Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 449 Analysis of Intelligence Departments

Robert Wilson's name is a reporter of the Wall Street Journal, but he still has a peripheral peripheral. It can be said that the reporters in the United States in the Cold War are basically training in espions. During the Soviet Union in Ren, the future Russian leaders have also passed the reporter.

When Robert Wilson returned to Washington, he saw that the leaders of the Central Bureau were waiting for him in the conference room. Representatives of Boeing, Lockheed, General Power, and Pu Wei Company have also discussed topics about roving aircraft in the meeting room.

William Casy as the Secretary for the Secretary of the Email, although the right is amazing, but sometimes takes into account the interests of the United States. Especially this helper giant is an amazing master. He is really a bit offended.

It is now not only a single military giant waiting for an intelligence, even if the President's special envoy Wen Wright has come to the Central Bureau. Don't want to think about it. In this moment, the root is also paying attention to this matter. After all, this is a new vehicle. It is not a new weapon.

William Caspeed must open first, after all, here is his site. Laughing against Robert Wilson: "Robert, this time I got this in Xiangjiang, I heard that you are countless people who have experienced Xiangjiang monster role aircraft."

Robert Wilson also knows that since there are so many people today, it seems that the president has attached great importance to this matter. Is this the opportunity to prove it for yourself! So I sorted out the clothes: "His Excellence, as well as corporate representatives. This time, the feeling of the role aircraft gives me is very shocking. The Xiangjiang monster is basically computer control during operation, and the automation is very high."

"Because we just fly an hour, there is no complete experience. Although the black cloud group announced the maximum takeoff weight of the role aircraft is 800 tons, but I think it can be better, but now still In the stage of the test flight, the Black Cloud Group did not dare to die too much. "

I heard Robert Wilton finished, many people know that this aircraft has strategic value. It seems that the United States also has to conduct relevant research and developments, or it will be in full backward situation on the role aircraft project.

The President Special Envoy Wen Ruth said: "When the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft test flight, we deployed no target in radar in Asia."

The military representative said: "Since there is no deployment machine during the monster test flight, the ground radar is difficult to find a low-altitude aircraft. Therefore, there is no target in the radar station in Asia, not just us, even the British station The Xiangjiang Triass only found the goal when he saw the aircraft, and the radar could not be scanned. "

These words make all people in the field face, because they know that the Soviet Union has already developed a role aircraft. If the performance and the Xiangjiang monster is almost, then once the war broke out, they use the land effects to the US local attacks, they are very troublesome.

William - Casy: "You should have heard,

Our satellites have taken a Soviet aircraft event in the Riche. It seems that it can be disengaged, which is the land effects of the Soviet. The United States is already in full backward position on the role of the role, and the Junjian's role aircraft is a transportation tool. The Soviet aircraft is equipped with missiles. If there is no corresponding counterattack weapon in the United States, the future war will be very passive. "

At this time, the representative of Locks said: "Mr. Wilson, how much is the height of the aircraft during the test flight, or the aircraft is most stable when flying."

Robert Wilson: "Due to the test flight, Xiangjiang weather is very good, my watch has high function. The flight height of the aircraft is the most stable at about 8 meters, and I feel that it is the fastest flight."

I heard the representative of Lockheed here: "The wings exhibition of Xiangjiang monster role aircraft is 42 meters, and we have calculated the top surface effect, it is about 15% of the aircraft and distance from the ground. But It also dopes other factors in this, such as the length of the aircraft and the wing area, but the general proportion will not be too much.

As the old opponent of Lockheed, Boeing will not let them go. Looking at the US military will definitely go to the horse-root aircraft, then the most likely developing and producing this product is not more abnormal and Lockheed, as for universal power and universal to provide both engines. Now Lockheed representatives have expressed their own views, then they can't fall behind, or if the land efficiency aircraft can be related to Boeing.

The emergencies of the role aircraft are hit the biggest market is large passenger planes and transporters, and these two are precisely the traditional field of Boeing. It can be said that this world is invincible, and now a more efficient aircraft appears, then everything is confusing.

