Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 450 Analysis of Intelligence Parts

Not only is the American and Soviet people who are paying attention to this matter, as a thing happening in Xiangjiang. The British can't be indifferent, but they don't think about how to get the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft now.

If you go directly to the black cloud to buy the British is still a little unwilling, after all, now I am fine, one, the river will return, the British will be very passive. At that time, Huaxia does not agree to sell the role aircraft and related accessories to the UK, and it will soon become scrap iron.

However, now the British local enterprises are the product that is authorized to produce the same performance. Although I don't want to admit that everyone knows that Bunzi's Black Cloud Group has led too much in the British business in some high-tech.

After the naval department reported the problem, the bunxuan's alumni smiled and said: "Isn't it in the test flight now! Give McGao Hao, let him notify the Black Cloud Group Before the role of the United Navigator is not fixed. Don't sell outside world; there is priority in the UK when you want to sell. "

"It can clearly tell Bunxuan, the top 2 Britain of Xiangjiang monsters need. After all, now Xiangjiang is also jurisdiction, the black cloud group is not on the land of Xiangjiang!"

"If you get a full prototype, do you also simmed by the UK's technical reserve. So the problems in front of you are not a big problem, and now the most important thing is how to solve the problem of the Black Cloud Group."

At this time, the people in the military said: "The Prime Minister, your worries are very reasonable. As the effective flight of the flight is successful, we have just regarded the Black Cloud Group as a general high-tech company that is very unconventional; Don't forget Bunzi Xuan is to learn aviation profession, then prove that he has a persistent pursuit of the aircraft. Not to mention it is so rich, it is very possible to develop any aircraft in the future. After all, sometimes he will not count cost, possibly It is simply satisfying yourself, and he can make this strength now. "

Iron Night: "Your intelligence department wants to express anything."

Director of the military situation: "How do we do what we have to do with the issue of Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, if any of the development of this development will become a giant Macon, but you don't forget, he is not a UK. People; just a Xiangjiang people, and this place may be returned by Huaxia. "

"No matter whether you admit it, now Huaxia is no longer a hundred years ago. At present, the British strength has conflicted in Xiangjiang and Huaxia, then the failed party must be the British Empire."

"If Huaxia returns to Xiangjiang, we will be a joke for decades of technology to block China. The Black Cloud Group can provide them more advanced products, and the Basica will be very passive."

I heard the analysis of the military and six, the UK high-level in the field has fallen into meditation. Although it is a woman, since the iron lady can become a prime minister and must have some people.

Iron Night: "What is your information on your intelligence department."

She now wants to listen to the analysis of the information department to make decisions, although the heart has decided.

The six director of the military situation: "There is still a fifteen years from Xiangjiang Contract. At present, the black cloud group is still worthy of us. Although Bao Zixuan has a lot in investment in the mainland, but compared to the scale of Xiangjiang is far away. Moreover, many Chinese people in Xiangjiang also believe that Huaxia's so-called reform and opening up. At present, the size of investment in China is already the upper limit of Baozi Xuan. "

"We can use this time difference to actively fight Bunxuan. If there is no effect, it can be used to use extreme means. After all, the threat of this person is too big. At the beginning, the Americans put away a rocket expert to let Huaxia's rocket technology outline. We can Cannot make the same mistake, or in the future, Huaxia will be stepped on the head of the British Empire. "

"Sometimes a scientist can change the fate of a country, the British Empire is because there are Newton and Watt take off in the first industrial revolution, and now Bunzi Xuan is such a person, and may be more than they. Good. This person is not only a technician worker, and it is a successful businessman. "

"Watt and Newton also apply to the government to apply for research funds. He can get it as long as a signature is signed. And you can do it now, because the Black Cloud Group has only one shareholder, this is too terrible."

I didn't expect the intelligence department to evaluate the Bunzi Xuan so high, he did not expect him. However, since the military's six dare to say this, then it is definitely the conclusion after the comprehensive analysis.

Iron Nummy: "I will play the Queen to make some concessions on Baozi Xuan on the booklet, or the way of marriage is not, although I am very annoying as a woman, but for the benefit of the British Empire is violating some principles. Also at all. "

"If the Huaxia returns to Xiangjiang is really inevitable, and Bao Zi Xuan does not know the time. Then it will be no wonder, it is that he is picking up."

It can be said that the iron lady has already contained this thing, although it is only temporary. However, the people below have a direction of work, at least how to deal with the current situation.

Just in the British people sitting to discuss Bunzi Xuan, the black cloud set, the role of the United Kingdom, also discussing this matter. Now the country's economy has just improved, the Navy is a big burning household.

Leading to the Huaxia Navy has not increased what is the like, and now I can easily let go of the opportunity to turn into the car.

The highest layer is also very difficult at this time, after all, from the photo, the land effects is not a cheap object. It is completely required by the research and development technology, and the best way to buy it from the black cloud. Or let the Black Cloud Group build a plant in China, which can not only learn technology, but also exchange weapons with resources.

But this will not agree, even if Bao Zi Xuan agrees. The British will not easily pose, and the root aircraft is definitely the goal of the Batumi organizations to focus on track.

And now most countries in the world are staring at the Black Cloud Group, I want to get the role aircraft in the first time. At this time, China is still not necessarily to be row, that is, Bao Zi Xuan agrees that it is estimated that it can only queue, and some people may not be selfless.

This also makes people present in the field, and it is clear that the products produced by Chinese companies. I have to look at other people's face, and Xiangjiang does not return to make people sleep.

The highest level also understands that these years have been a lot of grievances, and since it is possible to help them get a advanced weapon. So said: "So let the comrades of Xinhua News Agency let go to talk, or you can invite Huo Yingdong, Bao Zixuan and others to come to Huaxia Continental inspection. The last effect is not very good! This activity we have to do it, let The people of Xiangjiang understand our Chinese mainland; there will be no exclusion and conflict of psychology after such a return. "

As people think, now there are still two super powers in the United States and the Soviet Union in research and development role aircraft; British and Huaxia want to buy from black clouds because of special relationships. As a permanent member of the United Nations, France can almost produce all weapons, all military products come from domestic enterprises, and even sell each year.

How can I don't move after seeing the role aircraft, now they are also considering how to get technical authority from the black cloud. In the French, technology, especially military technology, or master in their own hands.

Not only single is the United Nations permanent member, there are still many countries with many people in the world. And the most important thing is that they are carrying each other, see how the root aircraft is so powerful, how can it be angry? I bought it back is that it is not a loss as a special force transportation force; let alone look at the appearance of several places to install the weapon system, which makes the battle between the war. I want to get the weapon in the first time. The two countries don't have, oil is really not lacking. If it is used to exchange the role aircraft, I will also be happy.

Baozi Xuan did not think that a role aircraft can actually agitate most countries in the world, but now it is late. At this moment, I will not agree to the project, I don't agree, I can only rush hard my scalp; no matter what the results are the way you choose, you can't have any complaints.

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