Thanks that the dinner is very fast, after all, everyone has something to do. Black Cloud employees will go to the destination with the Middle East, where to do the early investigation and planning.

The first engineer will take a special plane from two countries as a pre-test staff, and the rest of the employees will carry mechanical equipment to take the role aircraft and ships. This doesn't need Bunxuan's super-heart. At present, although the Operation team of the Black Cloud Group is not particularly excellent, it can have never been leakage.

Baozi Xuanyuan plans to visit Zhangjia next day, Zhang Yuliang has passed Zhang Yuliang to invite several times, but after the end of the HKD crisis, Baozi Xuan is beginning to discuss cooperation with the Middle East, leading to time.

It should be a very happy mood, and it is a new son-in-law for the first time; but because the media reports let everyone feel unpleasant.

At the press conference, Bao Zixuan admitted to meet with the new Hong Kong sister, this can be smashed. Xiangjiang's Media is that you can still write something, let alone have a recognition of each other, nor is it a hole.

Xinjin Hong Kong sister Liang Yun has just signed a contract with the wireless TV station, which is originally planned. But it is found that this girl doesn't matter. Whether it is singing or acting, there is no feature, and a lot of runner-up is a lot.

At this time, I broke out with Xiangjiang River Bao Zi Xuan belong to Qingmei, and the photos of two people were also reported. Xiangjiang Rich is a traditional, this suddenly smells the media.

Baozi Xuan originally should be the favorite figure of Xiangjiang newspaper, male, multi-gold, white hand, but let them disappoint this man can't find a little gossip news.

Xiangjiang citizens are not all like to watch financial reports every day. Many people like to see the gossip between the stars and the rich. However, in addition to the debut in the news conference, the head is rarely appeared in the public vision, and there is a woman, especially the female star. I heard that every day, in addition to the office is in the laboratory, such people don't like it.

But now the situation is different, the bag is the first rich and recognizes the new Ji Hong Kong, the young Mei Zhama. This gives the unlimited delusion space, and entertainment reporters have also begun to play their amazing imagination.

Wall Street Journal mainly reports how much Bao Zi Xuan is worth more than 100 billion US dollars. What is the concept, and it is not too much to use rich enemy. Black cloud is not a listed company, this is not a market value, but a real asset.

People who see newspapers feel that Bunxuan is really money, but there is no think of him. Because these are there without much relationship with them, life will continue, and work will also be done.

However, the report of Xiangjiang gossip media will give people a sense of novel,

In detail, the female friend of Bunzi Xuan Jichao Horse is also the new Jincang sister champion Liang Yunrui. Many media have used Lang Talent's appearance as a title, and there are some title of Qingmei bamboo horse.

Baozi Xuan's talent world is recognized, Liang Yunrui is naturally a matter of championship, so this title does not have a problem.

The cause is that the media will leave from the black cloud, many reporters go directly to the wireless TV station. Liang Yunri is playing, and the male protagonists have already admitted that they will see how the heroine responds.

Seeing so many media have come over to interview themselves, Liang Yun also has some hair. Because he didn't know what happened, he saw that the media had a lesion that would not give up the vows, even after gaining the Hong Kong sister champion, there was no such high concern. Let a girl who only 20 years old, some don't know what it is, and there is still a lot of senior brokers in the wireless TV station. It is a good opportunity to see this situation, and immediately began to arrange media to interview Miss Liang.

Although it is basically a gossip medium, it can also play a huge propaganda. Xiangjiang star itself is not particularly high, and it is very good to have gossip media.

Just asked the reporter who took photos at the press conference: "Miss Liang, hello! This photo is available in your home, as the new Hong Kong sister, we just want to show your child to the public, think Let Xiangjiang citizens understand your childhood life. But after getting a photo, after repeated comparison and interview your family. We found an amazing secret, this secret is also confirmed this morning. That is to take pictures with you. The little boy is actually the chairman of the Chairman of the Xiangjiang Rich, I don't know what impressed in this photo. "

Of course, the media is excited. It has previously reported that there is a thing of Bao Zixuan 20 years old. When I was a child, I would like to say that I didn't know anything, I wanted to get information, I can only pass the happiness of Baoxuan Mother. But if you dare to disturb the quiet, you will definitely be able to live.

