Anjira-Rosierd left Bunzi Xuan office, after all, the bank's things have been talked. The first fortune of the package has been to the righteousness, that is, the most open bank is like this.

However, this woman is a little can't understand. If you want to bypass the Roslude family with the black cloudwork cooperation is really Bunxuan, now I don't understand it, I think that in France, I know that I am going to Poland to Poland in France. I know that this is not A simple role. It seems to be careful in the future, such a woman is too eye, if it is slightly not paying, it will be trapped.

Now not consider these problems, still think about the evening giving dinner! The Arab and Jews can eat together, and only the head of the head is doing so. In the Middle East, there is very rare. I didn't expect to be able to do it in Xiangjiang, and I have broken some records.

In fact, it is more tense than Bunxuan, but he really doesn't want to pick up this single business. As the Iraqi Jew, it is too much to understand the contradiction between the two nations, and there will be no solutions in the grace complaints for thousands of years. I am really worried about them in my own hotel this evening, and the peninsula hotel is going to be famous in front of the world, but this name is really don't want to come out.

Mi Gao - Jia Dao is not thinking about this business, but he really doesn't dare. First in the Peninsula Hotel, the thank you, but Bao Zi Xuan is a matter, he does not dare to cover his head. In that, what is the good business people can think of you, and the way is blocked.

Another point he doesn't dare to sin, Israel and Saudi, one is his own family, one is the boss of the Middle East Arab world. I can't afford to sin. So this evening - Jiaogao cancelled the hotel's restaurant service, that is to say, only the Bun Zixuan is a wave of customers at night. It is also a loss to the Peninsula Hotel, but it is nothing more than a safety.

When Baozi Xuan came to the peninsula Hotel, he saw that Mi Gao - Jia Dao was in the hotel lobby, but sincerity is full. I saw a slightly cleavage crowd, and the buns Xun said: "How have you recently not very good?"

Mi Gao - Jia Dao: "To tell the truth, I really admire you, actually dare to let the Jews and the Arabs are eating and open a press conference. I think this year Nobel Peace Award should grant you, the average person is really Dare to do this. "

"I have witnessed the contradiction between the two nations. It is not easy to be calm and sitting down. You can only show that the face is big. But you are also worried that the banquet is accident, so today's hotel is not working outside, just entertaining you enough "

After listening to Mi Gao - Jia Daoguo finished, Bao Zi Xuan feels that you are young and consequences. At first, it was just for the music and province, but I forgot the issue of national contradictions. Now, in the 1980s, it was the most nervous time in the Middle East. It is estimated that he dares to do it. It is the Americans who will not be so impulsive. It seems that I still have to pay attention.

The problem of the Middle East in the future is relatively good,

At least there is no hurray now; and often eruptions. Entering 21 The World With the end of the Middle East, there is no country, it is possible to threaten Israel, so relatively peaceful. This is also the case that the world is only signed, and the reason for the banquet is to hold the banquet. It is not a fearlessness.

Bun Zixuan: "I will be troubled to you. I thought it was too simple to put the problem. Today, your loss is borne, and there are a lot of business, happy."

Mi Gao - Jia Dao Li dare to make the bag of the rich to bear the loss, and the most important thing is not lost. If you have to transfer it to the Jia Daoji family in the Middle East, then hurry: "Don't say this, you can think that I am already taken care of me. I am arranged this evening, I am in the middle and Dongdong people However, it is better to understand the two countries than others. "

Baozi Xuan did not stay too much, came to the banquet hall. Today, the Peninsula Hotel contributes the biggest banquet hall, and considering that there is no other person in black clouds, and the banquet hall is still empty.

The Arabs are basically not drinking, and the Jews are not a lot to drink. Good in the Middle East "Middle East" Middle East ", other than the Jug, or not.

The Black Cloud Group came over to participate in the dinner, and the people who were going to the Middle East were also familiar with the two countries in advance. After seeing the representatives of Saudi and Israel have come to the banquet hall, the host invited Bunxuan to talk to you a few words. After all, as the master, this is the minimum polite problem, and the black cloud that is about to go to the Middle East. Employees are encouraged and spur.

Baozi Xuan stood in the stage of the stage: "Welcome friends from the Middle East, you can trust the black cloud for you, and choose to work with the Black Cloud Group I can guarantee it to you." Black Cloud Group will give you this Trust, we will take the biggest sincerity, participate in the project with the most full of work. "

"At the same time, you will also please after the black cloud employees reach your country, please be sure to protect their personal safety. At the same time, the Government of your country can try to meet their requirements under the premise of unauthorized local laws, policies, customs."

"In addition, I have to say a saying of employees who are about to work in the Middle East. You have worked in the past. Be sure to abide by local customs and religious beliefs, especially for women in the Middle East, don't be so curious. Make people's forbidden companies, don't matter, don't have to go to the Middle East. The purpose of paying huge subsidies is to limit your other thoughts. It is not necessary to work in the factory, don't be so curious about others. "

"You have the past to build our factory, and there is no relationship with all things. Whoever violates the principle, the Black Cloud Group will not only manage you, but also actively cooperate with the local government."

"In short, you have been in order to work in the past. It is not a big master; now who wants to repent, I will not force anyone, I hope you can keep in mind the mission, I don't forget the initial heart."

Baozi Xuan is speaking in English, many people understand. This past engineer basically has a background, and English is a little meaning.

The head of the head is also worried about the bad things, the most important Middle East China Policy is too unstable. In the factory, there is also the protection of local governments and black cloud security personnel. After going out, it will not necessarily have anything.

And the Arab woman is surrounded by the head towel, most of the engineers are young people in the 20s; if there is anything that is curious to make unnecessary moves, when people are not married, if the woman is married, it is not a quick !

The traditional concept of Arab women is very strong, and it is most important to be very beautiful. Which engineer did not endure the peeking people, and finally what kind of things were normal.

Currently, it can only be a prevention needle, and the key is to rely on personal consciousness. Now I have discovered that other high-tech companies are not willing to go to the Middle East, and they are estimated that they have considered women. Women in the Middle East have rarely work, some delicate lives can only hire from field, this invisibly increases the cost of corporate cost.

I heard Bunzu is mainly to warn employees to comply with local laws and customs, so that the leaders of the two countries are very happy. Since they can say these as they say, there must be some role to supervise them.

Israel is really worried that the black cloud staff holiday is chaotic, after all, the sound of the security environment is really no. Many people often attack, if they blend a few black clouds, they are not satisfactory. Now I heard Bunxuan's initiative to make employees don't do things, then just protect the factory. The corresponding security requirements are also much lower, and there is no more military expenditure to save the country.

The princes of Surdan have a background of study abroad, and English is not more than buns. I heard the customs of customs and habits, so that he is very gratified.

If there is any black cloud employee stealing arabic women, it is really difficult. Penalty is light and easy to produce civil changes, and the punishment is not good for the Black Cloud Group. After all, people have invested in Saudi. It's because I have seen a woman, I have been severe punishment and I can't say it.

Prince Surdan, who lives in Europe and America, knows that these countries are most normal in Europe and the United States. Now Baozi Xuan has already explained in advance, so as long as Saudi is guaranteed to make a good logistics.

Nothing more than spending some money! As long as it is a problem that the money can solve, it is never a problem for Saudi.

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