After Bao Zi Xuan, I walked to the prince of Surdan. After all, the other party is old, the status is in the existence of one number, is Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shamir.

Seeing Bunzi Xuan, Prince Surdan also welcomed. Bao Zi Xuan as the owner can see him in the first time after the end of the words. At least the degree of respect for yourself is still very high, and the action is more important than any discourse.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thanks to the king of the kings to enjoy light. Today, I think that there is no week. Some idle, I can only make the Saudi plant in the future."

The princes of Surdan, of course, know what Bao Zi Xuan said, but since things have happened. If the Saudi is too pound, it is a small amount of pounds. Isn't it a joke?

Prince Surdan: "These are small things, our purpose is to do things in the fastest speed. Saudi and I don't solemn, as the Middle East big country, we will show that there should be, please rest assured. "

When Bao Zixuan heard that the black group's face was getting bigger and bigger, it was really able to make Saudi and Israel showed a heart flatness and sitting together. However, he will not continue to let go as much as the influence is increasing, and it is easy to harm the dead.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you for your big, I believe that our cooperation in our future will be very happy."

Now that two people do not easily talk together, but they can't let him leave. If this is, it is definitely to find a Jew, and there is still a lot of things that I have not to teach Baozi Xuan.

Prince Surdan is officially said: "Mr. Bao is an expert in economic and science and technology. I have a problem that I have always want to ask you. I hope you can answer me, this king will be grateful."

Bao Zixuan did not expect this old kid to suddenly be so confident, but the other party became "you", and if you have to answer, how to say where the other party is.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Don't be polite in the kings, as long as I know what I know, I know all, I don't want to say."

Prince Surdon: "Saudi's economic model is too single, all the world knows Saudi-pro-oil. Other aspects have no influence in the world; if you want the official of Saudi, how to solve this problem. In addition I found The strength of the battery produced by the Black Cloud Group is very high. When do you feel can replace the internal combustion engine with electric vehicles. "

I heard that Bao Xuan's heart will really wear a high hat, and the economy and scientific experts are not white. It is really an economic issue, a scientific issue.

It is difficult to see yourself.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "You just do this, don't have much concerns. After coming to Xiangjiang, I found too much behind. If this will be dangerous, I can only fall Tools for some big countries. "

Bao Zi Xuan thought that it would be able to fill in Americans. Saudi has excessive investment in other fields, and it will reduce it accordingly. In invisible, it is really a chance to have this Soviet, if the old Mao is finished, there is nothing. And the Saudi develops Americans will not always stare at themselves, and the big brothers are worried that the younger brother's strength is too strong.

Baozi Xuan: "This problem is too big, but since the king of the kings asked me in the private status. If you don't answer, you are not enough."

"I can only publish some shallow people, I have done some investigations when I am preparing to invest in Saudi, or this time I am absolutely shameful."

"Saudi wants to develop in many ways such as technology, economy, education, and environment, and education are complementary. Only by education, the country is naturally improved accordingly."

"Saudi can rely on King University to develop its own research projects, the best of the oil derivatives around the oil derivatives. In this regard, your country should have corresponding technical reserves, and the raw materials are a huge advantage of Saudi."

"You can also set up the Saudi Royal Academy, recruit engineers and scientists globally. It is not necessarily full, some can be honorable. However, they ask them to come over Saudi lectures, and the Saudi Room can fund their research projects."

"This can be recruiting the top scientists around the world. Even if the top scientists can't stay in Saudi; they can be Tao Li full of the world, just a doctor coming to Saudi is a success."

"The economy, in addition to oil outside the oil, can also build an ecological and tourism industry around the desert, can develop solar power equipment. If the Saudi government is interested in the relationship between the Black Cloud Group, we can work together to develop this project."

"Black Cloud has passed the computer through the computer, and Saudi only needs to take a 10% desert area to lay a solar panel to meet the electricity problem of the entire Middle East."

"At the same time, you can plant drought-resistant green plants in other areas of the desert. Saudi people are unwilling to do life in the Middle East, other Arab brothers."

"Such Saudi can rely on the desert to engage in special tourism, invisible to increase income. Many people seem to be a wasteland, but I don't think so. Although I can't plant plants, it is invisible. The sun is favored. With sufficient solar resources, if reasonable use of power generation can not only meet the domestic life and production needs, but also exported to other Arab brothers. "

"As for your battery energy strength and replace the internal combustion engine problem, black clouds also have been studied. If the electric car will form in accordance with the current speed of 2030, the electric car will form a sales volume of the internal combustion engine car, you can do it, unless there is an emergence Otherwise, it is impossible. "

"Many countries don't have so much power supply. If all Japanese cars are driven by electricity. Then the whole country is consuming, so it is not so easy to completely replace the internal combustion engine."

"Not every country has Saudi such a wide and relatively calm desert. In my opinion, this is the endless belongings."

"The sand is highly high, which can be used to produce glass and chips; the sun can collect a lot of solar energy; while also developing a special tourism industry. Saudi is just too focused on oil mining, there is no finding that in fact, the desert is not one "

Baozi Xuan's words made Siertan princes, and there are so many uses in the desert, and they don't know before. Baozi Xuan is also really able to turn waste into treasure, found that the silicon element content in sandstone in Israel is high, which is not aware of the savvy Jew.

Although I don't like Jews, it is necessary to be sure for their savvy on business. Bao Zixuan can find that the Jews have not discovered the business opportunities, which itself explains many problems.

At this point, it seems that Saudi's desert zone is really a big article, go back must discuss a few brothers.

In fact, Bunzu Xuan let Saudi to develop domestic deserts to reduce the size of them to buy US Treasury; the funds are so much, I have to engage in domestic infrastructure construction, you can't make me build!

In that, it is really bullying, the Soviets are still there, Americans are not too much. As long as the oil transaction continues to use the dollar, Americans will not say more.

In addition, Bao Zi Xuan is not a little bit of gas, but in Poland, I found a sun paper left by German scientists. The German scientists in the cerebral cave have made detailed analysis of absorption of solar energy, and many of the material applications is much better than the future.

Baozi Xuan feels that this is the true alien technology when analyzing the technical information, or the German scientists can develop such a powerful absorption sun energy material. It is not used in weapons now, but it is not a certain problem, and even some are small.

Just invest excessive investment, and the area of ​​the required field is not small. If Saudi is really interested, you can pull them in, so that the fund pressure will be much smaller, and it is not necessary to worry about product sales.

Prince Surdan said with a smile: "You have an old saying in China, called listening to the monarch, winning a ten-year book. Today I understand what it means."

"This conversation makes me excited than you have established the role in Saudi, this is to find a road to Saudi development. I will go back to negotiate with the king. I really hope that you can come over Saudi."

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