no average person who is involved in the test flight, how can it look at these without guts? That is, several beautiful women can get some useful information, other male reporters can only look at the back of people.

Sure enough as all of the people, the next day, the major media in the next day, reported the success of the Xiangjiang Black Cloud Group tried to fly the role aircraft. And there is a courage to experience a circle with a journalist, which proves that this technology is mature. Otherwise no one dares to take this risk, after all, there is an accident, not a joke.

One, there is a mistake in front of the reporter, then the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft is estimated to play at home, and many countries will not agree to the aircraft to enter their own flying, and will not agree to the country's citizens to take the role aircraft.

It can be said that the major media is surprisingly consistent, and it is considered that the role aircraft is a new era of transportation tools. It is a non-weak plane to create, while Mike Brryfen is directly defined as the fathers of the root aircraft, so that the Soviets are very annoyed, obviously the products they first develop, how can someone become a land? The father of the aircraft, which has such a truth, but no one dares to say more for the principle of confidentiality.

Although the role aircraft is important, it is more interested in colleges and universities in the UK to report on multi-protocol routers. If you really say on the newspaper, you must go to the Yulin Institute of Technology in the field, which is a common idea of ​​the famous universities in the UK. Due to the limited coverage of daily express, it can only be seen in the UK. Therefore, there is no alert to major universities and institutions in the world, which can be said that this British walks in front.

Wa Lianko-Booka will go straight to the airport after the press conference, he must have to put the information obtained to the country in the first time. It can be said that in order to be able to get an intelligence in the first time, there is no scruple, and the high-level, I want to know that the root aircraft of the Black Cloud Group is not a letter from the Soviet Union. If it is true that there will be a hurricane, and several technicians who have been controlled by the Alekseeev Central Design Board, the purpose is to prevent them from escaped. But what is the revolutionary comrades, no one can be a good person, so waiting for Xiangjiang information.

Wallado - Boba quickly returned to the Moscow Kge Better, but he didn't think of the conference room actually saw Andropov. The Chairman of the KGB, but the National No. 2, did not expect high å, will pay attention to the land effects, so that Wallands-Boba immediately became very serious.

Seeing Andropov, Wallands-Boba immediately said: "Comrade Chair,

KG Shuojiang Secondary Information Waitco-Body reported to you and listened from your instructions at any time. "

Andropoff: "The comrades of Boba don't have to be nervous. We are waiting for your purpose here to report the relevant situation of the black cloud group role aircraft."

It is also necessary to pay attention to the Soviet elevation, before the world has this technology, but it is said that once the war can absolutely play a strange army, now the black cloud will open the product directly, leading to all national design weapons in all countries, it will definitely Effective aircraft as an imaginary enemy to develop research and development, if so, it will not be able to achieve an unusual effect.

The Soviet Union lost some strategic advantages, which is not the most important. If it is really a Soviet, he sells technical information to the Black Cloud Group, which is the unfortunate of the whole country. It is also a good relationship. If it is really internal person selling technical information, there is no difference between the treason.

Wallado-Boo card took out the camera to play a photo on the projector, and he had a total of 3 cameras to participate in a press conference. So a lot of photos, especially the interior of the aircraft is more detailed. As the intelligence personnel, he understood that these were lacking in the Soviet Union, after all, the country's overall electronics industry is too much too much.

It can be said that the Secretary is very passive for the Secretary of the Soviet Alexei Yeff Central Design Board, and the Black Cloud Group does not sound. How to say how the role aircraft is also the scientific research results of their design, and the Black Cloud Group will test the aircraft. If no technical information is, no one will believe so quickly, after all, there is no relevant information before, and the Soviet Union always believes that there is no other institution in the world in researching the role aircraft.

Therefore, the black cloud-effective aircraft appeared, and the Soviet Union's understanding of the role aircraft considered that they had a problem here. However, after repeated inspection, it is found that there is no one has a possibility of leaks, but it is also necessary to find strong evidence; otherwise it is difficult to convince.

However, after seeing the photos of the Walden-Bo Boa, let Baptolf finally worked much more. The effective aircraft designed by Xiangjiang Monsters and the Soviet Union has essentially, although it is designed according to the principle of ground utility. However, he saw that the product performance of the black cloud version is more superior, and the design layout is also more reasonable.

Baplov asked: "Comrade Boba, can you introduce us what you look! I heard that you also fly a distance from the Xiangjiang monsters."

Wa Lianko-Bo Boka looked at Andropoff. After seeing the other party's nodes, he said: "Black Cloud Group announces the technical parameters of Xiangjiang monster role aircraft: length 108 meters, Wings 42 meters, Since 300 tons, the maximum takeoff weight is 800 tons, the maximum flight height is 50 meters; the wing is equipped with 8 black cloud three-rotor vortex engine. "

"Xiangjiang monster" is 9,000 kilometers, and 1200 people can be transported to around the world with 800 kilometers. "

"I personally experienced the flight speed of this aircraft. It can be said that the overall flight is quite smooth, and there is almost no sound of the engine, but according to the outside reporter is reflected in the engine startup, the sound is very sound. The material is very good, the main materials of Xiangjiang monsters are titanium alloys, and all of these titanium alloys come from the Soviet Union. That is to say that we have a method of controlling his method, as long as it cuts off raw materials, it will not produce the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft. "

"And I didn't see the dashboard inside the cab, all of which were all passed through the LCD screen. And through the computer is checked, the obstacle encounters obstacles during the driving process is also passed from the new computers. The optimal route is going forward. "

"Comprehensive analysis of this aircraft is very high, and I think the number of people who really drive is similar to the plane. When the test flight is just an engineer is doing, but the overall number is not a lot. At the end, it is actually reverted by the engine. The principle is slower, and it can be seen that the black cloud has also achieved a major breakthrough in the engine field. "

Andropoff: "Comrade Baplov, what do you think."

Baplov: "Comrade Androvov can eliminate the possibilities of our design staff. The root aircraft produced by the Black Cloud Group leads more than ten years, especially in the LCD screen, electronic computer more It is an inconsistent technical gap. "

"The whole Soviet Union is indeed behind these two aspects, we should have to catch up, or this gap will be bigger and bigger."

Andropoff said: "Several engineers of the Alexseev Central Design Board are gave, and I will give each person some subsidies. After all, we have been in order to understand them. "

But no one really dares to have a complaint, that is, there is also a heart. Andropoff has been in conjunction with this matter, then everyone is best to forget things, or you can do good fruit.

Since it is known to lag behind the technology, Baplov hopes to be able to cooperate with the black clouds. Andropoff has basically agreed, although this is a bit conflict with the Soviet military industrial development and production, but now it is so much at this time. At present, it is to see who wants to go to Xiangjiang to negotiate. After seeing the information, there is a person in the mind of Andropov.

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