Miyota Hao knows that the turn will report to himself, and his current work is more like a group firefighting player. It can be said that as long as there is a need if he will pass, and it is very big to recruit talents in Europe.

It can be said that it is his lucky day, not only works well, but also getting married. I have already held a wedding, just because Bunzixuan has been clutching the role of the aircraft to extend the wedding.

Bridge Bunhao: "Black Cloud European company has 43,800 employees, mainly sales staff of all local branches. The recent focus is the construction of sales networks and Poland border trade market projects, and all work is relatively smooth."

Since I get so much benefit in Poland, and I have promised that people should establish a border trade market. Then you have to fulfill it, or you are embarrassed.

Ancient Town Silver as a person in charge of the world, it can be said that all major factories around the world are in his jurisdiction. However, he also knows the weight, and multiple management is not conducive to the maximum production efficiency. Therefore, there is no long, the main work center is in the Xiangjiang production base. At present, the Tiangui area is also his unified coordinated management, which can be said to be the most people managed by the Black Cloud Group.

Ancient Cheng Lang: "Black Yun Xiangjiang Production Base has now been expanded into two, currently has 480,000 employees, single is a single output value of our production base last year. The future work center has been higher, more Intelligent production is close, and we are currently eliminated before the old production model. The production capacity of next year can definitely meet market demand. Therefore, I will lack orders. If there is an order production, you can find me to find me; but no Orders make workers and equipment, I have to go to you. "

This sentence is that everyone laughs, after all, there is a strong logistics guarantee is also the driving force for the company's continuous advancement.

Baozi Xuan: "It seems that the ancient city will be very confident, this needs everyone to work together."

Zhao Tingting as the Group's competent administrative and financial vice president can say that it is quite qualified, he is one of the longest employees of the black cloud. Bao Zixuan trust him very trust, a lot of things are handed over to him, and the approval of the payment is basically he is responsible. It can be said that it is a group of people.

Zhao Tingting: "At present, the Black Cloud Group has 1030,000 employees. The annual revenue of $ 108 billion last year; the total profit is $ 12.6 billion. While we are not listed companies, but I think is the world-renowned listed company and no performance. eye."

"This is not working hard, but the group is also facing a crisis. We have some employees to expand very powerful, and there are many people often go to casinos, KTV and other entertainment venues, very late. Even already affects It works normally in the second day, this area needs to be supervised, otherwise it will be a big problem in the morning and evening. "

Although sales performance and profit people, Bao Zi Xuan is more concerned that there are employees to gamble.

It is possible to say gambling at the meeting, then prove that there must be many employees to go to the casino. And here is so close to the casino, and the boat can be reached an hour. The employee income level of the Black Cloud Group is not low, it can be said that everyone is very popular.

At this time, Bunzi is still a concern if this is losing money. There is no ability to repay, let them do things that harm the company's interests, then what to do, people who have red eyes can do anything.

Bao Zixuan: "How many people going to the casino!"

He is not very worried about drinking, after all, everyone has their own lives. As long as you don't delay your job, you can only go with it, but gambling is completely different. This is a hobby that can cause the family to die, and there is no such person to exist in the Black Cloud Group.

Zhao Tingting: "Every department has, but most of the gambling is the local staff of Xiangjiang, basically workshop workers."

Bao Zi Xuan: "It is forbidden to go to any casino, if anyone violates anyone who is expelled. Include it in the seat, and write it in the employee manual."

"Since we joined the Black Cloud Group, we must be responsible for employees, but also to his family. There is also a person who tells employees. If it violates, people who can't blame my bun Xuanxuan, and the person who is guarded and controversial is also expelled."

I heard that everyone knows the boss is really true, it is necessary to take care of your own. Otherwise, don't look good, and the boss will think that your management ability is not.

Bao Zixuan continued: "Today we can sit together is a fate, before I am in engaging the role of the aircraft project, I have delayed the distribution of everyone."

"Still in accordance with the old rules, everyone rewards two months salary as their bonuse last year. There is also an excellent individual in each position in rewarding a month, these you will handle it."

"In addition, our food should be further improved, although it is now very good, but did not reach my ideal state. And the current cost of ingredients is also high, we can develop agriculture in Southeast Asia. Buy land production in Thailand for black cloud employees Food, so it is safe and saving money; it is also able to expand our industrial chain. "

"I have purchased several farms in Australia, and I will join in food to let employees eat foods such as beef. In short, the employees should not be worried about their worries, and they can work all their best."

Bunzi Xuan knows that so many industries is now busy, and it will never expand out in the short term. Otherwise, the management team can not keep up, and the company must also have problems.

It can be seen from gambling things that many of the old employees are still too comfortable. Then you can't blame yourself, the eliminated person must not be soft, and his work will be placed in business management.

If the black cloud group is not well managed, the speed will be very fast, after all, there is no heritage before. Moreover, employees are too exaggerated, although it looks very embarrassed, but it is facing issues such as employees without belonging. Everyone is like a wooden wood, I don't know how to go in the future.

However, I have to face the horse war, Huaying negotiations, the Middle East, and the Bao Zixuan began a headache. Now not consider these, after all, Reher Morgan is still waiting for him.

Today, I opened a day, I have been meeting in the company from the Peninsula Hotel. The middle is just a simply ate lunch, and everyone gathers in the conference room.

Since the meeting is over, the traditional is sure to drink well. However, today is special case, everyone understands the boss, can only leave Bao Zixuan to leave.

When Baozi Xuan was going to say: "Today I have something to first, you gather together. Tomorrow night Bridge Bojun will hold a wedding, you will leave a day, wait until the end of the wedding, we are gathering tomorrow night."

This sentence makes Huashou Hao very touched. It seems that the President is still remembers that the at the time. Preparing to personally participate in your own wedding, but also stay all executives in Xiangjiang, this is not the treatment of everyone. After all, every day, the cost of the group pays much higher.

Before leaving, Bunxuan called the old Hako, after all, I promised Rager - Morgan to make a loss of exclusive car, especially if she was not killed.

Now Hector's days can be said to be quite moist, and several cars can be made every month can say no pressure. Moreover, his son has stabilized in the Chinese mainland, but also served as an engineer in Bao Huo Dong Mining Company. The boss also allowed him to build a large-scale machinery and equipment factory, which can be said that the position is very important, and trust.

The boss specializes in yourself, then prove that he is also useful. Come over, the black cloud work is not limited, and he has emitted the second spring. It is not too much from the newborn.

After seeing the drawings taken by Bun Zixuan, it was once again been convinced by this talented young boss. Look at the car designed, it is definitely leading the trend, and it will definitely be able to fire. It is an old man who can imagine a young beauty to open this car.

The Germans have always seen any country in manufacturing automotive, after all, the car is their invention. However, after getting the drawings of Bao Zi Xuan, the idea of ​​this helping the old mechanic began to shake. Every country has a day, if the boss returns to 100 years ago, it is not a matter of Carl Benz, which is the real idea of ​​most people.

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