Shen Wei knows that the situation is unable to recover, the only thing that can be done is to work well with the Hong Kong government, and all exchange reserves of HSBC will be exchanged into Hong Kong dollars.

The Hong Kong dollar crisis did not lift HSBC on the day of the day, and it also mean that the loan time of the Morgan Bank will also be wasted. His ideas now have to resolve things, then in the integration of HSBC global resources overwhelming other banks.

Pu Men has been removed to drink tea, Shen Yu and fully cooperate. The Finance Services staff is more direct, they don't care about the loss of HSBC. As long as there are Hong Kong dollars on the market, they will be exchanged with local HSBC's foreign exchange reserves, which makes Morgan Bank professional trader.

How is HSBC's first bank in Xiangjiang, and there is also a number in international. However, how can an operation be so amateur, even the basic operations are not clear, what is going on?

Morgan Bank Xiangjiang, Oaklai, is a mist, what is the meaning of Shen Wei. This is just redeeming the Morgan Bank to redeem Hong Kong dollars, get the shares of the Ocean Milan Bank; starting the river and dismantling bridge to use foreign exchange reserves to buy Harbin.

HSBC will not participate in the war, but Oklai is guaranteed to the family. Now it is so simple, directly, even there is a kind of gas for the Morgan Bank, so that Morgan Bank is not angry.

Oklai quickly went to the phone and wanted to ask what happened. After the abandonment, I also want to develop the United States. It is not the acquisition of a small bank, and there is no more than the Morgan family. Help HSC will survive in the United States.

The banking industry needs to be able to develop in any country to develop, not to mention this is a powerful beauty. HSBC dares to play Morgan's family, don't want to come over the United States, or they think that the Morgan family is not enough.

But let Oklai did not think that Shen Yu actually didn't answer the phone, what is the meaning of it. After using it, I don't want Morgan Bank. I can't let you feel comfortable. Oklai quickly called the driver to take him to HSBC headquarters.

Shen Wei now answers the call to Morgan, this is not to tell the Xiangjiang people to sell themselves! At this time, I can't hide this time, how can I let Oklai find him.

When Oaklai came to HSBC headquarters, he saw that it was already in a half-stop state, and only some of the employees handled foreign exchange business. Other business will be suspended. Don't say sink, HSBC's other high levels are not in the office.

Seeing this situation he knows that HSBC may have an accident, and Shen Wei is very likely to be controlled.

After Oklai left HSBC, I feel that things should be not as simple, and quickly report the situation to the country.

This Morgan Bank did the head of the heads of Harbor, is William-Morgan, which is the relatives of Reher - Morgan. After listening to Xiangjiang, in the operation of all branches of HSBC, HSBC is likely to be hosted by the government. In other words, the Xiangjiang government has reached the point of the mountain, after all, directly taken over the central bank's behavior in the world.

William Morgan believes that there is no way as long as the HSBC foreign exchange reserves are expensive, so they are orders to increase the strength and amount of airbornes in various financial markets.

HSBC foreign exchange reserves more than 40 billion US dollars, so the three-day Morgan Bank did not occupy cheap, but HSBC's foreign exchange reserves have left, if the loan has expired, the Morgan Bank took 100 billion Hong Kong coins, HSBC absolutely Unlucky.

Seeing the bank has this situation, Shen Xi is busy again holding a board. This time, all directors must participate, and now it is the moment of HSBC's life and death, no matter how you want to give shareholders. In small shareholders, there is also the right to know, or it is also very troublesome.

At this time, there are many staff members in HSBC, and Shen Wei did not put the meeting on the bank, but arranged in a hotel under HSBC.

For this board, the board of directors did not receive any guests three days ago, Shen Yizhen even the directors living in the UK were called. There is no time to send representatives to participate, after all, things are too big, and each person is closely related.

After more than 100 years of development, HSBC has already qualified to participate in the board, Shen Wei knows that it is necessary to keep the position of the big class and see the attitude of shareholders. At this time, there is nothing in his heart.

Sitting in the masterpiece: "You should already know that the Hong Kong Government has closed the industry to rectify the HSBC, and the general manager of the bank, the credit department manager Mo Can drive, drink tea in the clean government."

"Why do you have some shareholders who have already known this, we have provided funds to the Morgan Bank. In exchange for the control of Ocean Milan, that is, we have a bank in the United States, the channel in the United States has been opened. "

"This is a dream of HSBC generations. It is a very happy thing to achieve in our hands. However, HSBC has also paid a decline in coin, suspension of business, high-rise being investigated, and all foreign exchange reserves must be used to save the city The price. "

"The Government meets, I don't dare to admit that I can proud to everyone at the board of directors, these are all I agree. Purdan and Mo Keyuan are executing my order, in order to make HSBC lose smaller, they choose Put the responsibility to the top package for me. "

"I am not a person who is afraid, nor is it a person who makes the subordinate back to the black pot. Now they are surveyed than anyone, but I have no choice for HSBC."

"Hua Ying's negotiations in Xiangjiang have not had a clear result, and Xiangjiang will not be known in the future. If HSBC can't achieve globalization, it will be very passive."

"Once HSBC has lost some rights, we will have no advantage in Xiangjiang. One bank can't just look at a place, so I hope that HSBC can achieve globalization, and there are our branches in any corner of the world."

"I want HSBC to grow for a long time, we have to give customers more choices. Customers choose HSBC to handle the exchange business in any corner of the world, this is my purpose."

"The opportunity to achieve this goal is in front of you. For HSBC, I chose to cooperate with the opponent. This is indeed sorry for the people of Xiangjiang, but the development space will be more broad, and the prospect is more clear."

"Today, the board is to listen to what opinions; which is thinking that Shen Yu is wrong, I can return to let the sages, as long as the successor can serve the HSBC service, I don't have any questions."

It can be said that this trick is very clever, and the general manager of the future class candidates are closed in the ICAC. There is no one in the rest of the people, and the prestige can be competent, and now it is a rotten stall. HSBC shareholders will think that there is no one in the sinking.

Moreover, it is to do this for HSBC to achieve global strategic goals, which may be greatly affected. From the long-term perspective, HSBC does not suffer.

A directors who have a good relationship with Shen Yan said: "Shen Day class, we believe in you. Although HSBC lost some interests, but these rights will be able to keep it! Everyone understands that Xiangjiang returns HSBC has been recovered. Early morning and evening. At this time, the US acquisition of bank is indeed a chance to be a thousand years. This time, Morgan's bank has to ask us. Morgan has to come out to acquire Ocean Milan Bank, HSBC does not only cost the tremendous price, US Commerce Department Can I ratify that this acquisition is not necessarily. "

"Directors should use the development of the eye to see the problem, HSBC will only be invincible."

At this time, the shareholders who have a little bigger in HSBC are all British, and some people feel that there is reasonable. After all, after the Huaxia returned to Xiangjiang, it will become innocent. HSBC globalization can be seen. After all, the Ocean Milan Bank is placed.

In addition to the discipline of individual directors, most directors have done a trust ticket for Shen Wei. In other words, Shen Yizhen is still staying in Huifeng Bank's class, which makes his heart put it down half. The rest is to deal with the follow-up of Morgan Bank loans. Now it seems to have only a good discussion with several other banks. The most important is Black Cloud Bank, or it is required to help Bunxuan. I know that this time I have to pay a lot, but I have no choice.

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