Bao Zi Xuan has troubles, Zhang Tiran is also the case. Today, Baozi Xuan came to the family for the first time, and now I have a gossip in the sister of Xinjin, although she also knows that these are all the things of shadow, after all, two people are just a young neighbor, more than 10 years. Didn't see it, but today, this day is reported to be very troublesome.

She is only a girl in Zhangjia Sanfang, and the status at home is not high. That is, you can value some things for your father. This time I can take the rivership of Xiangjiang so that the family is very uncomfortable. Now I see that the media report has a sense of gloating.

In the morning, Zhang family has two distinct performances. One is to hope that Bunzi Xuan's main representative of Bunzi is a major representative character because of the report of gossip media.

The other is the large room, and all the two rooms have all their children. I saw that Bunzi Xuan actually tied to the new Hong Kong sister and was still green. If it is really a three-bedroom, the fox is definitely no play. Zhang Jia people feel that Zhang Tiran has no life. What kind of people can look at her.

If the three-bedroom daughter prices Xiangjiang richest, then the status of the three rooms at home can imitate, and if you lose your lord, you can't call it again. So sometimes you don't necessarily have a good thing in your wife and your child, and your woman is not absolutely less.

Baozi Xuan recently arranged very full of the itinerary of the altar. I went to Zhangjia this morning, and then he took a lunch. Then go to Huo Yingdong home, Xiangjiang Chinese Rich will trade in Huaxia Kyoto in Huo Yiben.

Huaxia once again issued an invitation, this year, the Xiangjiang Chinese Rich will experience the Chinese New Year in Kyoto and experience the annual taste of the Chinese traditional festival. Bunzu Xuan is the first person who will definitely go to the mainland's head, and it is still an object of the invitation of Huaxia.

I have to accept an interview with wealth magazine tomorrow morning, which is definitely necessary to pay a good job.

Although the effect and feelings of the same time when I met with Zhang Yuliang, it was not very good, but it was basically also the same, after all, protecting her daughter is the obligation of each father, Bao Zixuan is still so small.

Today is the first time to visit Zhang Leedan boyfriend to visit Zhangjia, no matter how to prepare for work, at least the number of gifts will be worn.

The tonic of the family took out some. In advance, I would like to have a good one. What kind of people are presented, and even the Zhang family has prepared a gift. Now I have to give up the identity of the richest, just a quasi-son-in-law. Zhangjia visited.

Although Zhang Ziran does not like the big room and the second room, but how can Bun Zixuan have to look at the family and a good, and there is a hint of showing off.

Can not be expressed outside,

After all, I don't want to let too many people know that Bun Zixuan is her boyfriend. However, since everyone knows, since everyone knows, let them look at the strength of this lady, please pay attention to your words and deeds. If you become a lady that day, Zhang Jia's property is calculated.

Bao Zixuan is basically 2 cars. After all, it is necessary to be more careful. I am also afraid that I have encountered the desperate and the consequences appear in front of them, and they can't cry.

When Bao Zi Xuan gave a car, Zhang Tiran has been waiting for him at the door. Seeing the head of the bag is preparing such a full Zhang Miss very well, and there is no more than what to say because of the report of the gossip media. If this kind of flying vinegar is eaten after eating It was in the vinegar.

However, Bao Zixuan can't explain, after all, today is the first time to visit. Just can't say such news, nothing to say, there is some special idea.

Bunzi Xuan: "Waiting for a long time! Today, the report on the gossip media is completely catching the shadow. When I saw the girl, he was less than 10 years old, and the two sides had not contacted more than 10 years. As for my mother, I never never Go back, so the report on the gossip media is completely non-told. "

"You said that I am too tempering to make them feel good, it seems to be a color to see. Otherwise I really think that I burn Xuan. My reputation is nothing to do, but let you misunderstand No should not. "

I heard the Bunzi Xuan explained that Zhang Glass was depressed and empty, and at least explained at least in this way. Especially afraid that he misunderstands his reputation, the girl can resist it.

Zhang Hairan: "I know what is the situation, the length is just that they are saying. As long as we trust each other, you can happiness together."

Bao Zixuan did not expect Zhang Tiran to be so good to understand, so he relieved, if you went home, a woman was able to worry.

At the same time, Zhang Tiran quickly helped people to help the bodyguards, and the heads of the bag must not be small.

Baozi Xuan gave everyone a gift in accordance with Zhang Ziran, and also wrote his name on the gift. It can be said that the consideration is very thoughtful, which makes Zhang Tiran feel the degree of bunxuan and paying for him.

Baozi Xuan handed a gift to Zhang Teiran, and he was directly to the study to chat. Zhang Yiliang wants to talk to a little sensitive, that is, the family does not want them to know.

Including Zhang Tiran is just to bring a gift to everyone in the living room, it is this good. Zhang Yiliang wants to do what women rarely participate. After all, where is the rules of the family, where they are easy, they can't dare to violate it.

After Zhang Yuliang, I went to Bunxuan, smiled and said: "I have long I want you to come over the family, 5 years ago, you will still blame me!"

Baozi Xuan: "Zhang Sheng said where to say, no one is this. Father protects the daughter's day, not to mention if there is no last one, I am not likely to be together, and there is no Zhang Sheng compensate the money black cloud The group also can't develop, it is developing and there is no current scale now, the most important to provide my entrepreneurial power and confidence. "

Zhang Yuliang did not expect Bun Zixuan so much, it seems that I really like my daughter so he relieved.

Zhang Yuliang: "You can think of this so much, we don't say that those unpleasant things before. This time I invite you to come over, I want to hear your views on the current situation."

Baozi Xuan knows that the former Zhang family seems to have went to several countries and regions, and staying in Xiangjiang. As long as the assets are transferred to Australia and the Americas, the time seems to be before Huying 's negotiations. It seems that it seems to be because of his appearance, let Zhang Yuliang will not be determined, after all, Zhang Jia is developing a hundred years in Xiangjiang, which is so easy to abandon the great situation.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Zhang Sheng's meaning is to ask about where the situation is."

Zhang Yuliang is also right, Bunzu Xuan has just invest in the Middle East. The situation in Xiangjiang is to have a severe Arabian Peninsula, so I will join us: I want to hear your views on the situation in Xiangjiang. You have close relationship with Huaxia mainland. Do you have to collect Xiangjiang in the mainland!

Baozi Xuan did not hesitate to say: "Huaxia Continent is inevitable, this is no need to do any doubts, and there is no room for bargaining."

I heard that Zhang Yuliang's heart was cold, and if Huaxia took back to Xiangjiang Zhang family, I would like to consider the future.

Seeing Zhang Yuliang's expression, Bao Zi Xuan just understood what it means, continue: "Zhang Sheng worried that the business was not good after Huaxia recovered back to Xiangjiang."

I heard Bao Zixuan and saw his idea. Zhang Yiliang did not hide, smiled and said: "There is such a concern that our old family has some industries between China, and later left because of some reasons."

I heard Zhang Yuliang, said that the Bao Zi Xuan finally understood what it means. The propaganda of the British media made many people worried that the policy had changed after the Huaxia returned to Xiangjiang. This is also one of the reasons why some old family left Xiangjiang.

It is not good to have more evaluation with these Bunxuan, but now you have the ability to guide it to a good aspect. Can't let the unscrupulous media are shot. Rich leaves too much to Xiangjiang can be a huge loss; no one wants to see such things.

Now, this ability is definitely going to lobby, since Zhang Yuliang has already started from him. Each of these families has a lot of wealth in each hand, and it is possible to stay in Xiangjiang to improve economic development. It is a single spending ability.

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