The Boeing said: "This is just a simple formula. Any university student who has studied aerodynamics can be counted. I am most concerned about the LCD display and computer control system. It can be seen that the Black Cloud Group is in these two aspects. The technical advantage has been very obvious. If we can't rise straight, it will be very passive. "

"In addition, you have noticed that the exhaust hole next to the external engine did not, watching such a rank reminded me of the aerodynamic layout of the British fighter. If the Xiangjiang monster can do vertical and land, then his combat will rise more than one level However, it is not a possibility that the layout of the engine is not there, this is what we have to care. "

After listening to Boeing, everyone carefully watched the picture of Robert Wilson brought back. They are all professionals, and I have seen some clues.

The President's special envoy Wen Wright suddenly said: "Universal power and Pu Hui can make it similar to black clouds such as black clouds, and can not achieve vertical lifting."

Universal power and Pu Hui two companies competition are also very intense, compared to Boeing and Lockheed, there is nothing. Now I see the president's special envoy has been named, then Wen Wright is to receive the authorization of Ragan. This is not a rain mulmonary, at this time, there is not much a lot of airs.

The representative of universal power said: "The engine we have the ability to develop and produce, but the technical patents of the three-rotor engine are in the black cloud hand. If the US military is not using there is not much problem, once exports give us all the allies will face patents dispute."

"And now we need IBM in computer hardware and software, only IBM can do this for us to disclose technical parameters and source code."

The representative of the Pu Hui also said: "Although I don't want to admit, this is the fact. There is currently no company to get the patent authorization of the three-rotary engine, and if the traditional engine may be able to make a lot of discounts."

"Different Xiangjiang monster role aircraft use a large number of titanium alloys, which can only be imported from the Soviet Union, which is also a very troublesome thing. Looking at the appearance of the whole Xiangjiang monster, the Black Cloud Group will definitely join the rare earth in the metal formula. Elements, this requires imports from Huaxia. "

Wen Wright is now a little big, not only to get technical authorization, but also IBM public code; also imports titanium alloys in the Soviet Union; finally need to buy rare earth minerals from Huaxia. These things are not good, but the President has been clearly expressing, and we must develop American people's role aircraft, which is difficult to complete in difficulties.

Wen Wright: "Engine Patent Authorization I want Baozi Xuan's still no guts, big deal more about it. From the Soviet and Huaxia imported minerals, this is the responsibility of the CITIES, no matter what method, it is necessary to meet the production of the effective aircraft The raw materials needed. "

"But Black Cloud should not get IBM's data parameters and source code, why you need" ".

Universal powerful people are also speechless, can you send a person who knows the professional professional next time. This person is simply technical idiot, but people behave on behalf of the president, and it is not easy to confirm.

General Dynamics: "Special Envoy, Black Cloud Computer Company of the Black Cloud Group is one of the world's largest hardware and software suppliers. Their role aircraft only needs to take the system to use it. After all, it is a company interest, but also Developers are likely to be a team. "

"But what we need, the computer hardware and software come on IBM, and the company has no affiliation; this is more troublesome."

Velett: "I will coordinate these things. For the national interest IBM must make a necessary sacrifice. Now you need to take a bidding plan, the President's Hello will see your plan in half a month. If you don't want the Soviets The role aircraft flew to our head before they were found, then everyone would have to have this weapon. "

Still old, Boeing and Pleura combination against Lockheed and universal power combinations. This may be the basic operation of each aircraft bidding in the United States. As for the remaining small companies can only drink some soup behind.

Bao Zixuan did not know that he had a move that the US and Soviet Union had increased its research and development in the role aircraft. It seems that the Soviet Union has been drawn first, but it is believed that there will be no difficulty in thinking about the American technical reserve.

Both super big countries are increasing the investment of the role aircraft, and other countries are impossible to backward. It can be said that the world's life has changed the earth-shaking change. The impact of Baozi Xuan is gradually increasing.

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