Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 466, the busy bag is rich

Reachier - Morgan is gone, you can say it very hastily. After receiving a call from the United States, I left, and I didn't get Bun Xuan 's fog.

The intelligence network is too much, and it is basically not exactly. Otherwise, how can you get a little wind, you won't know anything now, and you will be almost. This is the feeling of Baozi Xuan after receiving the United States.

At the same time, he also knows that some will need to spend. The turnover of the Black Cloud Group will soon catch a small country GDP, and it is not too much to say that the enemy is not too much. There will definitely have people and institutions concerned with him. If they don't have self-insurance, they are a lamb. Although the Black Cloud Group Security Department looks like the entire Xiangjiang, it is still not enough in Bunzi Xuan's eyes, especially after the development of the military field.

To form an intelligence network, it is not a good thing to do, even if there is money, it is not necessarily able to solve the problem, and some types of work need to be started from small start.

At this time, Bunzu is not so much, because there are several people who have come to find him. With the arrival of these people, the head is rich and knows that don't want to rest in the next few times.

The British came over a group of university exams. They were the report of the Daily Express, and the group came to the Xiangjiang, which also included Bunzi Xuan's alma mater. Oxford University. After the UK's inspection group, Bao Zixuan only had a few professors of the alma mater. After all, he can't tell him that he forgot. Although it is not very intended to be, but some words are good to say bad.

How to say how Oxford University is also a world-renowned university, many future cooperation opportunities. If you don't give people now, then there will be someone who will get you in the head.

After handing the British exam group to Leonard, Posac couples, Bunzi Xuan wants to see the guests from the Soviet Union and the Middle East. After all, I am going to negotiate the business in the coming years, and the black cloud group can stand firm in the Middle East.

After listening to the KG Bud's report, Andropoff thought of Pai Wa Lianko-Uspanov came to Xiangjiang. After reporting the ideas and the Britinger, the highest support of the highest leaders.

Wallands Susanov can say that roots are strong, the most important and Bunzu has exchanged. There is also a position not high, nor very low; the gave to Xiangjiang Tongbao Xuan negotiating is the most appropriate, it can be said that it is not two.

After receiving the highest leadership, Wallands Uscanov did not delay. It is now prepared immediately, mainly through friends to understand the intelligence of Xiangjiang.

The highest leader gives a minor general order, which is a kind of trust, but also a test. If you can complete the task, then there is no matter which department will be smooth. If there is nothing, then it can be said that it will be basically marginalized. It is not used by Ustanov, after all, it is impossible to give you too high positions.

The two princes in the Middle East and Hussein have long been determined to have a good trip. After all, they also have to come over the Yulin Institute of Technology to see how the Middle Eastern students can learn, and have to learn about it. This school value is not worth continuing from domestic dispatching students.

Bun Zixuan did not think that everyone was rushing together, but this also made his mind a bold idea. Before I just felt this thing, now people have come over, what is hesitant. This can be a chance of a thousand years, and it is beneficial to all parties from the current situation.

I know that the first thing to solve is the Soviet issue. After all, once the Soviewers can agree to the rest. So Bao Zixuan chooses to meet with the night of Vailo-Ushino to Xiangjiang.

Waldenk - Ushino did not think that this Xiangjiang richest is still anxious than him. From understanding the information and the news after coming to Xiangjiang, let him feel the existence of Bunzu Xuan in Xiangjiang.

Bao Zixuan: "Welcome to Xiangjiang, my friend. You should tell me earlier, I have a preparation."

Wallands - Ushinov: "You can't blame me, it is also a temporary decision, and I have a big relationship with you."

Bao Zixuan basically guess his purpose, but this time is to be stupid. What do you perform know, but it will make people feel premedy.

Bao Zi Xuan: "We are good friends, the black cloud group cooperates with several sects of the Soviet Union. What's the matter can be said, as long as I can help it, I will never let you do it."

Wa Lianko-Ushino did not expect Bun Zixuan to talk so much, although I don't know if it is true or false. However, it is very rare to say that the first thing of the Xiangjiang River Rich is, it is very rare. The identity and status of Baozi Xuan will not be deceived.

Wallands - Uscanov: "This time, the highest leader personally gives me the order, just want to see if there is any opportunity to cooperate in the role aircraft. You should already know that the Soviet Union has been developing Effective aircraft. It can be said that this project has begun in 1923, but let us not think that the Black Cloud Group has also developed this aircraft. It is incredible that the performance is much more advanced relative to the Soviet roofer. "

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I can develop the role of the role with the Soviet Union. I am willing to say, but now Xiangjiang is still a British. They have given me an administrative order, requiring the first two land effects of the Black Cloud Group. It is necessary to sell them. So they have arranged personnel to enter, and some things are not very good. "

I know that the arm is screwed, and the old man is coming to the fire. I can only get out of the British, since I want the first two aircraft, then I have to pay the corresponding price.

Wallando - Susanov: "These are not a problem, we will find British talking. Now it is not the day of the Empire, many things also need to seek our Soviet opinion. Soviet only needs black clouds In the engine, computer control system, a liquid crystal display, and the titanium alloy welding process can be launched.

After saying that Waldenk-Ustanov himself has a bit blush, this is a cooperation. It can be said that there is no difference between and to grab it. After all, this is the core technology of people, and the Soviet Union is almost zero in these sectors.

Bunzi Xuan: "These are not big, but I need the Soviet Union to give the black cloud some corresponding compensation."

Wallands - Susanov: "If others, I will definitely, after I have finished the conditions, I will agree or refuse, but I can say no problem for you. Leadership gives me just limited to use money, but It is the least money in you, "

Bao Zi Xuan: "Or you understand me, money is indeed not lacking here; but if you can push more, you will not push it out."

"I want to study large passenger aircraft with your Guitu Plev Design Bureau. They have a lot of excellent designers in this regard. The Black Cloud Group is preparing to enter the field of large passenger aircraft. It is still not enough for its technical reserves. If we can achieve Cooperation, then absolutely produces the most advanced large passenger planes in the world.

"You can jointly produce, the Soviet Union is definitely the production of production, after all, the Xiangjiang land does not allow building Taiwan factories, so both parties can get benefits."

Take the ground-effective aircraft related technologies to change the cooperation of the map Leffende design does not appear inexpensively, but it is completely different after the Soviet Union. It may be yours throughout the design, now just make ahead layout. It's just that this line is placed, and it is actually ten years.

Wallado - Ushino-Jov: "I can't do this, but I will try to help you. I believe that the problem is not big, you may have to prepare some funds, and the Poll Lev Design Engineer is not currently not Very good, this is your chance. "

Unlike the US aviation industry highly international, the world will buy their aircraft. The Soviet air industry has always been independently, and the company that specializes in the production of large-scale airplanes like Tu Lev Design Bureau is hard to support workshop. After all, domestic purchase capacity is limited, and the profits are not high.

This is also the bottom gas promised by Wallenk, Ustanov, because he knows that Bunzi Xuan really can fully convince the relevant department to let go of a mouth.

Bedding house


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