Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 465, the busy bag is rich

After two people got on the bus, Bunzi Xuan saw Rayser Morgan a bit of a bit. Just started to be good, how did you get a bus? Is it like a chat with Huo's female, but I think that Huo Yingdong iso, the quality of family members should not, then what is the reason for this big lady? Happy, Bun Zixuan wonders to know.

Two talents have just confirmed the relationship, and the current relationship is not very stable. There is such a thing now, then there will be more contradictions. If you can't handle it, it is better to say it, you will not delay anyone.

Bao Zi Xuan: "What's wrong, Receier. Just good, how suddenly, it is angry!"

In fact, I saw that Recel-Morgan's antergeous bag, and there were many insects, and if this woman was so angry, it was a headache. It is estimated that there is only a trick to the process in the future, and it is not bothering people.

Recel Morgan: "You said that if I come over the Xiangjiang, I will stay at home as a man's attachment like other ladies!"

Listening to Reher - Morgan asked, Lenovo has been in Huo Hao today, after all, Xiangjiang abolished a husband and wife.

Bao Zixuan: "How to suddenly ask this, that is, I think you become such a person, you will not do it! And I will not do that, after all, I like a sages that can help me, know Yesterday my mother Why is it a bit awkward. That's because I let her help me to review the financial statements of the Black Cloud Group last year.

"You look at her very embarrassment, but have you found a lot of confidence. That is finally, please let her finish, prove that this person is also worth it, at least she is so thinking."

"I am a poor child 5 years ago, I can't find my girlfriend, I can't guarantee. Now I can meet you, I am already satisfied, you can do anything I want to do."

Reachier Morgan heard the Bunzu Xuan said that he did not hesitate to fell his arms. Also said: "This is what you said, you can't repent in the future."

This action let Leon sitting in the secondary driving position look very anxious, want to remind Miss's respect. However, I thought about the two-priced answers of the Master, and the happiness of Miss, he was shaken again. It seems that as long as you go to sleep, you can't do it.

I know that Bunzi Xuan is very busy, and I will go to watch the role aircraft will be together tomorrow; I will be separated after returning to the hotel. Bao Zixuan did not go to the company, but directly returned to the home; it is estimated that the mother will have a lot of things to ask him at this time.

Seeing Li Yulin is still in the nuclear check account, Bun Zixuan does not know that the mother is doing these or wrong. After all, the financial statements will have a professional accounting firm to strictly review and basically do not have problems. The Black Cloud Group is the largest customer of Puhua, they don't dare to hit.

Bao Zixuan: "Mommy, take a break! I heard that these two days are checked and reported, don't have to worry."

Li Yulin: "What do you know, there is no small matter in finance, and it is also the most prone to problems, it must be verified."

Bao Zixuan knows that you can't manage your mother, as long as he is happy. There is also a need to get yourself, it seems that it will give him a report in the future. After all, the amount of black cloud financial data is too large, and it is indefinitely.

Bao Zixuan: "You are right, but you should pay attention to work and rest. These reports are placed at home and can be reviewed at any time."

Li Yulin: "It seems to be a little truth, many years have not been a lot of business, but the basic merit is still, or can help you review."

Today you are not going to go to Huo Yingdong at home! How can I come back so soon, I have not taken someone to go shopping.

Bao Zixuan: "Tomorrow go to the Tianshui factory, and always don't be very good at one piece."

Li Yulin: "Son, sometimes the girl is more accompanying.

Since I saw the financial statements of the Black Cloud Group, Li Yulin can say confidence. At first she didn't believe that her son would launch such a base industry in just five years, but she was particularly proud after repeated check.

This is the son of your own cultivation, you can say that there is no father to make the present Bunxuan. Bunzi Xuan mother deeds must be able to write a lot of books. At this time, it is not too much to use the bother.

Bao Zixuan: "Not worried about the Morgan family, I can create a family yourself. Just a lot of things don't want to think, there are too many interests, and two people will be difficult to make a choice.

Until now Bao Zixuan still didn't want to understand how he and Raise-Morgen go, look at it, it is possible to find a backward way. However, in some cases, this identity is not necessarily a good thing, it is likely to take you away.

Early the next morning, Baozi Xuan took Reedr-Morgan straight to the Tianwei black cloud production base. I saw some desolate land on the road, let Rayier Morgan feel that the Xiangjiang is still very backward. It seems that all parts of the world are almost, there are paradise and hell.

But after the car opened to the dark cloud, it gave people a feeling and returned to heaven. No one thinks that Bun Zixuan actually dare to invest in such a remote place, and can also build such a spectacular and beautiful building here.

At this time, I feel that the deepest thing is Leon, Bun Zixuan is refreshing his cognition once. It can be said that every time I look at people, I have been faced in the Xiangjiang River.

The car opened directly to the Black Cloud Pier. See where a huge substant is standing. They also can't say anything, you said it is a boat, but it is with a wing; you say it is a plane, the body is too large.

Bao Zi Xuan: "This is specifically for the role of efficient aircraft produced for express delivery business, Mr. Leon wants to look at it."

This sentence is in this point, Leon has taken directly into the Xiangjiang monster. Mike Brryfin, which has already got commands, immediately launched the engine after seeing the owner of the boss.

When Leon has not responded, the aircraft has begun to slide on the water. Recel Morgan is very clear about the Bunxuan and Leon dialogue, and now Leon will come back.

In front of you, this man deliberately support Leon, what is the idea of ​​yourself. In fact, she thinks a little more. Baozi Xuan is to want Leon to experience the aircraft. Today's test flying subjects have several difficult moves. It is a matter of test flight, not to mention any training. people.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan did not have any move, Rehel Morgan is happy and disappointed. Happy is because there is no mistake, Bao Zi Xuan is really like the intelligence, is a gentleman. Disappointment is because it feels that the buns do not understand the style, such a good opportunity is not easy to use, is it there is no attractive.

At the time of cranky, the root aircraft has already rushed to fly back. Thoughts have been pulled back to reality, this process is very fast, actually nearly 2 hours.

Bao Zixuan has been watching the test flight in the temporary headquarters, and can understand the aircraft status by the first time by the sensor. If the computer system above the aircraft is not enough, it can be more accurately calculated by the rear computer.

After Leona followed the root aircraft, he ran directly to the sea. I haven't arrived yet, I have spit. Let Rayier Morgan and Bunxuan won the laughter, but this time I know that I can't express it is too obvious.

Seeing Leon came back, Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Leon, how the Xiangjiang monster role aircraft is."

Although it is very angry, it is learned that Bunzi Xuan and Miss have been headquarters, there are many people here. There is not so worried in my heart, let alone can't recognize it in front of Bunzi Xuan. So the hardness said: "Not bad, you can consider or order two."

I heard Leon said that, Recel Morgan said directly: "Pack, then order four this kind of aircraft. You are also Le Xuan Express Shareholders, you should not sell too much!"

Recel Morgan's named Black Cloud Group was ordered to the Black Cloud Group in the name of Lexuan Express Company. It can be produced after mass production, and the two delivery of the British order can be executed.

Bedding house


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