It is said that there are 8 bodyguards for a long time, the most important old people are very low, and the wealth of the same bag is similar. I rarely appear in the public vision, and many media are guts and can't find opportunities. Now I actually find Bun Zixuan when I found a photo of Bunxuan at home, how can I not excite them?

I heard that the little boy in the beginning is the river of Xiangjiang, and there is no reaction between Liang Yifeng. If today is not April Fool's Day, this world is too crazy.

Liang Yun Rui: "This photo girl you said is me, but the boy is my neighbor. That day is the 7th birthday, just invites people to come to the home. The child is just working back, the parents invite him and I Take this photo together. "

"But I didn't think he was so achieved. Now I can't believe that the Black Cloud Group Bao Zixuan is actually a neighbor when I am, after all, it is too big."

I heard that I finally found Bunxuan's childhood information, the media was very excited. As long as it is open to the breakthrough, it is estimated that the newspaper in the last half of months is not worried.

The reporter then said: "At this morning, the press conference is in Baozi Xuan already recognizes that he himself."

In fact, Liang Yunrui has never revealed that he knows the head of the bag, which is a propaganda of the gossip media in order to speculate. However, it seems that the effect is good, at least the parties have already admitted that next is the editorial to make the content.

I heard the people on Bao Zixuan to admit the photo of the photo is him, so that many brokers want to sign the Liang Yunrui directly. The bag must be able to let this Hong Kong sister champion big red purple, if they are further, they can't imagine.

The reporter then asked: "Miss Liang, you and Banheng belong to Qingmei Hua Ma. It is said that the birthday does not have a girlfriend. If he is pursuing you, what you choose."

I heard the reporter's question, many people were very excited. Baozi Xuan pursues still able to refuse, there is such a woman in the world!

Liang Yunrui: "I haven't considered this problem yet. After all, I am still very far away. We haven't seen it for more than 10 years. Today, you said that I only know that the neighbors of the original child are really rich."

"But I want to reject Bunxuan's pursuit in any woman in Xiangjiang, but everyone has no such opportunity."

I heard the Hong Kong sister did not deny that the gossip media knew that the material had already been, and the last did not matter. Many things are still reported to say that sales is king.

The reporter then asked: "Miss Liang, Mr. Bao Zixuan is a child, what is his academic performance."

On the one hand, some media still want to report a look at Bao Zi Xuan. This report, parents like it, after all, can educate children according to template.

Liang Yun Rui: "When the birth is a small study, it is very good. Almost every time you can test the first school. They only have two people in their family. So I am very sensible, in addition to going to school, I will help my mother to do housework at home. "

"I am more stupid, I also go to their home to find the birth of the birth. Basically, I can answer the first time; I can say it is very powerful."

"Because some reasons have been in contact after they move away, I have heard that he is admitted to the Oxford University, and after the matter, everyone knows. To tell the truth, I can't believe that the head is really a neighbor, I am a neighbor. Because this is really incredible. "

Liang Yun Rui's answer masonry, but the media did not want to report it, and the sales volume did not come.

So after processing reports appeared in the streets of Xiangjiang, it is the feeling of new Jin Hong Kong and Xiangjiang Richmond, and the parents of both sides are very satisfied with each other.

And the old lady has asked the girl to exit the entertainment circle, and peacefully worked at home. However, there is a much shorter rather than the report, but there is still a lot of people like this. This is more exciting than watching TV dramas, and can think of actual people; every day has new plots, everyone is more entertainment.

The gossip media reported that it was bits Bao Zi Xuan. After all, I went to Zhangjia to visit today; eight blame media did not report the evening not reported, this time I said that I will add myself!

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