The Governor Youde also didn't want to waste time on HSBC's incident, if things did not stop it. Now things have been made in the foregoing, they can only find ways to make up for it, rather than thinking about how to suppress HSBC. This is not his original intention, nor the results he want.

Now I heard the deep saying, I feel very reasonable, it seems that Shen Yizhen is not a place, and the key moment can still come up. He also don't want this all the troubles that HSBC is provoked. If there is no HSBC's $ 10 billion, Morgan Bank has already retired.

Yude sorted out the clothes: "It is indeed a responsibility for pursuit of investigation, and considering how to solve the dilemma in front of you. Every moment HKD is depreciated, you need to have money to pay for the HKD exchange rate. If you can't use the current speed depreciation for a long time, you will become a waste paper, which is a disaster for the ordinary people in Xiangjiang. "

"Banheng as the rivers of Xiangjiang, and the Black Cloud Bank recently absorbed many foreign exchange deposits. I hope that you can put down your achievements and HSBC."

Baozi Xuan heard a named name, so I said: "I have some funds to support one, but I don't dare to guarantee that HSBC will not be black off. The opponent is not terrible, terrible is the allies behind the knife. In HSBC can't guarantee that the black cloud refuses to shoot if there is no knife behind it, he daresters. "

I heard himself, Shen Wei wanted to worry. But I also know that now is not the time, such as HSBC is so hard to let Bao Zi Xuan look well, must put the black cloud bank to slap the gas.

Bao Zixuan said that other banks of other banks also attached, these are the Lords who don't want to pay. Can you hide who wants to go, Bao Zixuan is the goal is too big.

Youde has heard that there is a fund, it will do it. It is indeed controlling HSBC, or it is really like Bao Zi Xuan said that there is a black hand behind it, and the Xiangjiang economy is really not saved.

Youude: "How to control HSBC, as long as it is an opinion rational Hong Kong government will be supported."

Bunzi Xuan: "HSBC can now declare holiday, do not handle any business outside the job during the clean government public service. Only in this way, we have no worries. At the same time, all foreign exchanges in the HSBC Bank are given to the Hong Kong Government, of course this behavior Short-term. "

"White is white, I don't believe in HSBC, there is no HSBC to join Hong Kong dollar will be strong."

I heard that I was still sitting here, I stood up and said: "Bao Zi Xuan, don't you think this is too much? HSBC does not have a serious impact on the bank's reputation, will let the depositors lose trust."

Some people in the scene did not expect Bunzi Xuan to be so embarrassed. No HSBC participation really allowed Hong Kong dollars to stabilize.

Everyone is not in the heart.

Youde: "Now the economic environment of the Xiangjiang has made investors to nose. If HSBC suspension, it is more snowing to the current fragile Xiangjiang economy, is it careful to consider it."

Bao Zi Xuan: "I have said this is a short-term behavior. Time will not be too long. After all, HSBC provides money to provide funds to the opponent. Don't tell me, because we have to take the truster silver In the market, the international tourism is confronted. Once HSBC has a mistake, or the following people make mistakes, our loss will be tens of millions of HK $ more than even. "

"If the Governor is guaranteed to HSBC, I will choose to believe. But I will not try to maintain the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars, which is only half of the strength, otherwise HSBC anti-water I have no chance to turn over. "

"Please consider the governor, after the guarantee, HSBC will trust you in the question of the problem of the river. These are not my alarmist, but the fact that may happen."

Shen Wei: "I can guarantee you that HSBC will never have a similar problem. If I have resigned in the appearance of my Shen Yu."

Baohaus-Sanderson, but I don't want to lying on this, and I dare to believe. So say: "I don't believe in the Ban Bank. I don't believe in the credibility of HSBC. After all, there is something in one, it may be in the second, in three. But you can exchange HSBC's foreign exchange to Hong Kong dollars to deposit bank This can also alleviate the trend and speed of Hong Kong dollar decline. "

Almost all banks have the same idea, the head is rich and dare to bring HSBC. Then explain that there is already a countermeasure. After all, it is still a black cloud bank.

Shen Wei: "I have no way to agree, I must report the board of directors."

Bao Zi Xuan: "Which is not easy to come here today, the governor and HSBC are not optimistic about the Xiangjiang economy, I have a businessman."

Youde: "If you are saying, can you guarantee that the HKD credit system will not collapse!"

Bunzi Xuan: "I will take all foreign exchange reserves to fight against international tourism as the first, unsuccessful, but also, if this failed black cloud is at least more than 20 billion US dollars."

I heard that Yude seems to have a big determination, so I said: "HSBC must exchange all the foreign exchange held in Hong Kong dollars, then stop the business and rectification. What time does the opening portal will notice separately, Banks can supervise this matter. "

Of course, it is certainly impossible to agree to this decision, so he said tough: "There is no right to do this, and any business behavior of HSBC is its own internal condition; other institutions have no right to guide the hand."

Sinking is clear, that is, telling you that HSBC's things can't, even if it is a Hong Kong government. This makes Yude are very angry, indifferent: "Shen Dab class, you may forget. Other banks, my governor has no way, but as the conventional banks of Xiangjiang need to cooperate with some of the governments and financial actions."

"I advise you still don't do unnecessary resistance, Hong Kong dollar fell so powerful, you can't do it. As for Huifeng Bank's foreign exchange, I will let the Xiangjiang other banks will be exchanged, provided that this HKD crisis end After that, everyone has no opinion! "

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I agree with the resolution of the governor, the Black Cloud Bank will definitely give HSBC exchange any foreign exchange that they need, as long as the foreign exchange in our bank can be. Maybe this crisis ends HSBC can also earn A big pen! I have a very confident in Hong Kong dollars, especially if there is no one in the case of the legs, it will be appreciated. "

Baohaus-Sanderson said with a smile: "I also realize that the governor's saying, such as the crisis will be given to HSBC needs what foreign exchange residue is also willing to help."

"This time I have a break, I also give us a chance to experience a later generation."

Baohaus Sanderson saw that Bunzixuan had a bottom gas and reported this HKD crisis to optimistic attitude. The head of the bag is not done, and today I will get 5% of the coin coin today, this is a big progress. At least in the power of the coin, it is possible to sit flat with HSBC, which is a dream of several generations of the Sanderson family. Nowadays, in his hands, it has increased its position in the status of the family.

Shen Wei saw the wood has become, knowing that the governor Yude's heart has been decided. At this time, I feel that Bunxuan has long known that HSBC will give money to Morgan Bank. It is found that there is no blocking but let the transaction are reached. Is it true that this kid really has any hands or ambassador. This young man is becoming more scary, it seems that he will have to win the twelve spirit in his face.

Yude immediately arranged a person to check the HSBC, it can be said that the speed is very fast. Faster, Pu Weishi and Mo Can have been drinking tea in the ICAC, and Yude is also worried about Pu Mei. If it is not too good to be too good for so many people, it is not too temper.

Now I have changed some ideas in my heart, and I spend such a big price to acquire US banks to the base value is not worth it. There is no optimism that is already so optimistic. This time HSBC lost too much, the board of directors can not pass two.

Now I can only send it to the US market, don't let yourself disappointed, HSBC's globalization is imperative. Xiangjiang returns to a topic that can't be opened. He always thinks that the pain will be temporary, and these distress will not exist after HSBC digestion. It can be said that it is also a very stubborn person, and it is said that it is not good to handle this matter.

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