As the first major event after returning to Xiangjiang, Bao Zixuan, this time, it is a vast hair invitation. The tycoon that Xiangjiang can rely on the upper number has received the invitation, and even HSBC's Shen Yizhen, Phumei and Taikoo are invited.

HSBC can be the biggest potential customer of banking equipment, and there are many shopping malls in Taikoo. There are many ATM machines, no one has a feasibility. The opinions can not be cooperated, see how the two sides will look at this thing.

In order to promote the safety of the Black Cloud Bank, Bunzi Xuan deliberately takes a film from the wireless TV station. The advertisements of all TV stations in Xiangjiang have been covered by the black cloud, and a full bombing.

In fact, there are several families in Xiangjiang who don't want to give Bunzi Xuan station, which is the most typical belonging to Zheng Yu. Since Zheng Jiajia and the head of the head are completely unspeak, the sharks are getting more and more uncomfortable to read Bunxuan.

Zheng said: "We still have passed, if you don't think we are afraid of him. And this time you don't just have two past, a family must go, I want to see what Bao Zi Xuan is? people."

"I have been in contact with him before, and my family is easy to solve. Xiangjiang is so big, is there no time to meet; this is possible. Can not make people feel that we are at home; there is no, there is no, It is the media specially guided. "

"We also have to let the daughter to solve this heart, or how do you still marry in the future. There are many things that you need her to overcome themselves. We can't take care of her for a lifetime."

Zheng Fu people are worthy of everyone, there is a very strong capacity. It is very organized to do things and know how to trial. The same buns have no benefits to Zheng's family, and it will lose a lot of business. Now that Black Cloud employees have rarely come over Zhou Dafu to buy jewelry, these are all real performance.

Zheng Yong did his consent to participate in the opening ceremony under the lady, and prepared to bring your family throughout. Although the lady persuaded to have a certain effect, he only knows himself.

At the same time, in the boat king, Jade is also discussing the things of the Black Cloud Bank invited the Black Cloud Bank. The last ship king passed the big life Baozi Xuan did not come over; so that the boat king's heads were some of the best. This time, the black cloud bank opened the father, but the old man is very high; there is no need to participate in the public, and it is also preparing to attend; at the same time, the granddaughter, Su Haiwen, is also required.

The old saying: "This time I passed a household in the Black Cloud Bank, saving a 10 million Hong Kong Coins. This is a good chance, the front Bunxuan does not need our help, but we are seeking him But now things are just the opposite, and the boy will push the customer to the truth. "

"Not just alone, the package home deposit 100 billion Hong Kong coins to Black Cloud Bank, this shows our attitude. Bun Zixuan this person eats soft, as long as it is a Bao family to put down the posture, he also knows people. "

Bao Ship King: "Father, there is no problem; when we open, we can have a good time at home, and the weather in Xiangjiang is not very good at home. I am worried that your body will eat."

Bao Fang: "My body is clear. It is because I always stay at home. I heard that the Tianshui area is very empty, and they have been bought by Bao Zixuan. I just went out to be dissipated. I have you are with you. Still worry, if a person is in the home, you are worried. "

The father of the package, the boat king will definitely satisfy, or you will not pay for the name of the father and the name in Kyoto, which is still very filial.

The big son-in-law Su Haiwen is even more no dare to have, Su Haiwen is principally engaged in shipping business in Asia to Europe. But now the largest manufacturing enterprises in Xiangjiang and the entire Asia are also a black cloud group. Black cloud goods is several times that other companies added, it is the most advantageous shipping company, but after the criminal bakery, it is hard to get a little business.

Black Cloud Group employees do not dare to give the product to Su Haiwen transport, isn't it to play the boss? After receiving the phone call, Su Haiwen is very happy, which is a good opportunity for a reconciliation. With Bao Xuan's reconcili means that it is possible to receive a shipping contract of Black Cloud, the core assets of the shipper family must have no play, it is better to operate this piece.

For the heads of the head, the bank is the most unhappy is the major banking institutions in Xiangjiang, which is worried that the affected affirmative non-Sumitomo Bank is not. At present, Black Cloud Group International Settlement Bank is them, and now Bao Zi Xuan opened the bank, the main business will definitely be handed over to its bank, Sumitomo Bank can get some disabled.

Let the Xiangjiang proved that his Sumitomi is very worried. If the black cloud business is damaged, the entire Xiangjiang market is affected. So, don't say that it is very difficult to keep the existing location.

He also knows that Bunzixuan has decided to stop, in order to cooperate after the relationship is not staminated, he still wants to bless people, Sumitomo Bank can create a hundred years cannot be lost because of the loss of a customer.

Summoyi has a bottom gas is a new point in the world, which is one of the largest banks in Japan. It is that Bao Zi Xuan also rely on Summan Bank in Japan, and the bank is not your business. Need constant accumulation, including outlets and customers.

Although the Black Cloud Bank relies high if the Junyun Group will be high, but in some countries and regions still rely on them. The loss of the Xiangjiang market is able to find back in other regions and an account of family.

At this moment, Yike has aimed at overseas. In this regard, Black Cloud Bank and Bunzi Xuan still rely on him, and the business of the Xiangjiang market is still very moist.

Xiangjiang Zhang family is also discussing the event of the opening of the black cloud bank, Zhang Yuliang asked her daughter: "What is the relationship between you and Bao Zixuan, how to contact it recently."

Zhang Ziran thought about it: "We are talking on the phone every day. Recently, there is nothing to bother him in the process of dealing with Hangbung Bank."

"This opening activity he not only gives the house, but also specially gave me a call. Invite me to the past, there will be surprises when I said."

The three ladies have rarely participate in the family's affairs. Since Zhang Tiran came back, he has slowly entered the core circle; this may be the mother!

Three ladies: "Master, then we have to support it this time!"

Zhang Yuliang: "We have some business with the black cloud, support it is also the temperament of people. But Bunzi Xuan is not me, Zhang Jia is not necessary to risfer to support this kid!"

Zhang Hairan said: "Our family should also vigorously support the Black Cloud Bank, otherwise it will let their Chinese laugh."

Zhang Yuliang and three laughed, three ladies said: "Although Bao Zixuan is the rivers of Xiangjiang, but the bank still needs customers. This can be different in the industry, our Zhang family should also support it."

Zhang Yiliang has long been looking for Bao Zixuan to talk about it. It is better than yourself about the situation between China and English. Zhang's future is immigrant or left-behind, has not made a determination. This time, it is good to support a good feet. As for the son-in-law, he really didn't dare to do such a hypothesis. After all, there is too much interest.

At the same time, the gambling Wang Yongsheng was also prepared to come over the opening ceremony of the Xiangjiang Bank, although now focusing on the casino. However, the things in Xiangjiang are very concerned that, although Bunzixuan prohibits employees from coming over gambling, it is not much about it, but what is not much about this point. The face is still to give it, or you will not see you next time.

The only thing that makes the gambling king is that heard that Ye Han will pass, and he also heard that his relationship with Baoxuan is good. Since the opening of the racing car, there is a lot of business, and the two people have contradictory.

As for the Tongbao Xuan's more close, Huo Yingdong and Dong Haoyun, the whole family mobilized, the head is rich, but it has never organized a large activity. The first time I need someone to join.

Bao Zixuan did not know that the Black Cloud Bank opened the rivers in Xiangjiang, he did not think that his influence will be so big, and the idea is still not fully transformed.

Fortunately, the infrastructure in the Tianshui area has been constructed, otherwise it is not a mess.

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