The black cloud chip company's Fushan Yong has always been very wronged, in order to be caught by giants and the United States. The black cloud chip has been produced is low-end products, most of which are chips with lower technical content of memory, graphics cards, hard drives. Like the CPU, the motherboard chip is the ability to process and there is no mass production, more as a technical reserve.

Looking at clearly able to produce the most advanced CPU is not, it takes huge investment every year from Motorola, Texas Instrument, Inner and other enterprises, so that Foshan Yong is very disintegration.

What makes him feel confused is that Bun Zixuan has never stopped to the chip research and development, even if he doesn't have to do technical reserves. He proposed a number of questions, but it was not adopted.

At this time, the black cloud CPU, motherboard and other chips should only have in terms of the CNC machine tools produced. In order to avoid suppression of the black cloud production, it is the memory chip that European and American manufacturers can't see.

Bao Zi Xuan knows that in a few years, Japanese manufacturers will be pressed by the United States, and the Japanese chip will be referred to the anti-dumping organization. If the black cloud dares to go out, then this list will definitely have the name of Baoxuan, so it can only be forbea.

Fushan Yong: "Black Cloud Semiconductor currently has 45,000 employees, with a total output value of $ 4.2 billion in 1981, is $ 130 million. The main reason is that only the bottom storage chip can only enter the core field. Our CPU chip currently applies all in the black cloud CNC machine in addition to research, so R & D and profits are not very matching. "

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If there is any emotion in Fushan Jun, now our CNC machine sales are not very good. You can get follow-up next year, and there is already a full plan. At the same time, the semiconductor company can sell the lighting machine to the outside. Equipment, I think next year, the semiconductor is one of the most profitable companies in the group. "

"Now it's just a moment, I don't know all the chips can bring more profits. But then we will finish all the cakes, don't give people a little alive. Eat alcohol early evening will be killed, a total Win is a king. "

"Listening to the boss said, Fushan Yong's mood is much better. Otherwise, it is too tired, clearly can increase production, product upgrade, you don't miss orders, but there is no way to make it full, this feeling is really very Uncomfortable. "

Wu Feng and Fushan Yong, who have control machine tools, face the same problem, and is not very valued in the Black Cloud Group's internal CNC machine company. However, these are the appearance, but Bao Zi Xuan still doesn't want to force it.

Wu Feng: "Black Cloud CNC airport has 13,800 employees, last year's sales of 1.3 billion US dollars, profit of 1.2 US dollars, main order comes from several Japanese technology companies and group branches."

"The reason for the low profit is mainly we are trying to attack large-scale CNC machinery upgrades and transformation. This takes a lot of funds. There is also the market is not open.

Our machine tools are in the leading technology, which is not well promotion. "

Bao Zi Xuan: "These are temporary, I have already talked with the Jews. This year, I will establish a CNC machine tool production plant this year. I think the order should be worried."

I heard that everyone is excited and worried, after all, this time is not a good idea in Israel. Not only there is no resources, but it is quite nervous; if you don't care, don't say any investment returns, you may have no life.

After seeing everyone's concerns, Bao Zixuan continued: "This time we have outline technology and equipment, others are responsible by Jews. At the same time, you will not use the black cloud in the name of the black cloud." Don't worry too much. "

Bao Zi Xuan, a look, the mountain Heng Yipa understands what it means, so he said: "Black Cloud Toys currently has 130,000 employees, sales last year of $ 3.3 billion, profit of $ 790 million."

"The main reason is because all of the toy copyrights from Black Cloud Toys come from other branches of Black Cloud. The profits are much better than traditional foundrs. There is also a very low cost of artificial costs in China, even if we are already deep sea The highest salary of the region, but workers' wages are still one-fifth of the river. "

Industries who have heard these to make money are industries they can't see, everyone is speechless. Moreover, the toy company can make money because the mainland's labor salary is low, which makes other branches have also went to the mainland to build a factory idea.

Bao Zi Xuan: "The mountain is hard, and the Group is 400 million US dollars used in the mainland. The rest can be used to expand the factory. If there is a need to acquire other toys, these are handed over to you."

This is the first to say the hardship of Bao Zixuan, but let him go to half the profit. Everyone is full of balance, and she still doesn't be praise by the boss.

Oblak - Deloity Represents Black Cloud mobile phone companies ready to report, Yier-Egnlar is still as caddy. Only in the laboratory will never participate in any meeting. The old man is such a personality, so the mobile company is basically his apprentice in management.

Oblak Deloity: "Black Cloud mobile phone company has 14,700 employees, last year's sales performance is $ 24 billion, profit is $ 5.3 billion."

"The main revenue of the black cloud phone comes from the construction of the signal tower construction and mobile phone sales. At present, all employees are engineers and technicians. As for all of the production, the main production base is here."

I heard the mobile phone and make everyone finally know that the engineers of mobile phone companies can't do it. It turns out that people have true, it seems that mobile phones and computers are definitely the mainstream industry.

Steve Celi knows that this round is reported to report, and it is a bit worried about the sales performance of other wind companies. After all, digital cameras currently can only be said to be a mid-rulement, and there is no highlight.

However, at this time, it is hard to scalp, and said to everyone: "The black cloud camera company has 3,500 employees, last year's sales of $ 320 million, profit of 80 million US dollars."

"At present, the traffic volume camera is still the mainstream market. However, I have a constant sales every year, and more and more people who use digital cameras now, but the pixels have not reached so much demand, but with technology progress A gap will gradually shrink, and the digital camera is expected to be able to flatten the market with the cross-overner camera. After 20 years, it may be eliminated with the championship after 30 years. "

Therefore, in the future we will continue to increase the product development of digital cameras, and have begun to start the research and development of the digital camera.

This is the most satisfying report today, although sales and profits have far from other companies. However, this forward-looking and vision have been very capable of explaining the problem, and it seems that the father of digital cameras is not yarn.

Bao Zixuan: Very good, follow your plan, if there is any suffering and lack of funds to apply to the group. At the same time, promote your global vice president of the Black Cloud Group, I hope you can work hard.

It is a bit a little hang in Steve Celegia. He was prepared to be approved, and he was promoted to the vice president of the Black Cloud Group. How can I suddenly be so sudden, today is my lucky day.

Seeing everyone's expression, Bunzi needs to continue: I am not particularly concerned about the sales data of your return, and we have to value whether the future industry can achieve sustainable development, you have a follow-up plan.

The company is not very valued by the black cloud. It is more important to see where the direction of the development direction is more. We are already a world-renowned big business, but always keep a vigilant heart. In my opinion, there is only 37 months in powerful enterprises, and if there is no innovation and development for three consecutive years, it is destined to face closed.

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